Granada Results from the Lowell Invitational at Golden Gate Park on 9/11/21
Boys Results and Stats
Switch to GirlsBoys Individual Results
Runner | Gr | Squad | Time | Pace | Dist | Place | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp![]() |
Last Year Time (Δ,%) |
Last Race Time (Δ,%) |
Last PR (Δ,%) |
Last DPR (Δ,%) |
Imprvmnts |
Bauman, Jacob | Sr | V | 15:01 | 5:20 | 2.82 | 20/186 | 5/7 | 5/17 | 1/26 | 15:35.72 (0:35,3.7) |
15:35.72 (0:35,3.7) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (LR, PR) | ||
Bromley, Erik | So | JV | 15:52.8 | 5:38 | 2.82 | 1/191 | 1/10 | 8/17 | 1/26 | |||||
Chen, Hastin | Fr | Fr | 13:54.3 | 6:32 | 2.13 | 36/213 | 3/9 | 6/15 | 6/23 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | ||||
Chong, Alex | So | So | 13:03.5 | 6:08 | 2.13 | 24/150 | 2/6 | 2/15 | 6/20 | |||||
Costello, Samuel | Sr | JV | 16:18.5 | 5:47 | 2.82 | 7/191 | 5/10 | 12/17 | 1/16 | |||||
Cuevas Gomez, Adrian | So | JV | 16:05.3 | 5:42 | 2.82 | 3/191 | 3/10 | 10/17 | 1/20 | |||||
del Mundo, Jayden | Jr | JV | 16:18.7 | 5:47 | 2.82 | 8/191 | 6/10 | 13/17 | 1/14 | |||||
Durban, Josh | Fr | Fr | 13:56.1 | 6:33 | 2.13 | 39/213 | 4/9 | 7/15 | 4/21 | |||||
Espinoza, David | Fr | Fr | 13:39 | 6:25 | 2.13 | 23/213 | 2/9 | 5/15 | 7/25 | |||||
Gray, Tanner | So | So | 13:32 | 6:21 | 2.13 | 48/150 | 3/6 | 4/15 | 10/19 | |||||
Gurusamy, Dheeraj | Jr | V | 14:21.8 | 5:06 | 2.82 | 5/186 | 1/7 | 1/17 | 5/31 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | ||||
Hart, Luther | Jr | V | 15:02.9 | 5:20 | 2.82 | 23/186 | 6/7 | 6/17 | 1/23 | |||||
Hussey, Nicola | So | So | 14:44.5 | 6:55 | 2.13 | 94/150 | 5/6 | 10/15 | 9/14 | |||||
Lai, Daniel | Jr | JV | 17:33.6 | 6:14 | 2.82 | 30/191 | 8/10 | 15/17 | 1/10 | |||||
Manley, Liam | Jr | V | 14:44.8 | 5:14 | 2.82 | 16/186 | 4/7 | 4/17 | 1/28 | |||||
McLaughlin, Jacob | So | So | 14:32 | 6:49 | 2.13 | 90/150 | 4/6 | 8/15 | 13/18 | |||||
Medrano, Julian | Fr | Fr | 14:47.4 | 6:57 | 2.13 | 79/213 | 6/9 | 11/15 | 4/17 | |||||
Mehta, Aarav | Fr | Fr | 20:14.6 | 9:30 | 2.13 | 204/213 | 9/9 | 15/15 | 9/10 | |||||
Mikhael, George | Fr | Fr | 14:43.9 | 6:55 | 2.13 | 75/213 | 5/9 | 9/15 | 5/19 | |||||
Moniz Armstrong, Jason | Jr | JV | 18:34.5 | 6:35 | 2.82 | 58/191 | 9/10 | 16/17 | 3/8 | |||||
Nellis Torres, Gabriel | So | So | 12:53.6 | 6:03 | 2.13 | 16/150 | 1/6 | 1/15 | 8/23 | |||||
Pierce, Daniel | Sr | JV | 18:35.8 | 6:36 | 2.82 | 60/191 | 10/10 | 17/17 | 3/8 | |||||
Prasanna, Rahul | Fr | Fr | 13:11.1 | 6:11 | 2.13 | 15/213 | 1/9 | 3/15 | 10/27 | |||||
Ruckmann-Barnes, Roland | Jr | V | 14:25 | 5:07 | 2.82 | 7/186 | 2/7 | 2/17 | 1/31 | |||||
Sauder, Hudson | Jr | JV | 16:00.5 | 5:41 | 2.82 | 2/191 | 2/10 | 9/17 | 1/24 | |||||
Sheinis, Ian | Jr | JV | 16:41.8 | 5:55 | 2.82 | 12/191 | 7/10 | 14/17 | 1/12 | |||||
Singh, Eshaan | So | V | 15:04.1 | 5:21 | 2.82 | 24/186 | 7/7 | 7/17 | 1/17 | |||||
Soriano, Farin | Jr | V | 14:30.3 | 5:09 | 2.82 | 9/186 | 3/7 | 3/17 | 1/30 | |||||
Tran, Tyson | Fr | Fr | 16:14.4 | 7:37 | 2.13 | 135/213 | 8/9 | 13/15 | 5/11 | |||||
Ventura, Noah | Fr | Fr | 15:10.3 | 7:07 | 2.13 | 94/213 | 7/9 | 12/15 | 4/14 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | ||||
Walton, Jake | Jr | JV | 16:08.2 | 5:43 | 2.82 | 4/191 | 4/10 | 11/17 | 1/17 | |||||
Wu, David | So | So | 17:31.6 | 8:14 | 2.13 | 133/150 | 6/6 | 14/15 | 11/13 | |||||
Runner | Gr | Squad | Time | Pace | Dist | Place | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ,%) |
Last Race Time (Δ,%) |
Last PR (Δ,%) |
Last DPR (Δ,%) |
Imprvmts |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago.
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of this course.
- PR = Set a new PR on this course. A "Course PR".
- PG = Beat personal goal.
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
- DPR = A "Distance Personal Record" - the personal best time considering distance only, not unique course characteristics. Applicable for 2, 2.48(4K), 3, and 3.1(5K) mile courses.
- DSR = A "Distance Season Record" - same as above, but for the current season only.
- DTW = "Displace to Win". This athlete, as the 6th or 7th runner on his/her squad, displaced scoring runners from a competitor enabling his/her team to finish ahead of that competitor.
- TB = "Tiebreaker". As the #6 athlete on his/her squad, this athlete was the tiebreaker enabling his/her team to finish ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Boys Team Results
Team | Rank of Finish | Time Gap |
Dist | Avg Pace | 1st Place Pace | 5th Place Pace | Points | Win Team Pace | Last Year Time (Δ,%) |
Last Race Time (Δ,%) |
Last PR (Δ,%) |
Improvements | Runners (Points) |
V 1st 5 | 1/26 | 73:03 0:39 |
2.82 | 5:11 | 5:06 | 5:20 | 57 | 5:11 | 74:11 (1:08,1.5) |
74:11 (1:08,1.5%) |
GRANADA PRIDE! (LR, PR) | Dheeraj Gurusamy (5), Roland Ruckmann-Barnes (7), Farin Soriano (9), Liam Manley (16), Jacob Bauman (20) | ||
So 1st 5 | 9/14 | 68:46 1:51 |
2.13 | 6:27 | 6:03 | 6:55 | 209 | 5:51 | 62:32 | 62:32 | Gabriel Nellis Torres (12), Alex Chong (19), Tanner Gray (39), Jacob McLaughlin (68), Nicola Hussey (71) | |||
JV 1st 5 | 1/16 | 80:25 0:26 |
2.82 | 5:42 | 5:38 | 5:47 | 16 | 5:42 | 81:46 (1:21,1.6) |
81:46 (1:21,1.6%) |
GRANADA PRIDE! (LR, PR) | Erik Bromley (1), Hudson Sauder (2), Adrian Cuevas Gomez (3), Jake Walton (4), Samuel Costello (6) | ||
JV 2nd 5 | 1/8 | 87:44 2:17 |
2.82 | 6:13 | 5:47 | 6:36 | 41 | 6:13 | 84:57 | 84:57 | Jayden del Mundo (1), Ian Sheinis (2), Daniel Lai (3), Jason Moniz Armstrong (17), Daniel Pierce (18) | |||
Fr 1st 5 | 5/19 | 69:24 1:33 |
2.13 | 6:31 | 6:11 | 6:55 | 158 | 6:13 | 66:54 | 66:54 | Rahul Prasanna (13), David Espinoza (21), Hastin Chen (31), Josh Durban (34), George Mikhael (59) | |||
Team | Rank of Finish | Time | Dist | Avg Pace | 1st Place Pace | 5th Place Pace | Points | Win Team Pace | Last Year Time (Δ,%) |
Last Race Time (Δ,%) |
Last PR (Δ,%) |
Improvements | Runners (Points) |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat team time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat team time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new Team Record for this course
- DTR = A "All-Time Distance Team Record" - the team (e.g. "V 1st 5", "JV 4th 5") best time considering distance only, not unique course characteristics. Applicable for 2, 2.48(4K), 3, and 3.1(5K) mile courses.
- SDTR = A "Season Distance Team Record" - same as above, but for the current season only.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Individual Race Results - Boys V
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp![]() |
Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
1 | Jeremy Kain | Sr | Scotts Valley | 14:08.6 | 5:01 | |||||||
2 | Emmanuel Leblond | Sr | Mountain View | 14:10.4 | 5:02 | |||||||
3 | Tanish Chettiar | Sr | Bellarmine College P | 14:18.3 | 5:04 | |||||||
4 | Aidan Dimick | Sr | Carlmont | 14:18.3 | 5:04 | |||||||
5 | Dheeraj Gurusamy | Jr | Granada | 14:21.8 | 5:06 | 1/7 | 1/17 | 5/31 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | |||
6 | Andrew Cape | Sr | Clovis North | 14:24.3 | 5:06 | |||||||
7 | Roland Ruckmann-Barnes | Jr | Granada | 14:25 | 5:07 | 2/7 | 2/17 | 1/31 | ||||
8 | Elliot Daniels | Sr | Prospect | 14:28.4 | 5:08 | |||||||
9 | Farin Soriano | Jr | Granada | 14:30.3 | 5:09 | 3/7 | 3/17 | 1/30 | ||||
10 | Ryder Brabo | Sr | Scotts Valley | 14:32 | 5:09 | |||||||
11 | Carson Hedlund | Fr | Pioneer | 14:33.1 | 5:10 | |||||||
12 | Ryunosuke Yanashita | Sr | Bellarmine College P | 14:33.3 | 5:10 | |||||||
13 | Ethan Brooks | Sr | Woodside | 14:33.6 | 5:10 | |||||||
14 | David Song | Sr | Alameda | 14:34.4 | 5:10 | |||||||
15 | Nicholas Trepanier | Sr | Mountain View | 14:44.8 | 5:14 | |||||||
16 | Liam Manley | Jr | Granada | 14:44.8 | 5:14 | 4/7 | 4/17 | 1/28 | ||||
17 | Jack Glanville | Sr | Bellarmine College P | 14:46.9 | 5:15 | |||||||
18 | Maximilian Hohendorf | Jr | Woodside | 14:53.8 | 5:17 | |||||||
19 | Nayan Smuek | Sr | Woodside | 14:54.6 | 5:17 | |||||||
20 | Jacob Bauman | Sr | Granada | 15:01 | 5:20 | 5/7 | 5/17 | 1/26 | 15:36 (0:35) |
15:36 (0:35) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (LR, PR) | |
21 | Vibhu Krishnan | Sr | Bellarmine College P | 15:02.7 | 5:20 | |||||||
22 | Ben Pinkel | Bellarmine College P | 15:02.7 | 5:20 | ||||||||
23 | Luther Hart | Jr | Granada | 15:02.9 | 5:20 | 6/7 | 6/17 | 1/23 | ||||
24 | Eshaan Singh | So | Granada | 15:04.1 | 5:21 | 7/7 | 7/17 | 1/17 | ||||
25 | Brayden Blodgett | Sr | Clovis North | 15:04.6 | 5:21 | |||||||
26 | Spencer Mueller | Sr | Clovis North | 15:05.4 | 5:21 | |||||||
27 | Paean Ocampo | Sr | Clovis North | 15:07.1 | 5:22 | |||||||
28 | Evan Markelz | Jr | Mountain View | 15:11.7 | 5:23 | |||||||
29 | Connor Blalack | Sr | Mountain View | 15:13.8 | 5:24 | |||||||
30 | Graedon Beeler | Sr | Livermore | 15:16.1 | 5:25 | |||||||
31 | Sami Shafi | Sr | Leland | 15:16.7 | 5:25 | |||||||
32 | Jeff Hedlund | Jr | Pioneer | 15:20.1 | 5:26 | |||||||
33 | Luke Moore | So | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 15:20.4 | 5:26 | |||||||
34 | Tristan Lalonde | Sr | Bellarmine College P | 15:25.1 | 5:28 | |||||||
35 | Uriel Ramirez | Sr | Bellarmine College P | 15:28.8 | 5:29 | |||||||
36 | Seth Tang | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 15:31.5 | 5:30 | |||||||
37 | Shane Dalziel | So | Westmont | 15:33.7 | 5:31 | |||||||
38 | Austin George | Sr | Scotts Valley | 15:34.2 | 5:31 | |||||||
39 | Riordan Ashby | Sr | Mountain View | 15:36.4 | 5:32 | |||||||
40 | Zachary Holmes | Sr | Clovis North | 15:39.8 | 5:33 | |||||||
41 | Pablo Angel | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 15:42.8 | 5:34 | |||||||
42 | Hans Buhr | Sr | Woodside | 15:42.8 | 5:34 | |||||||
43 | Ojas Joshi | Jr | Westmont | 15:47.6 | 5:36 | |||||||
44 | Aiden Boothby | Jr | Scotts Valley | 15:48.7 | 5:36 | |||||||
45 | Zachary Irwin | Jr | Westmont | 15:56.7 | 5:39 | |||||||
46 | Andrew Taylor | Sr | Hillsdale | 15:57.1 | 5:39 | |||||||
47 | Andrew Galka | Jr | Livermore | 15:57.9 | 5:40 | |||||||
48 | Joseph Falkenburg | Jr | Los Altos | 15:58.6 | 5:40 | |||||||
49 | Lokesh Kumar | Sr | Mills | 16:00.7 | 5:41 | |||||||
50 | Jonah Verinsky | Jr | Scotts Valley | 16:01.4 | 5:41 | |||||||
51 | Dominic Bien | Sr | Clovis North | 16:01.4 | 5:41 | |||||||
52 | Daniel Voyles | Sr | Aragon | 16:02.9 | 5:41 | |||||||
53 | Kai Steiner | Sr | Woodside | 16:03.6 | 5:42 | |||||||
54 | Nick Mcauley | So | Novato | 16:04.7 | 5:42 | |||||||
55 | Zachary Low | Sr | Aragon | 16:05.5 | 5:42 | |||||||
56 | Luke Morgan | Jr | Pioneer | 16:06.6 | 5:43 | |||||||
57 | Ethan Mosher | So | Pioneer | 16:07.4 | 5:43 | |||||||
58 | Jonathan Sison | Sr | Carlmont | 16:09.9 | 5:44 | |||||||
59 | Jason Habash | Sr | Mills | 16:10.2 | 5:44 | |||||||
60 | Amir Benhagouga | Sr | Los Altos | 16:10.5 | 5:44 | |||||||
61 | Aaron Hepworth | Jr | Los Altos | 16:11.1 | 5:44 | |||||||
62 | Tobias Harris | So | Aragon | 16:11.4 | 5:44 | |||||||
63 | Nathaniel Joffe | Jr | Los Altos | 16:13.7 | 5:45 | |||||||
64 | Mathias Camilli | Jr | Galileo Academy | 16:14.7 | 5:46 | |||||||
65 | Shon Kachare | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 16:15.1 | 5:46 | |||||||
66 | Finlay Mcafee | Jr | Pioneer | 16:17.4 | 5:47 | |||||||
67 | Connor Herson | Sr | Woodside | 16:18.7 | 5:47 | |||||||
68 | Donovan Truel | Sr | Carlmont | 16:19.6 | 5:47 | |||||||
69 | Rodrigo Sepulveda | Jr | Los Altos | 16:21.6 | 5:48 | |||||||
70 | Taylor Roe | Sr | Woodside | 16:24.3 | 5:49 | |||||||
71 | Pavel Turovski | Sr | Carlmont | 16:29 | 5:51 | |||||||
72 | John (dominic) Ban | Jr | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 16:32.2 | 5:52 | |||||||
73 | Charlie Kirkendall | Jr | Prospect | 16:32.4 | 5:52 | |||||||
74 | Mason Lantz | So | Scotts Valley | 16:33.9 | 5:52 | |||||||
75 | Calvin Lee | Jr | Hillsdale | 16:34.6 | 5:53 | |||||||
76 | Alex Cyphers | Jr | Healdsburg | 16:35.3 | 5:53 | |||||||
77 | Theo Hartlaub | Jr | Alameda | 16:35.4 | 5:53 | |||||||
78 | Boden Sirey | Jr | Los Altos | 16:38.1 | 5:54 | |||||||
79 | Nick Karros | So | Sacred Heart Prep | 16:39.1 | 5:54 | |||||||
80 | Colin Wong | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 16:40.8 | 5:55 | |||||||
81 | Tyson Schnasse | Jr | Novato | 16:41.2 | 5:55 | |||||||
82 | Jack Park | Jr | Westmont | 16:41.4 | 5:55 | |||||||
83 | Dean Dalziel | Sr | Westmont | 16:41.6 | 5:55 | |||||||
84 | Yacob Kifle | Sr | Pioneer | 16:42.8 | 5:56 | |||||||
85 | Ryan Joyce | So | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 16:45.2 | 5:56 | |||||||
86 | Ethan Brignetti | Jr | Prospect | 16:45.4 | 5:57 | |||||||
87 | Colin Surridge | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 16:46 | 5:57 | |||||||
88 | Michael Chong | Jr | Carlmont | 16:47.7 | 5:57 | |||||||
89 | Aaron Chin | Sr | Mills | 16:48.1 | 5:57 | |||||||
90 | Theo Nielsen | So | Urban of San Francisco | 16:48.7 | 5:58 | |||||||
91 | Anthony Valle | So | Santa Teresa | 16:49.6 | 5:58 | |||||||
92 | James Byrum | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 16:50.3 | 5:58 | |||||||
93 | Remy Palomo | Jr | Mills | 16:52.1 | 5:59 | |||||||
94 | Joshua Joseph | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 16:52.5 | 5:59 | |||||||
95 | Luca Garvey Miller | Jr | Terra Linda | 16:54.8 | 6:00 | |||||||
96 | Jack Bijur | Jr | San Francisco Univer | 16:57.3 | 6:01 | |||||||
97 | Colin Mackenzie | So | Novato | 16:57.4 | 6:01 | |||||||
98 | Joseph Avellar | Jr | Prospect | 17:00.2 | 6:02 | |||||||
99 | Paris Acosta | Sr | North Valleys | 17:00.4 | 6:02 | |||||||
100 | Matthew Smith | Jr | Mountain View | 17:02.2 | 6:02 | |||||||
101 | Jaspre Suen | Jr | Terra Linda | 17:03.1 | 6:03 | |||||||
102 | Ryan Chaudoin | Sr | Westmont | 17:04.6 | 6:03 | |||||||
103 | Mathew Oaks | Sr | Clovis North | 17:05.4 | 6:04 | |||||||
104 | Colter Murphy | Sr | Urban of San Francisco | 17:06.1 | 6:04 | |||||||
105 | Henry Burton | Jr | San Francisco Univer | 17:06.2 | 6:04 | |||||||
106 | Matthew Kuglen | So | Urban of San Francisco | 17:07.2 | 6:04 | |||||||
107 | Ryan Steinbach | Sr | Urban of San Francisco | 17:09.2 | 6:05 | |||||||
108 | Liam Kuperman | Sr | Alameda | 17:09.4 | 6:05 | |||||||
109 | Brian Jackson | Jr | Leland | 17:11.8 | 6:06 | |||||||
110 | Noah Bean | Sr | Antioch | 17:14.3 | 6:07 | |||||||
111 | Samual Lam | Jr | Mills | 17:16.1 | 6:07 | |||||||
112 | Aria Park | Sr | Westmoor | 17:16.7 | 6:08 | |||||||
113 | Keshav Sethi | Jr | Leland | 17:17 | 6:08 | |||||||
114 | Kent Friel | Sr | San Francisco Univer | 17:20.2 | 6:09 | |||||||
115 | Emanuel Renteria-g | Sr | Watsonville | 17:20.7 | 6:09 | |||||||
116 | Anthony Martinez | Sr | Santa Teresa | 17:21.3 | 6:09 | |||||||
117 | Dash Nakahata | Jr | San Francisco Univer | 17:24.8 | 6:10 | |||||||
118 | Jeffery Neumann | Sr | Novato | 17:25.6 | 6:11 | |||||||
119 | Bryce Johnson | Sr | Santa Teresa | 17:26.4 | 6:11 | |||||||
120 | Matthew Kang | Sr | Aragon | 17:27 | 6:11 | |||||||
121 | Jameson Dankowski | Sr | Healdsburg | 17:29.1 | 6:12 | |||||||
122 | George Fischer | Jr | North Valleys | 17:29.3 | 6:12 | |||||||
123 | Oscar Crane | Jr | Alameda | 17:29.4 | 6:12 | |||||||
124 | Jamisen Blackwell | Sr | Carlmont | 17:30.4 | 6:12 | |||||||
125 | Johannes Thiessen | So | Santa Teresa | 17:31.2 | 6:13 | |||||||
126 | Jaret Altamirano | Sr | Hillsdale | 17:31.3 | 6:13 | |||||||
127 | Erik Digerness | Jr | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 17:32.2 | 6:13 | |||||||
128 | Tomoki Chien | Sr | Los Altos | 17:33.5 | 6:14 | |||||||
129 | Jordan Wu | Jr | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 17:34.6 | 6:14 | |||||||
130 | Harrison Threlfall | Jr | Healdsburg | 17:34.7 | 6:14 | |||||||
131 | Arthur Baker | Fr | Novato | 17:35.1 | 6:14 | |||||||
132 | Haywood Cooper | Jr | Aragon | 17:36.3 | 6:15 | |||||||
133 | Jeffrey Dang | Sr | Galileo Academy | 17:39.9 | 6:16 | |||||||
134 | Dax Belen Henroid | Jr | Hillsdale | 17:44.9 | 6:18 | |||||||
135 | Omar Lopez | Jr | Pioneer | 17:47.1 | 6:18 | |||||||
136 | Aidan Cain | Jr | Leland | 17:50.1 | 6:19 | |||||||
137 | Kevin Gee | Sr | Hillsdale | 17:50.8 | 6:20 | |||||||
138 | Arjun Singh | Fr | Sacred Heart Prep | 17:51.3 | 6:20 | |||||||
139 | Dylan Gentile | Sr | Scotts Valley | 17:54.1 | 6:21 | |||||||
140 | Evan Pagano | Sr | Prospect | 17:54.5 | 6:21 | |||||||
141 | Carlo Gaytan-flores | Sr | Alameda | 17:56.2 | 6:22 | |||||||
142 | Jp Killmond | Jr | Sacred Heart Prep | 17:58.2 | 6:22 | |||||||
143 | Tobias Classen | Jr | Urban of San Francisco | 17:59.1 | 6:23 | |||||||
144 | John Blockhus | Sr | Mountain View | 17:59.2 | 6:23 | |||||||
145 | Brendan O'connell | Sr | Westmoor | 18:05.8 | 6:25 | |||||||
146 | Owen Dowell | So | Alameda | 18:06.6 | 6:25 | |||||||
147 | Jose Jimenez | Jr | Antioch | 18:08.6 | 6:26 | |||||||
148 | Sean Fishman | Jr | San Francisco Univer | 18:08.8 | 6:26 | |||||||
149 | Alonzo Hare | So | Terra Linda | 18:20.4 | 6:30 | |||||||
150 | Braulio Perez | Jr | Antioch | 18:21.5 | 6:31 | |||||||
151 | Edwin Genesis Orta | Sr | Westmoor | 18:22.2 | 6:31 | |||||||
152 | Hayden Hernandez | So | Santa Teresa | 18:22.4 | 6:31 | |||||||
153 | Eli Romero | So | Watsonville | 18:27.7 | 6:33 | |||||||
154 | Joshua Choi | Jr | Prospect | 18:29.2 | 6:33 | |||||||
155 | Owen Daniels | Jr | Terra Linda | 18:32.3 | 6:34 | |||||||
156 | Kyle Martin | Jr | Terra Linda | 18:32.4 | 6:34 | |||||||
157 | Evan Rockwood-weth | Jr | Urban of San Francisco | 18:33.9 | 6:35 | |||||||
158 | Kyle Chan | Jr | Mills | 18:34.5 | 6:35 | |||||||
159 | Ethan Martin | Sr | Aragon | 18:39.4 | 6:37 | |||||||
160 | Dmitri Ryan | Sr | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 18:43 | 6:38 | |||||||
161 | Nobu Nitta-mack | So | Urban of San Francisco | 18:46.2 | 6:39 | |||||||
162 | Lucas Luu | Sr | Novato | 18:47 | 6:40 | |||||||
163 | Aiden Agudelo-petr | Sr | Santa Teresa | 18:48.1 | 6:40 | |||||||
164 | Jericho Young | Jr | Westmoor | 18:49.4 | 6:40 | |||||||
165 | Mark Menz | Sr | Mills | 18:51.5 | 6:41 | |||||||
166 | Thomas Nolan | Sr | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 18:57.6 | 6:43 | |||||||
167 | Joshua Krone | Sr | Santa Teresa | 19:02.5 | 6:45 | |||||||
168 | Dominic Marquez Jr | Sr | Hillsdale | 19:06.7 | 6:47 | |||||||
169 | Maren Garcia | Jr | Terra Linda | 19:06.9 | 6:47 | |||||||
170 | Erick Gutierrez | Jr | Healdsburg | 19:09.9 | 6:48 | |||||||
171 | Michael Farone | Jr | Prospect | 19:10.4 | 6:48 | |||||||
172 | Mason Mccaskill | Jr | Westmont | 19:21.9 | 6:52 | |||||||
173 | Owen Efram | Jr | Healdsburg | 19:22.3 | 6:52 | |||||||
174 | Shaun Rivera | Jr | Westmoor | 19:28.4 | 6:54 | |||||||
175 | Franco Parcella | Jr | San Francisco Univer | 19:36.5 | 6:57 | |||||||
176 | Sander Johnson | Jr | North Valleys | 19:54.8 | 7:04 | |||||||
177 | Christopher Machado | Sr | Livermore | 20:05.6 | 7:08 | |||||||
178 | Gabe Owyang | Jr | Hillsdale | 20:43.8 | 7:21 | |||||||
179 | Alex Yansouni | Sr | Sacred Heart Prep | 20:44.5 | 7:21 | |||||||
180 | Guillermo Gonzalez | Fr | Watsonville | 20:45.1 | 7:22 | |||||||
181 | Mark Shen | Sr | Novato | 21:13 | 7:31 | |||||||
182 | Jordan Williams | Sr | Antioch | 21:15.3 | 7:32 | |||||||
183 | Giancarlo Mendo | So | Watsonville | 21:18.3 | 7:33 | |||||||
184 | Jung Soo Kim-ebio | Sr | Watsonville | 21:23.5 | 7:35 | |||||||
185 | Jeremy Lagarto | Sr | Westmoor | 22:03.2 | 7:49 | |||||||
186 | Loukas Triant | Sr | Sacred Heart Prep | 22:44.4 | 8:04 | |||||||
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new PR
- PG = Beat personal goal
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Team Race Results - Boys V
Group of 5: V 1st 5
Pl | School![]() |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | Granada 5-2-1-1-1 Gap: 0:39 |
73:03 14:37 5:11 |
57 | Dheeraj Gurusamy Jr 14:22 5:06 5 |
Roland Ruckmann-Barnes Jr 14:25 5:07 7 |
Farin Soriano Jr 14:30 5:09 9 |
Liam Manley Jr 14:45 5:14 16 |
Jacob Bauman Sr 15:01 5:20 20 |
Luther Hart Jr 15:03 5:20 23 |
Eshaan Singh So 15:04 5:21 24 |
2 | Bellarmine College P 3-3-2-2-2 Gap: 0:44 |
73:44 14:45 5:14 |
75 | Tanish Chettiar Sr 14:18 5:04 3 |
Ryunosuke Yanashita Sr 14:33 5:10 12 |
Jack Glanville Sr 14:47 5:15 17 |
Vibhu Krishnan Sr 15:03 5:20 21 |
Ben Pinkel - 15:03 5:20 22 |
Tristan Lalonde Sr 15:25 5:28 32 |
Uriel Ramirez Sr 15:29 5:29 33 |
3 | Mountain View 2-4-3-3-3 Gap: 1:26 |
74:57 14:59 5:19 |
111 | Emmanuel Leblond Sr 14:10 5:02 2 |
Nicholas Trepanier Sr 14:45 5:14 15 |
Evan Markelz Jr 15:12 5:23 28 |
Connor Blalack Sr 15:14 5:24 29 |
Riordan Ashby Sr 15:36 5:32 37 |
Matthew Smith Jr 17:02 6:02 95 |
John Blockhus Sr 17:59 6:23 133 |
4 | Clovis North 6-5-6-4-4 Gap: 1:16 |
75:21 15:04 5:21 |
122 | Andrew Cape Sr 14:24 5:06 6 |
Brayden Blodgett Sr 15:05 5:21 25 |
Spencer Mueller Sr 15:05 5:21 26 |
Paean Ocampo Sr 15:07 5:22 27 |
Zachary Holmes Sr 15:40 5:33 38 |
Dominic Bien Sr 16:01 5:41 48 |
Mathew Oaks Sr 17:05 6:04 98 |
5 | Scotts Valley 1-1-4-5-5 Gap: 1:53 |
76:05 15:13 5:24 |
136 | Jeremy Kain Sr 14:09 5:01 1 |
Ryder Brabo Sr 14:32 5:09 10 |
Austin George Sr 15:34 5:31 36 |
Aiden Boothby Jr 15:49 5:36 42 |
Jonah Verinsky Jr 16:01 5:41 47 |
Mason Lantz So 16:34 5:52 70 |
Dylan Gentile Sr 17:54 6:21 128 |
6 | Woodside 9-5-5-6-6 Gap: 1:30 |
76:08 15:14 5:24 |
140 | Ethan Brooks Sr 14:34 5:10 13 |
Maximilian Hohendorf Jr 14:54 5:17 18 |
Nayan Smuek Sr 14:55 5:17 19 |
Hans Buhr Sr 15:43 5:34 40 |
Kai Steiner Sr 16:04 5:42 50 |
Connor Herson Sr 16:19 5:47 63 |
Taylor Roe Sr 16:24 5:49 66 |
7 | Pioneer 8-7-7-7-7 Gap: 1:44 |
78:25 15:41 5:34 |
210 | Carson Hedlund Fr 14:33 5:10 11 |
Jeff Hedlund Jr 15:20 5:26 30 |
Luke Morgan Jr 16:07 5:43 53 |
Ethan Mosher So 16:07 5:43 54 |
Finlay Mcafee Jr 16:17 5:47 62 |
Yacob Kifle Sr 16:43 5:56 80 |
Omar Lopez Jr 17:47 6:18 125 |
8 | Carlmont 4-8-9-8-8 Gap: 2:29 |
80:05 16:01 5:41 |
274 | Aidan Dimick Sr 14:18 5:04 4 |
Jonathan Sison Sr 16:10 5:44 55 |
Donovan Truel Sr 16:20 5:47 64 |
Pavel Turovski Sr 16:29 5:51 67 |
Michael Chong Jr 16:48 5:57 84 |
Jamisen Blackwell Sr 17:30 6:12 115 |
9 | Westmont 13-10-8-9-9 Gap: 1:08 |
80:41 16:08 5:43 |
276 | Shane Dalziel So 15:34 5:31 35 |
Ojas Joshi Jr 15:48 5:36 41 |
Zachary Irwin Jr 15:57 5:39 43 |
Jack Park Jr 16:41 5:55 78 |
Dean Dalziel Sr 16:42 5:55 79 |
Ryan Chaudoin Sr 17:05 6:03 97 |
Mason Mccaskill Jr 19:22 6:52 159 |
10 | Los Altos 15-15-12-11-10 Gap: 0:23 |
80:56 16:11 5:44 |
285 | Joseph Falkenburg Jr 15:59 5:40 45 |
Amir Benhagouga Sr 16:11 5:44 57 |
Aaron Hepworth Jr 16:11 5:44 58 |
Nathaniel Joffe Jr 16:14 5:45 60 |
Rodrigo Sepulveda Jr 16:22 5:48 65 |
Boden Sirey Jr 16:38 5:54 74 |
Tomoki Chien Sr 17:34 6:14 119 |
11 | Foothill (Pleasanton) 12-9-10-10-11 Gap: 1:15 |
80:56 16:11 5:44 |
293 | Seth Tang Sr 15:32 5:30 34 |
Pablo Angel Sr 15:43 5:34 39 |
Shon Kachare So 16:15 5:46 61 |
Colin Wong Jr 16:41 5:55 76 |
Colin Surridge So 16:46 5:57 83 |
James Byrum Sr 16:50 5:58 88 |
Joshua Joseph Jr 16:53 5:59 90 |
12 | Mills 16-15-15-14-12 Gap: 1:15 |
83:07 16:37 5:54 |
380 | Lokesh Kumar Sr 16:01 5:41 46 |
Jason Habash Sr 16:10 5:44 56 |
Aaron Chin Sr 16:48 5:57 85 |
Remy Palomo Jr 16:52 5:59 89 |
Samual Lam Jr 17:16 6:07 104 |
Kyle Chan Jr 18:35 6:35 145 |
Mark Menz Sr 18:52 6:41 152 |
13 | Prospect 7-11-11-12-13 Gap: 3:26 |
82:41 16:32 5:52 |
382 | Elliot Daniels Sr 14:28 5:08 8 |
Charlie Kirkendall Jr 16:32 5:52 69 |
Ethan Brignetti Jr 16:45 5:57 82 |
Joseph Avellar Jr 17:00 6:02 94 |
Evan Pagano Sr 17:55 6:21 129 |
Joshua Choi Jr 18:29 6:33 141 |
Michael Farone Jr 19:10 6:48 158 |
14 | Aragon 17-14-12-13-14 Gap: 1:33 |
83:23 16:41 5:55 |
395 | Daniel Voyles Sr 16:03 5:41 49 |
Zachary Low Sr 16:06 5:42 52 |
Tobias Harris So 16:11 5:44 59 |
Matthew Kang Sr 17:27 6:11 112 |
Haywood Cooper Jr 17:36 6:15 123 |
Ethan Martin Sr 18:39 6:37 146 |
15 | Sacred Heart Cathedral 11-13-14-15-15 Gap: 2:14 |
83:45 16:45 5:56 |
418 | Luke Moore So 15:20 5:26 31 |
John (dominic) Ban Jr 16:32 5:52 68 |
Ryan Joyce So 16:45 5:56 81 |
Erik Digerness Jr 17:32 6:13 118 |
Jordan Wu Jr 17:35 6:14 120 |
Dmitri Ryan Sr 18:43 6:38 147 |
Thomas Nolan Sr 18:58 6:43 153 |
16 | Alameda 10-12-16-16-16 Gap: 3:22 |
83:45 16:45 5:56 |
434 | David Song Sr 14:34 5:10 14 |
Theo Hartlaub Jr 16:35 5:53 73 |
Liam Kuperman Sr 17:09 6:05 103 |
Oscar Crane Jr 17:29 6:12 114 |
Carlo Gaytan-flores Sr 17:56 6:22 130 |
Owen Dowell So 18:07 6:25 135 |
17 | Novato 18-18-17-17-17 Gap: 1:30 |
84:44 16:57 6:01 |
453 | Nick Mcauley So 16:05 5:42 51 |
Tyson Schnasse Jr 16:41 5:55 77 |
Colin Mackenzie So 16:57 6:01 93 |
Jeffery Neumann Sr 17:26 6:11 110 |
Arthur Baker Fr 17:35 6:14 122 |
Lucas Luu Sr 18:47 6:40 149 |
Mark Shen Sr 21:13 7:31 166 |
18 | Hillsdale 14-17-18-18-18 Gap: 1:54 |
85:39 17:08 6:04 |
482 | Andrew Taylor Sr 15:57 5:39 44 |
Calvin Lee Jr 16:35 5:53 71 |
Jaret Altamirano Sr 17:31 6:13 117 |
Dax Belen Henroid Jr 17:45 6:18 124 |
Kevin Gee Sr 17:51 6:20 126 |
Dominic Marquez Jr Sr 19:07 6:47 155 |
Gabe Owyang Jr 20:44 7:21 163 |
19 | Urban of San Francisco 21-19-19-19-19 Gap: 1:10 |
86:10 17:14 6:07 |
520 | Theo Nielsen So 16:49 5:58 86 |
Colter Murphy Sr 17:06 6:04 99 |
Matthew Kuglen So 17:07 6:04 101 |
Ryan Steinbach Sr 17:09 6:05 102 |
Tobias Classen Jr 17:59 6:23 132 |
Evan Rockwood-weth Jr 18:34 6:35 144 |
Nobu Nitta-mack So 18:46 6:39 148 |
20 | San Francisco Univer 24-22-20-20-20 Gap: 1:12 |
86:57 17:23 6:10 |
543 | Jack Bijur Jr 16:57 6:01 92 |
Henry Burton Jr 17:06 6:04 100 |
Kent Friel Sr 17:20 6:09 106 |
Dash Nakahata Jr 17:25 6:10 109 |
Sean Fishman Jr 18:09 6:26 136 |
Franco Parcella Jr 19:37 6:57 162 |
21 | Santa Teresa 22-23-21-21-21 Gap: 1:33 |
87:31 17:30 6:12 |
561 | Anthony Valle So 16:50 5:58 87 |
Anthony Martinez Sr 17:21 6:09 108 |
Bryce Johnson Sr 17:26 6:11 111 |
Johannes Thiessen So 17:31 6:13 116 |
Hayden Hernandez So 18:22 6:31 139 |
Aiden Agudelo-petr Sr 18:48 6:40 150 |
Joshua Krone Sr 19:03 6:45 154 |
22 | Terra Linda 23-21-23-23-22 Gap: 1:38 |
89:23 17:53 6:20 |
609 | Luca Garvey Miller Jr 16:55 6:00 91 |
Jaspre Suen Jr 17:03 6:03 96 |
Alonzo Hare So 18:20 6:30 137 |
Owen Daniels Jr 18:32 6:34 142 |
Kyle Martin Jr 18:32 6:34 143 |
Maren Garcia Jr 19:07 6:47 156 |
23 | Healdsburg 19-19-21-22-23 Gap: 2:47 |
90:11 18:02 6:24 |
623 | Alex Cyphers Jr 16:35 5:53 72 |
Jameson Dankowski Sr 17:29 6:12 113 |
Harrison Threlfall Jr 17:35 6:14 121 |
Erick Gutierrez Jr 19:10 6:48 157 |
Owen Efram Jr 19:22 6:52 160 |
24 | Sacred Heart Prep 20-24-24-24-24 Gap: 6:05 |
95:58 19:12 6:48 |
667 | Nick Karros So 16:39 5:54 75 |
Arjun Singh Fr 17:51 6:20 127 |
Jp Killmond Jr 17:58 6:22 131 |
Alex Yansouni Sr 20:45 7:21 164 |
Loukas Triant Sr 22:44 8:04 170 |
25 | Westmoor 25-25-25-25-25 Gap: 2:12 |
92:03 18:25 6:32 |
689 | Aria Park Sr 17:17 6:08 105 |
Brendan O'connell Sr 18:06 6:25 134 |
Edwin Genesis Orta Sr 18:22 6:31 138 |
Jericho Young Jr 18:49 6:40 151 |
Shaun Rivera Jr 19:28 6:54 161 |
Jeremy Lagarto Sr 22:03 7:49 169 |
26 | Watsonville 26-26-26-26-26 Gap: 4:03 |
99:15 19:51 7:02 |
747 | Emanuel Renteria-g Sr 17:21 6:09 107 |
Eli Romero So 18:28 6:33 140 |
Guillermo Gonzalez Fr 20:45 7:22 165 |
Giancarlo Mendo So 21:18 7:33 167 |
Jung Soo Kim-ebio Sr 21:24 7:35 168 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
- The sequence of numbers (e.g. 3-3-4-2-1) in the School column refers to the team's place in the race after each runner finished. It indicates the strength of the team by position.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete broke the tie with a competitor resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners AND broke a tie resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Individual Race Results - Boys So
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp![]() |
Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
1 | Joshua Young | So | Tokay | 12:05.7 | 5:41 | |||||||
2 | Dominic Barty | So | Woodside | 12:09.2 | 5:42 | |||||||
3 | Jackson Mcferron | So | Sir Francis Drake | 12:10.6 | 5:43 | |||||||
4 | John Minutoli | So | Sir Francis Drake | 12:20.6 | 5:48 | |||||||
5 | Elias Badillo-benard | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 12:20.8 | 5:48 | |||||||
6 | Luke Fernandez | So | Sir Francis Drake | 12:25.3 | 5:50 | |||||||
7 | Allister Adair | So | San Francisco Univer | 12:29.2 | 5:52 | |||||||
8 | Leyton Lin | So | San Francisco Univer | 12:29.8 | 5:52 | |||||||
9 | Ryan Ferguson | So | Sir Francis Drake | 12:30.3 | 5:52 | |||||||
10 | Zachary Spain | So | Palo Alto | 12:30.5 | 5:52 | |||||||
11 | Oliver El-sayed | So | San Francisco Univer | 12:31 | 5:53 | |||||||
12 | Reuben Ripken | So | Tokay | 12:31.6 | 5:53 | |||||||
13 | Liam Kriessmann | So | Sir Francis Drake | 12:46.8 | 6:00 | |||||||
14 | Austin Key | So | North Valleys | 12:49.1 | 6:01 | |||||||
15 | Calvin Arnold | So | Sir Francis Drake | 12:53.3 | 6:03 | |||||||
16 | Gabriel Nellis Torres | So | Granada | 12:53.6 | 6:03 | 1/6 | 1/15 | 8/23 | ||||
17 | Isaac Wang | So | Henry M. Gunn | 12:53.9 | 6:03 | |||||||
18 | Matthew Diederich | So | Los Altos | 12:54.9 | 6:04 | |||||||
19 | Daniel Van Campen | So | Los Altos | 12:56.3 | 6:04 | |||||||
20 | Jeffrey Overgaard | So | Lincoln (S) | 12:58.1 | 6:05 | |||||||
21 | Ander Rogers | So | Lowell | 12:59 | 6:06 | |||||||
22 | Connor Whitson | So | Pioneer | 13:01.1 | 6:07 | |||||||
23 | Graham Witt | So | Lowell | 13:02 | 6:07 | |||||||
24 | Alex Chong | So | Granada | 13:03.5 | 6:08 | 2/6 | 2/15 | 6/20 | ||||
25 | Nikash Gupta | So | Los Altos | 13:04.5 | 6:08 | |||||||
26 | Tony Mckenna | So | Palo Alto | 13:05 | 6:09 | |||||||
27 | Tai Ryan | So | Junipero Serra | 13:05.6 | 6:09 | |||||||
28 | Broghan Wilke-hiland | So | Junipero Serra | 13:06.5 | 6:09 | |||||||
29 | Rohan Kota | So | Los Altos | 13:07.6 | 6:10 | |||||||
30 | Shane Duong | So | Pioneer | 13:08.4 | 6:10 | |||||||
31 | Alex Zorea | So | Lincoln (S) | 13:10.1 | 6:11 | |||||||
32 | Zach Derse | So | Leland | 13:10.9 | 6:11 | |||||||
33 | Judah Dulany | Fr | Woodside | 13:11 | 6:11 | |||||||
34 | Troy Woodley | So | Henry M. Gunn | 13:11.5 | 6:12 | |||||||
35 | Pierce Friel | So | San Francisco Univer | 13:13.7 | 6:13 | |||||||
36 | Marshall Schneider | So | San Francisco Univer | 13:14.3 | 6:13 | |||||||
37 | Hiroki Aoshima | So | Lowell | 13:14.4 | 6:13 | |||||||
38 | Henry Liu | So | Palo Alto | 13:14.5 | 6:13 | |||||||
39 | Kyle Chang | So | Palo Alto | 13:22.1 | 6:17 | |||||||
40 | Mateo Chen | So | Woodside | 13:23.7 | 6:17 | |||||||
41 | Luciano Cano | So | Junipero Serra | 13:24.5 | 6:18 | |||||||
42 | Patrick Bennett | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 13:26.2 | 6:18 | |||||||
43 | Justin Martinez | So | Lincoln (S) | 13:27.1 | 6:19 | |||||||
44 | Christopher Wootton | So | Alameda | 13:27.8 | 6:19 | |||||||
45 | Liam Salib | So | Prospect | 13:28 | 6:19 | |||||||
46 | Preston Nguyen | So | Santa Teresa | 13:28 | 6:19 | |||||||
47 | Elijah Lozares | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 13:28.9 | 6:20 | |||||||
48 | Tanner Gray | So | Granada | 13:32 | 6:21 | 3/6 | 4/15 | 10/19 | ||||
49 | Brady Holdren | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 13:36.2 | 6:23 | |||||||
50 | Lukas Seufert | So | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 13:37.4 | 6:24 | |||||||
51 | Henry Pierce | So | Lowell | 13:37.7 | 6:24 | |||||||
52 | Zach Galvez | So | Lincoln (S) | 13:38.2 | 6:24 | |||||||
53 | Dean Myers | So | San Francisco Univer | 13:38.2 | 6:24 | |||||||
54 | Alexander Chang | So | Henry M. Gunn | 13:40 | 6:25 | |||||||
55 | Sam Stein | So | Los Altos | 13:40.4 | 6:25 | |||||||
56 | Henry Flaherman | So | San Francisco Univer | 13:41.2 | 6:26 | |||||||
57 | Adrian Wilson | So | Woodside | 13:43.1 | 6:26 | |||||||
58 | Logan Sweetman | So | Tokay | 13:43.2 | 6:26 | |||||||
59 | Dashiell Von Stroh | So | Alameda | 13:44.1 | 6:27 | |||||||
60 | Muhammad Hassaan C | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 13:54.3 | 6:32 | |||||||
61 | Owen Mcmahon | So | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 13:59.9 | 6:34 | |||||||
62 | Charlie Harges | So | Sir Francis Drake | 14:03.8 | 6:36 | |||||||
63 | Asa Mentzel | So | Lowell | 14:04.3 | 6:36 | |||||||
64 | Dylan Gibson | So | Los Altos | 14:08.6 | 6:38 | |||||||
65 | Jahan Garg | So | Leland | 14:09.6 | 6:39 | |||||||
66 | Nathan Clark | So | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 14:10.6 | 6:39 | |||||||
67 | Carson Mayer | So | Lowell | 14:11.9 | 6:40 | |||||||
68 | Juan Acosta Perez | So | Henry M. Gunn | 14:11.9 | 6:40 | |||||||
69 | Luke Yamashita | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 14:12.2 | 6:40 | |||||||
70 | Connor Volkert | So | Los Altos | 14:12.5 | 6:40 | |||||||
71 | Jacob Hilbert | So | Henry M. Gunn | 14:12.8 | 6:40 | |||||||
72 | Liam Waters | So | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 14:14.3 | 6:41 | |||||||
73 | Carter Capetz | So | Los Altos | 14:14.6 | 6:41 | |||||||
74 | Lucas Luciani-eaton | Fr | North Valleys | 14:15.4 | 6:42 | |||||||
75 | Antonio Aguilar | So | Sir Francis Drake | 14:16.1 | 6:42 | |||||||
76 | Calvin Lu | So | Los Altos | 14:17.7 | 6:43 | |||||||
77 | Josef Trueblood | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 14:18.1 | 6:43 | |||||||
78 | Elian Carvajal-lom | So | Lowell | 14:18.9 | 6:43 | |||||||
79 | Diego Rosado | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 14:20.1 | 6:44 | |||||||
80 | Noah Holden | So | Sir Francis Drake | 14:20.3 | 6:44 | |||||||
81 | Long Le | Fr | Santa Teresa | 14:20.6 | 6:44 | |||||||
82 | Austin Toubassi | So | Los Altos | 14:21.8 | 6:45 | |||||||
83 | Kyle Luo | So | Henry M. Gunn | 14:24.2 | 6:46 | |||||||
84 | William Branson | So | Los Altos | 14:24.6 | 6:46 | |||||||
85 | Parker Hohenthaner | So | Tokay | 14:25.1 | 6:46 | |||||||
86 | Eliot Stein | So | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 14:26.1 | 6:47 | |||||||
87 | Elliot Smith | So | Sir Francis Drake | 14:27.3 | 6:47 | |||||||
88 | Daniel Foad | So | Junipero Serra | 14:27.7 | 6:47 | |||||||
89 | Aidan Weaver | So | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 14:30.8 | 6:49 | |||||||
90 | Jacob McLaughlin | So | Granada | 14:32 | 6:49 | 4/6 | 8/15 | 13/18 | ||||
91 | Wyatt Lam | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 14:32.1 | 6:49 | |||||||
92 | Michael Dudzinski | So | Alameda | 14:44 | 6:55 | |||||||
93 | Beau Revenaugh | So | Palo Alto | 14:44.1 | 6:55 | |||||||
94 | Nicola Hussey | So | Granada | 14:44.5 | 6:55 | 5/6 | 10/15 | 9/14 | ||||
95 | Koleman Chang | So | Santa Teresa | 14:46.6 | 6:56 | |||||||
96 | Jack Gross | So | Sir Francis Drake | 14:49.2 | 6:57 | |||||||
97 | Colby Leal | So | Pioneer | 14:53.2 | 6:59 | |||||||
98 | Michael Nakamura | So | Pioneer | 14:53.7 | 7:00 | |||||||
99 | Calvin Cha | So | Prospect | 14:56.3 | 7:01 | |||||||
100 | Hadrian Payne | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 14:58.7 | 7:02 | |||||||
101 | Ethan Loth | So | Lincoln (S) | 15:00.5 | 7:03 | |||||||
102 | Tyler Sales | So | Prospect | 15:00.6 | 7:03 | |||||||
103 | Miles Rehling | So | Lowell | 15:00.8 | 7:03 | |||||||
104 | Nathan Anibale | So | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 15:04.9 | 7:05 | |||||||
105 | Michael (luke) Wil | So | Junipero Serra | 15:05.5 | 7:05 | |||||||
106 | Owen Wong | So | Junipero Serra | 15:06.7 | 7:06 | |||||||
107 | Charles Williams | So | Lowell | 15:08.5 | 7:07 | |||||||
108 | Logan Neuner | So | Lincoln (S) | 15:11.5 | 7:08 | |||||||
109 | Jake Turner | So | Junipero Serra | 15:12.2 | 7:08 | |||||||
110 | Thomas Bolls | So | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 15:13.5 | 7:09 | |||||||
111 | Matthew Woods | So | Los Altos | 15:15.6 | 7:10 | |||||||
112 | Lance Uch | So | Lincoln (S) | 15:15.9 | 7:10 | |||||||
113 | Galen Liu | So | Henry M. Gunn | 15:20.4 | 7:12 | |||||||
114 | Sean Devgan | So | Junipero Serra | 15:23.2 | 7:13 | |||||||
115 | Mathew Namba | So | Leland | 15:25 | 7:14 | |||||||
116 | Brian Poon | So | Alameda | 15:28.5 | 7:16 | |||||||
117 | Ryan Namba | So | Leland | 15:39.3 | 7:21 | |||||||
118 | Cormac Herbert | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 15:41.8 | 7:22 | |||||||
119 | Alexander Eletich | So | Los Altos | 15:42 | 7:22 | |||||||
120 | Thomas Work | So | San Francisco Univer | 15:45.3 | 7:24 | |||||||
121 | Richard Gonzales | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 15:49.4 | 7:26 | |||||||
122 | Tyler Chung | So | Prospect | 15:52.9 | 7:27 | |||||||
123 | Nathan Levy | So | Henry M. Gunn | 15:53.4 | 7:28 | |||||||
124 | Kyle Puzder | So | Livermore | 16:16.1 | 7:38 | |||||||
125 | Joshua Woo | So | Alameda | 16:28.2 | 7:44 | |||||||
126 | Barron Ha | So | Alameda | 16:37.8 | 7:48 | |||||||
127 | Jackson Rooker | So | Bear Creek | 16:38.1 | 7:49 | |||||||
128 | Nicholas Petty | So | Henry M. Gunn | 16:40.2 | 7:50 | |||||||
129 | Alexander Zaretzki | So | Los Altos | 16:47.3 | 7:53 | |||||||
130 | Baylen Ponte | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 16:54.5 | 7:56 | |||||||
131 | Blake Wilson | So | Lowell | 16:57.9 | 7:58 | |||||||
132 | Joshua Palmateer | So | Sir Francis Drake | 17:22.9 | 8:10 | |||||||
133 | David Wu | So | Granada | 17:31.6 | 8:14 | 6/6 | 14/15 | 11/13 | ||||
134 | William Mason | So | Leland | 17:34.3 | 8:15 | |||||||
135 | Ethan Duran | So | Bear Creek | 17:35.6 | 8:16 | |||||||
136 | Ansel Nguyen | So | Junipero Serra | 17:39.6 | 8:17 | |||||||
137 | Jonathan Taylor | So | Leland | 17:43.3 | 8:19 | |||||||
138 | Sergio Ramirez | So | Piner | 17:44.7 | 8:20 | |||||||
139 | Jyothiswaroop Makala | So | Prospect | 17:48.2 | 8:22 | |||||||
140 | Kaleb Johnson | So | Lincoln (S) | 18:00.7 | 8:27 | |||||||
141 | Aidan Thomas | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 18:02.6 | 8:28 | |||||||
142 | Giovanni Paolo Gab | So | Bear Creek | 19:51.8 | 9:20 | |||||||
143 | Omar Bazan | So | Sacred Heart Prep | 19:56.2 | 9:22 | |||||||
144 | Jose Gonzalez | So | Henry M. Gunn | 19:57.3 | 9:22 | |||||||
145 | Brandon Chu | So | Alameda | 20:07.1 | 9:27 | |||||||
146 | Ryan Mccalmont | So | Alameda | 20:08.7 | 9:27 | |||||||
147 | Kyan Wong | So | Santa Teresa | 21:05.5 | 9:54 | |||||||
148 | Shivam Sahni | So | Lowell | 22:37.5 | 10:37 | |||||||
149 | Aditya Tiwari | So | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 23:32.9 | 11:03 | |||||||
150 | Birch Greffen | So | Palo Alto | 24:40.9 | 11:35 | |||||||
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new PR
- PG = Beat personal goal
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Team Race Results - Boys So
Group of 5: So 1st 5
Pl | School![]() |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | Sir Francis Drake 1-1-1-1-1 Gap: 0:36 |
62:14 12:27 5:51 |
24 | Jackson Mcferron So 12:11 5:43 1 |
John Minutoli So 12:21 5:48 2 |
Luke Fernandez So 12:25 5:50 4 |
Ryan Ferguson So 12:30 5:52 7 |
Liam Kriessmann So 12:47 6:00 10 |
Calvin Arnold So 12:53 6:03 11 |
Charlie Harges So 14:04 6:36 51 |
2 | San Francisco Univer 3-2-2-2-2 Gap: 0:45 |
63:58 12:48 6:00 |
77 | Allister Adair So 12:29 5:52 5 |
Leyton Lin So 12:30 5:52 6 |
Oliver El-sayed So 12:31 5:53 9 |
Pierce Friel So 13:14 6:13 28 |
Marshall Schneider So 13:14 6:13 29 |
Dean Myers So 13:38 6:24 44 |
Henry Flaherman So 13:41 6:26 47 |
3 | Los Altos 7-3-3-3-3 Gap: 0:46 |
65:44 13:09 6:10 |
119 | Matthew Diederich So 12:55 6:04 14 |
Daniel Van Campen So 12:56 6:04 15 |
Nikash Gupta So 13:05 6:08 20 |
Rohan Kota So 13:08 6:10 24 |
Sam Stein So 13:40 6:25 46 |
Dylan Gibson So 14:09 6:38 53 |
Connor Volkert So 14:13 6:40 59 |
4 | Lowell 9-6-5-5-4 Gap: 1:05 |
66:57 13:23 6:17 |
159 | Ander Rogers So 12:59 6:06 17 |
Graham Witt So 13:02 6:07 18 |
Hiroki Aoshima So 13:14 6:13 30 |
Henry Pierce So 13:38 6:24 42 |
Asa Mentzel So 14:04 6:36 52 |
Carson Mayer So 14:12 6:40 56 |
Elian Carvajal-lom So 14:19 6:43 63 |
5 | Palo Alto 4-3-4-4-5 Gap: 2:14 |
66:56 13:23 6:17 |
162 | Zachary Spain So 12:31 5:52 8 |
Tony Mckenna So 13:05 6:09 21 |
Henry Liu So 13:15 6:13 31 |
Kyle Chang So 13:22 6:17 32 |
Beau Revenaugh So 14:44 6:55 70 |
Birch Greffen So 24:41 11:35 93 |
6 | Foothill (Pleasanton) 2-7-7-6-6 Gap: 1:34 |
66:46 13:21 6:16 |
164 | Elias Badillo-benard So 12:21 5:48 3 |
Patrick Bennett So 13:26 6:18 34 |
Elijah Lozares So 13:29 6:20 38 |
Brady Holdren So 13:36 6:23 40 |
Muhammad Hassaan C So 13:54 6:32 49 |
Luke Yamashita So 14:12 6:40 58 |
Josef Trueblood So 14:18 6:43 62 |
7 | Lincoln (S) 8-9-8-7-7 Gap: 2:02 |
68:14 13:39 6:24 |
192 | Jeffrey Overgaard So 12:58 6:05 16 |
Alex Zorea So 13:10 6:11 25 |
Justin Martinez So 13:27 6:19 35 |
Zach Galvez So 13:38 6:24 43 |
Ethan Loth So 15:01 7:03 73 |
Logan Neuner So 15:12 7:08 78 |
Lance Uch So 15:16 7:10 80 |
8 | Henry M. Gunn 6-8-10-9-8 Gap: 1:19 |
68:10 13:38 6:24 |
202 | Isaac Wang So 12:54 6:03 13 |
Troy Woodley So 13:12 6:12 27 |
Alexander Chang So 13:40 6:25 45 |
Juan Acosta Perez So 14:12 6:40 57 |
Jacob Hilbert So 14:13 6:40 60 |
Kyle Luo So 14:24 6:46 64 |
Galen Liu So 15:20 7:12 81 |
9 | Granada 5-5-6-8-9 Gap: 1:51 |
68:46 13:45 6:27 |
209 | Gabriel Nellis Torres So 12:54 6:03 12 |
Alex Chong So 13:04 6:08 19 |
Tanner Gray So 13:32 6:21 39 |
Jacob McLaughlin So 14:32 6:49 68 |
Nicola Hussey So 14:45 6:55 71 |
David Wu So 17:32 8:14 88 |
10 | Junipero Serra 10-10-9-10-10 Gap: 2:00 |
69:10 13:50 6:30 |
220 | Tai Ryan So 13:06 6:09 22 |
Broghan Wilke-hiland So 13:07 6:09 23 |
Luciano Cano So 13:25 6:18 33 |
Daniel Foad So 14:28 6:47 66 |
Michael (luke) Wil So 15:06 7:05 76 |
Owen Wong So 15:07 7:06 77 |
Jake Turner So 15:12 7:08 79 |
11 | Sacred Heart Cathedral 14-13-11-11-11 Gap: 0:49 |
70:28 14:06 6:37 |
272 | Lukas Seufert So 13:37 6:24 41 |
Owen Mcmahon So 14:00 6:34 50 |
Nathan Clark So 14:11 6:39 55 |
Liam Waters So 14:14 6:41 61 |
Eliot Stein So 14:26 6:47 65 |
Aidan Weaver So 14:31 6:49 67 |
Nathan Anibale So 15:05 7:05 75 |
12 | Alameda 12-12-12-12-12 Gap: 3:00 |
73:53 14:47 6:56 |
322 | Christopher Wootton So 13:28 6:19 36 |
Dashiell Von Stroh So 13:44 6:27 48 |
Michael Dudzinski So 14:44 6:55 69 |
Brian Poon So 15:29 7:16 83 |
Joshua Woo So 16:28 7:44 86 |
Barron Ha So 16:38 7:48 87 |
Brandon Chu So 20:07 9:27 92 |
13 | Leland 11-11-13-13-13 Gap: 4:23 |
75:59 15:12 7:08 |
335 | Zach Derse So 13:11 6:11 26 |
Jahan Garg So 14:10 6:39 54 |
Mathew Namba So 15:25 7:14 82 |
Ryan Namba So 15:39 7:21 84 |
William Mason So 17:34 8:15 89 |
Jonathan Taylor So 17:43 8:19 90 |
14 | Prospect 13-14-14-14-14 Gap: 4:20 |
77:06 15:25 7:14 |
359 | Liam Salib So 13:28 6:19 37 |
Calvin Cha So 14:56 7:01 72 |
Tyler Sales So 15:01 7:03 74 |
Tyler Chung So 15:53 7:27 85 |
Jyothiswaroop Makala So 17:48 8:22 91 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
- The sequence of numbers (e.g. 3-3-4-2-1) in the School column refers to the team's place in the race after each runner finished. It indicates the strength of the team by position.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete broke the tie with a competitor resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners AND broke a tie resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Individual Race Results - Boys JV
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp![]() |
Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
1 | Erik Bromley | So | Granada | 15:52.8 | 5:38 | 1/10 | 8/17 | 1/26 | ||||
2 | Hudson Sauder | Jr | Granada | 16:00.5 | 5:41 | 2/10 | 9/17 | 1/24 | ||||
3 | Adrian Cuevas Gomez | So | Granada | 16:05.3 | 5:42 | 3/10 | 10/17 | 1/20 | ||||
4 | Jake Walton | Jr | Granada | 16:08.2 | 5:43 | 4/10 | 11/17 | 1/17 | ||||
5 | Mason Kramm | Jr | Clovis North | 16:12.9 | 5:45 | |||||||
6 | William Dike | Sr | Palo Alto | 16:15.7 | 5:46 | |||||||
7 | Samuel Costello | Sr | Granada | 16:18.5 | 5:47 | 5/10 | 12/17 | 1/16 | ||||
8 | Jayden del Mundo | Jr | Granada | 16:18.7 | 5:47 | 6/10 | 13/17 | 1/14 | ||||
9 | Phela Durosinmi | Jr | Palo Alto | 16:24.8 | 5:49 | |||||||
10 | Christopher Loo | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 16:31.2 | 5:51 | |||||||
11 | Kyle Park | Jr | Palo Alto | 16:39.2 | 5:54 | |||||||
12 | Ian Sheinis | Jr | Granada | 16:41.8 | 5:55 | 7/10 | 14/17 | 1/12 | ||||
13 | Kyle Gresham | Sr | Clovis North | 16:42.7 | 5:56 | |||||||
14 | Cameron Zoffka | Sr | Clovis North | 16:52.9 | 5:59 | |||||||
15 | Kelvin Moresi | Jr | Palo Alto | 17:00.6 | 6:02 | |||||||
16 | Barbod Vaezeafshar | Jr | Mountain View | 17:06 | 6:04 | |||||||
17 | Dominic Thompson | Sr | Junipero Serra | 17:06.5 | 6:04 | |||||||
18 | Max Lara | Sr | Archbishop Riordan | 17:07.9 | 6:05 | |||||||
19 | Teddy Kaiser | Jr | Junipero Serra | 17:09.8 | 6:05 | |||||||
20 | John Penner | Sr | Junipero Serra | 17:10.8 | 6:06 | |||||||
21 | Evan Strohman | Jr | Woodside Priory | 17:15.3 | 6:07 | |||||||
22 | Michael Ladcani | Jr | Junipero Serra | 17:17.7 | 6:08 | |||||||
23 | John Hurlbut | So | Woodside Priory | 17:20.9 | 6:09 | |||||||
24 | Anthony Petrosso | Sr | Clovis North | 17:23.1 | 6:10 | |||||||
25 | Vidal Murrieta | Jr | Pitman | 17:25 | 6:11 | |||||||
26 | Kaden Calder | Jr | Mountain View | 17:25 | 6:11 | |||||||
27 | Kamran Bastani | Sr | Palo Alto | 17:25.8 | 6:11 | |||||||
28 | Myles Jamias | Sr | Lincoln (S) | 17:29.6 | 6:12 | |||||||
29 | Tyrell (ty) Morales | Jr | Junipero Serra | 17:29.7 | 6:12 | |||||||
30 | Daniel Lai | Jr | Granada | 17:33.6 | 6:14 | 8/10 | 15/17 | 1/10 | ||||
31 | Rowan Moore | So | Mountain View | 17:36 | 6:14 | |||||||
32 | Alexander Sommer | Sr | Mountain View | 17:37.1 | 6:15 | |||||||
33 | Owen Bittinger | Jr | Palo Alto | 17:40.6 | 6:16 | |||||||
34 | Shota Fletcher | Sr | Mountain View | 17:42.1 | 6:17 | |||||||
35 | Aidan Shek | Jr | Mountain View | 17:45.5 | 6:18 | |||||||
36 | Aidan Lew | Sr | Junipero Serra | 17:48.8 | 6:19 | |||||||
37 | Nick Usich | Jr | Palo Alto | 17:50.6 | 6:20 | |||||||
38 | Perrin Heyman | Sr | Mountain View | 17:50.9 | 6:20 | |||||||
39 | Emilio Sanchez | Jr | Pitman | 17:52.8 | 6:20 | |||||||
40 | Thomas Worthington | So | Piedmont | 17:55.3 | 6:21 | |||||||
41 | Gavin Wu | Jr | Palo Alto | 17:57.1 | 6:22 | |||||||
42 | Max Benedetti | Jr | Mountain View | 18:02.8 | 6:24 | |||||||
43 | Max Vroemen | Sr | Palo Alto | 18:05.2 | 6:25 | |||||||
44 | Devin Kaneshiro | Sr | Alameda | 18:10.9 | 6:27 | |||||||
45 | Jack Ryan | Sr | Woodside Priory | 18:11.8 | 6:27 | |||||||
46 | Jack Pereira | Jr | Mountain View | 18:12 | 6:27 | |||||||
47 | Abraham Valencia | Jr | Pitman | 18:13.9 | 6:28 | |||||||
48 | Kensuke Ogata | Sr | Palo Alto | 18:18.3 | 6:29 | |||||||
49 | Will Symons | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 18:19.2 | 6:30 | |||||||
50 | Dezso Ganoza | Jr | Will C. Wood | 18:19.5 | 6:30 | |||||||
51 | Amogh Maddileti | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 18:20.9 | 6:30 | |||||||
52 | Dylan Hennecke | Jr | Alameda | 18:27.8 | 6:33 | |||||||
53 | Carlos Arreola | Sr | Pitman | 18:28.5 | 6:33 | |||||||
54 | Athony Tejeda Cast | Sr | Mountain View | 18:31.3 | 6:34 | |||||||
55 | Ethan Grayeski | Sr | Mountain View | 18:32.8 | 6:35 | |||||||
56 | Colin Lai | Jr | Palo Alto | 18:33.7 | 6:35 | |||||||
57 | Aidan Wyrough | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 18:34 | 6:35 | |||||||
58 | Jason Moniz Armstrong | Jr | Granada | 18:34.5 | 6:35 | 9/10 | 16/17 | 3/8 | ||||
59 | Oliver Clark | Jr | Woodside | 18:35.4 | 6:36 | |||||||
60 | Daniel Pierce | Sr | Granada | 18:35.8 | 6:36 | 10/10 | 17/17 | 3/8 | ||||
61 | Charles Kelley | Sr | Junipero Serra | 18:36 | 6:36 | |||||||
62 | Zachary Blood | Sr | Pitman | 18:36.4 | 6:36 | |||||||
63 | Theo Arenstam | Sr | Piedmont | 18:36.6 | 6:36 | |||||||
64 | Kaushik Rajarathinam | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 18:39.3 | 6:37 | |||||||
65 | Constantine Athana | Sr | Junipero Serra | 18:40.7 | 6:37 | |||||||
66 | Lukas Anderson | Jr | Junipero Serra | 18:44 | 6:39 | |||||||
67 | Diego Diaz | Sr | Palo Alto | 18:44.9 | 6:39 | |||||||
68 | Rohan Ghandi | Sr | Las Lomas | 18:44.9 | 6:39 | |||||||
69 | Toby Huynh | Jr | Mountain View | 18:46.3 | 6:39 | |||||||
70 | Aidan Mccarthy | Sr | Junipero Serra | 18:49 | 6:40 | |||||||
71 | Eliseo Urrutia Ser | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 18:51.3 | 6:41 | |||||||
72 | Alex Yang | So | Urban of San Francisco | 18:52.9 | 6:42 | |||||||
73 | Ian Yee | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 18:56.7 | 6:43 | |||||||
74 | Miles Palmer | Jr | Urban of San Francisco | 18:58.4 | 6:44 | |||||||
75 | Rafael Acevedo | Jr | Alameda | 19:01 | 6:45 | |||||||
76 | Aidan Lincke | Jr | Harker | 19:01.8 | 6:45 | |||||||
77 | Rafael Branco | Sr | Bay School of San Fr | 19:03.2 | 6:45 | |||||||
78 | Drew Dacanay | Jr | Piedmont | 19:05.4 | 6:46 | |||||||
79 | Peter Scott | Jr | Alameda | 19:10.4 | 6:48 | |||||||
80 | Philip Zhang | Jr | Galileo Academy | 19:13.2 | 6:49 | |||||||
81 | Drew Provinse | Jr | Las Lomas | 19:15.9 | 6:50 | |||||||
82 | Antonio Porana | Sr | Pitman | 19:16.7 | 6:50 | |||||||
83 | Aidan Fitch | Jr | Las Lomas | 19:17.6 | 6:50 | |||||||
84 | Nathan Lo | Jr | Mills | 19:17.9 | 6:51 | |||||||
85 | Matthew Lai | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 19:18.2 | 6:51 | |||||||
86 | Peter Tang | Jr | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 19:19.3 | 6:51 | |||||||
87 | Jacob Moreton | Sr | Archbishop Riordan | 19:19.9 | 6:51 | |||||||
88 | Matthew Kamienski | Sr | Junipero Serra | 19:20.4 | 6:51 | |||||||
89 | Aaron Ngo | Jr | Mills | 19:21.9 | 6:52 | |||||||
90 | Carter Baginskis | So | Woodside Priory | 19:22.1 | 6:52 | |||||||
91 | Rylan Waterman | Jr | Urban of San Francisco | 19:22.5 | 6:52 | |||||||
92 | Chester Ho | Jr | Mills | 19:22.9 | 6:52 | |||||||
93 | Aidan Ring | Sr | Archbishop Riordan | 19:23 | 6:52 | |||||||
94 | Mathew Mcmahon | Jr | Urban of San Francisco | 19:23.6 | 6:53 | |||||||
95 | Lukas Pahlm | Jr | Palo Alto | 19:25.1 | 6:53 | |||||||
96 | Justin Ruidera | So | Mills | 19:25.9 | 6:53 | |||||||
97 | Wesley Jeng | Sr | Piedmont | 19:26.9 | 6:54 | |||||||
98 | Zachary Forster | Jr | Alameda | 19:27.7 | 6:54 | |||||||
99 | Mason Gardner | Sr | Archbishop Riordan | 19:28.7 | 6:54 | |||||||
100 | Kyle Loth | Jr | Lincoln (S) | 19:30.3 | 6:55 | |||||||
101 | Logan Paulsen | Sr | Archbishop Riordan | 19:35 | 6:57 | |||||||
102 | Cyrus Patel | So | Woodside Priory | 19:35.5 | 6:57 | |||||||
103 | Jack Hubley | Sr | Archbishop Riordan | 19:42.8 | 6:59 | |||||||
104 | Jack Xie | Sr | Mills | 19:46.7 | 7:01 | |||||||
105 | Jasper Tripp | So | Piedmont | 19:47.8 | 7:01 | |||||||
106 | Dominic Phan-romero | Sr | Archbishop Riordan | 19:48.7 | 7:02 | |||||||
107 | Charlie Thompson | Jr | Junipero Serra | 19:49.1 | 7:02 | |||||||
108 | Jaden Lewis | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 20:01.5 | 7:06 | |||||||
109 | Jack Wong | Sr | Mills | 20:16.3 | 7:11 | |||||||
110 | Joe Simonds | Sr | Junipero Serra | 20:17.9 | 7:12 | |||||||
111 | Richard Zhang | So | Harker | 20:20 | 7:13 | |||||||
112 | Nicholas Martinez | Sr | Archbishop Riordan | 20:23.7 | 7:14 | |||||||
113 | Johan Delen | Fr | Urban of San Francisco | 20:24.6 | 7:14 | |||||||
114 | William Kulda | Sr | Junipero Serra | 20:28.5 | 7:16 | |||||||
115 | Nicholas Wells | Sr | Las Lomas | 20:31.8 | 7:17 | |||||||
116 | Harrison Day | Jr | Pitman | 20:32.4 | 7:17 | |||||||
117 | Evan Yip | Jr | Alameda | 20:33.1 | 7:17 | |||||||
118 | Akash Ranade | Sr | Westmont | 20:36.9 | 7:19 | |||||||
119 | Michael Pflaging | Jr | Harker | 20:40.7 | 7:20 | |||||||
120 | Joe Cohen | Jr | Urban of San Francisco | 20:43.3 | 7:21 | |||||||
121 | Andres Maldonado | Fr | Will C. Wood | 20:50.6 | 7:23 | |||||||
122 | Adam Sayed | So | Harker | 20:59.7 | 7:27 | |||||||
123 | Nathaniel Valdez | Sr | Junipero Serra | 21:00.7 | 7:27 | |||||||
124 | Adam Engel | Sr | Mills | 21:08.3 | 7:30 | |||||||
125 | Roee Abramitzky | Sr | Henry M. Gunn | 21:10.1 | 7:30 | |||||||
126 | Noah Lai | Sr | Mills | 21:10.5 | 7:31 | |||||||
127 | Josh Lee | Sr | Piedmont | 21:14.5 | 7:32 | |||||||
128 | Brayden Rogers | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 21:15.6 | 7:32 | |||||||
129 | Jaydon Gavino | Sr | Will C. Wood | 21:16.5 | 7:33 | |||||||
130 | Ethan Schubot | So | Will C. Wood | 21:21.3 | 7:34 | |||||||
131 | Tsun Tsang | Jr | Archbishop Riordan | 21:23 | 7:35 | |||||||
132 | Vincent Padilla | Sr | Junipero Serra | 21:25.8 | 7:36 | |||||||
133 | Gabriel Paredes | Jr | Alameda | 21:26.9 | 7:36 | |||||||
134 | Michael Co | Sr | Summit Shasta | 21:27.4 | 7:37 | |||||||
135 | Steven Lee | Jr | Henry M. Gunn | 21:27.8 | 7:37 | |||||||
136 | Jaime Suarez | Jr | Pitman | 21:36.3 | 7:40 | |||||||
137 | Josiah Parks | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 21:38.8 | 7:41 | |||||||
138 | Adam Elmansouri | Jr | Alameda | 21:40.8 | 7:41 | |||||||
139 | William Carrillo | Sr | Henry M. Gunn | 21:42.1 | 7:42 | |||||||
140 | Sean Tang | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 21:42.1 | 7:42 | |||||||
141 | Mateo Robles | Sr | Alameda | 21:43 | 7:42 | |||||||
142 | Aaron Chin | Sr | Hillsdale | 21:43.2 | 7:42 | |||||||
143 | Pranav Mullappalli | Jr | Harker | 21:46.2 | 7:43 | |||||||
144 | Ryan Cannon | Jr | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 21:49.3 | 7:44 | |||||||
145 | Erik Fong | Jr | Alameda | 21:50.8 | 7:45 | |||||||
146 | Henry Garrett | Sr | Mills | 21:54.7 | 7:46 | |||||||
147 | Kaveh Miller | Sr | Junipero Serra | 21:55.7 | 7:47 | |||||||
148 | Benjamin Chin | Sr | Hillsdale | 21:56 | 7:47 | |||||||
149 | Alex De La Cruz | So | Urban of San Francisco | 21:56.7 | 7:47 | |||||||
150 | Jeremy Kemmerer | Jr | Las Lomas | 22:01.3 | 7:49 | |||||||
151 | Kelvin Zhang | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 22:03 | 7:49 | |||||||
152 | Yoochan An | Jr | Henry M. Gunn | 22:09.4 | 7:51 | |||||||
153 | Jaxen Baker | So | Will C. Wood | 22:10.3 | 7:52 | |||||||
154 | Teagen Terry | Jr | Las Lomas | 22:15.8 | 7:54 | |||||||
155 | Nicholas Beier | Sr | Junipero Serra | 22:16.2 | 7:54 | |||||||
156 | Derrick Ma | Jr | Alameda | 22:18.9 | 7:55 | |||||||
157 | Sebastian Ramos | Jr | Junipero Serra | 22:27.8 | 7:58 | |||||||
158 | Aidan O'reilly | Sr | Junipero Serra | 22:28.1 | 7:58 | |||||||
159 | Owen Gould | Sr | Woodside Priory | 22:40.8 | 8:03 | |||||||
160 | Khang Nguyen | Jr | Archbishop Riordan | 22:53.9 | 8:07 | |||||||
161 | Dominic Verango | Sr | Sacred Heart Cathedral | 22:56 | 8:08 | |||||||
162 | Max Kearns | Sr | Mills | 22:56 | 8:08 | |||||||
163 | Cameran Maxwell | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 22:57.5 | 8:08 | |||||||
164 | Yousef Hunter | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 23:03.3 | 8:11 | |||||||
165 | Patrick Chen | Jr | Palo Alto | 23:39 | 8:23 | |||||||
166 | Zubin Khera | Jr | Harker | 23:52 | 8:28 | |||||||
167 | Harrison Le | Sr | Summit Shasta | 23:53.2 | 8:28 | |||||||
168 | Christo Hunter | Jr | Westmont | 23:54.3 | 8:29 | |||||||
169 | Nolan Tschirgi | Jr | Alameda | 23:55.6 | 8:29 | |||||||
170 | Caius Sutliff | Jr | Las Lomas | 24:02.7 | 8:32 | |||||||
171 | Spencer Berg | Jr | Las Lomas | 24:13.7 | 8:35 | |||||||
172 | Nathan Chen | So | Woodside Priory | 24:34.7 | 8:43 | |||||||
173 | Owen Mciver | Jr | Henry M. Gunn | 25:12.1 | 8:56 | |||||||
174 | Hanson Han | Sr | Mills | 25:25.8 | 9:01 | |||||||
175 | Ryan Hu | Jr | Summit Shasta | 25:51.6 | 9:10 | |||||||
176 | Matthew Leung | Sr | Mills | 25:53.2 | 9:11 | |||||||
177 | Jason Yu | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 26:11.1 | 9:17 | |||||||
178 | Joaquin Fernandez | So | Bear Creek | 26:13.3 | 9:18 | |||||||
179 | John Connolly | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 26:21.3 | 9:21 | |||||||
180 | Matthew Lam | Sr | Mills | 26:38.9 | 9:27 | |||||||
181 | Brandon Sturdivant | Sr | Archbishop Riordan | 27:27.4 | 9:44 | |||||||
182 | Zachary Ho | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 27:33.9 | 9:46 | |||||||
183 | Daniel Thomen | Jr | Archbishop Riordan | 27:49.3 | 9:52 | |||||||
184 | Tyler Nguyen | Sr | Bear Creek | 27:50.3 | 9:52 | |||||||
185 | Rizvi Ghazi | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 27:52.7 | 9:53 | |||||||
186 | Kunal Dutt | Sr | Bay School of San Fr | 28:02.4 | 9:57 | |||||||
187 | Ethan Telang | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 29:50.4 | 10:35 | |||||||
188 | Cuinn Huber | Sr | Westmont | 30:11.5 | 10:42 | |||||||
189 | Evan Mcnerney | Sr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 30:14.8 | 10:44 | |||||||
190 | Aaryan Munshi | Jr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 30:23.6 | 10:47 | |||||||
191 | Trent Sanders | Jr | Junipero Serra | 31:58.8 | 11:20 | |||||||
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new PR
- PG = Beat personal goal
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Team Race Results - Boys JV
Group of 5: JV 1st 5
Pl | School![]() |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | Granada 1-1-1-1-1 Gap: 0:26 |
80:25 16:05 5:42 |
16 | Erik Bromley So 15:53 5:38 1 |
Hudson Sauder Jr 16:01 5:41 2 |
Adrian Cuevas Gomez So 16:05 5:42 3 |
Jake Walton Jr 16:08 5:43 4 |
Samuel Costello Sr 16:19 5:47 6 |
Jayden del Mundo Jr 16:19 5:47 7 |
Ian Sheinis Jr 16:42 5:55 11 |
2 | Palo Alto 2-2-2-2-2 Gap: 1:10 |
83:46 16:45 5:56 |
58 | William Dike Sr 16:16 5:46 5 |
Phela Durosinmi Jr 16:25 5:49 8 |
Kyle Park Jr 16:39 5:54 10 |
Kelvin Moresi Jr 17:01 6:02 12 |
Kamran Bastani Sr 17:26 6:11 23 |
Owen Bittinger Jr 17:41 6:16 27 |
Nick Usich Jr 17:51 6:20 31 |
3 | Junipero Serra 5-3-3-3-3 Gap: 0:23 |
86:15 17:15 6:07 |
90 | Dominic Thompson Sr 17:07 6:04 14 |
Teddy Kaiser Jr 17:10 6:05 16 |
John Penner Sr 17:11 6:06 17 |
Michael Ladcani Jr 17:18 6:08 19 |
Tyrell (ty) Morales Jr 17:30 6:12 24 |
Aidan Lew Sr 17:49 6:19 30 |
Charles Kelley Sr 18:36 6:36 44 |
4 | Mountain View 4-4-4-4-4 Gap: 0:36 |
87:26 17:29 6:12 |
114 | Barbod Vaezeafshar Jr 17:06 6:04 13 |
Kaden Calder Jr 17:25 6:11 22 |
Rowan Moore So 17:36 6:14 25 |
Alexander Sommer Sr 17:37 6:15 26 |
Shota Fletcher Sr 17:42 6:17 28 |
Aidan Shek Jr 17:46 6:18 29 |
Perrin Heyman Sr 17:51 6:20 32 |
5 | Foothill (Pleasanton) 3-6-6-5-5 Gap: 2:08 |
90:25 18:05 6:25 |
177 | Christopher Loo Sr 16:31 5:51 9 |
Will Symons Sr 18:19 6:30 38 |
Amogh Maddileti Sr 18:21 6:30 40 |
Aidan Wyrough Jr 18:34 6:35 43 |
Kaushik Rajarathinam Sr 18:39 6:37 47 |
Eliseo Urrutia Ser Sr 18:51 6:41 49 |
Ian Yee Jr 18:57 6:43 51 |
6 | Pitman 8-7-7-6-6 Gap: 1:11 |
90:37 18:07 6:26 |
178 | Vidal Murrieta Jr 17:25 6:11 21 |
Emilio Sanchez Jr 17:53 6:20 33 |
Abraham Valencia Jr 18:14 6:28 37 |
Carlos Arreola Sr 18:29 6:33 42 |
Zachary Blood Sr 18:36 6:36 45 |
Antonio Porana Sr 19:17 6:50 58 |
Harrison Day Jr 20:32 7:17 82 |
7 | Woodside Priory 7-5-5-7-7 Gap: 2:20 |
91:46 18:21 6:30 |
210 | Evan Strohman Jr 17:15 6:07 18 |
John Hurlbut So 17:21 6:09 20 |
Jack Ryan Sr 18:12 6:27 36 |
Carter Baginskis So 19:22 6:52 63 |
Cyrus Patel So 19:36 6:57 73 |
Owen Gould Sr 22:41 8:03 102 |
Nathan Chen So 24:35 8:43 105 |
8 | Alameda 10-8-8-8-8 Gap: 1:17 |
94:18 18:52 6:41 |
255 | Devin Kaneshiro Sr 18:11 6:27 35 |
Dylan Hennecke Jr 18:28 6:33 41 |
Rafael Acevedo Jr 19:01 6:45 53 |
Peter Scott Jr 19:10 6:48 56 |
Zachary Forster Jr 19:28 6:54 70 |
Evan Yip Jr 20:33 7:17 83 |
Gabriel Paredes Jr 21:27 7:36 93 |
9 | Piedmont 9-10-9-9-9 Gap: 1:53 |
94:52 18:58 6:44 |
280 | Thomas Worthington So 17:55 6:21 34 |
Theo Arenstam Sr 18:37 6:36 46 |
Drew Dacanay Jr 19:05 6:46 55 |
Wesley Jeng Sr 19:27 6:54 69 |
Jasper Tripp So 19:48 7:01 76 |
Josh Lee Sr 21:15 7:32 90 |
10 | Archbishop Riordan 6-8-10-10-10 Gap: 2:27 |
94:55 18:59 6:44 |
285 | Max Lara Sr 17:08 6:05 15 |
Jacob Moreton Sr 19:20 6:51 61 |
Aidan Ring Sr 19:23 6:52 66 |
Mason Gardner Sr 19:29 6:54 71 |
Logan Paulsen Sr 19:35 6:57 72 |
Jack Hubley Sr 19:43 6:59 74 |
Dominic Phan-romero Sr 19:49 7:02 77 |
11 | Urban of San Francisco 13-11-12-11-11 Gap: 1:32 |
97:02 19:24 6:53 |
313 | Alex Yang So 18:53 6:42 50 |
Miles Palmer Jr 18:58 6:44 52 |
Rylan Waterman Jr 19:23 6:52 64 |
Mathew Mcmahon Jr 19:24 6:53 67 |
Johan Delen Fr 20:25 7:14 80 |
Joe Cohen Jr 20:43 7:21 85 |
Alex De La Cruz So 21:57 7:47 97 |
12 | Mills 15-13-13-13-12 Gap: 0:29 |
97:15 19:27 6:54 |
330 | Nathan Lo Jr 19:18 6:51 60 |
Aaron Ngo Jr 19:22 6:52 62 |
Chester Ho Jr 19:23 6:52 65 |
Justin Ruidera So 19:26 6:53 68 |
Jack Xie Sr 19:47 7:01 75 |
Jack Wong Sr 20:16 7:11 78 |
Adam Engel Sr 21:08 7:30 88 |
13 | Las Lomas 12-12-11-12-13 Gap: 3:16 |
99:52 19:58 7:05 |
343 | Rohan Ghandi Sr 18:45 6:39 48 |
Drew Provinse Jr 19:16 6:50 57 |
Aidan Fitch Jr 19:18 6:50 59 |
Nicholas Wells Sr 20:32 7:17 81 |
Jeremy Kemmerer Jr 22:01 7:49 98 |
Teagen Terry Jr 22:16 7:54 101 |
Caius Sutliff Jr 24:03 8:32 104 |
14 | Harker 14-15-15-14-14 Gap: 2:44 |
102:48 20:34 7:17 |
400 | Aidan Lincke Jr 19:02 6:45 54 |
Richard Zhang So 20:20 7:13 79 |
Michael Pflaging Jr 20:41 7:20 84 |
Adam Sayed So 21:00 7:27 87 |
Pranav Mullappalli Jr 21:46 7:43 96 |
Zubin Khera Jr 23:52 8:28 103 |
15 | Will C. Wood 11-14-14-15-15 Gap: 3:51 |
103:58 20:48 7:22 |
408 | Dezso Ganoza Jr 18:20 6:30 39 |
Andres Maldonado Fr 20:51 7:23 86 |
Jaydon Gavino Sr 21:17 7:33 91 |
Ethan Schubot So 21:21 7:34 92 |
Jaxen Baker So 22:10 7:52 100 |
16 | Henry M. Gunn 16-16-16-16-16 Gap: 4:02 |
111:42 22:20 7:55 |
483 | Roee Abramitzky Sr 21:10 7:30 89 |
Steven Lee Jr 21:28 7:37 94 |
William Carrillo Sr 21:42 7:42 95 |
Yoochan An Jr 22:09 7:51 99 |
Owen Mciver Jr 25:12 8:56 106 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
Group of 5: JV 2nd 5
Pl | School![]() |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | Granada 1-1-1-1-1 Gap: 2:17 |
87:44 17:33 6:13 |
41 | Jayden del Mundo Jr 16:19 5:47 1 |
Ian Sheinis Jr 16:42 5:55 2 |
Daniel Lai Jr 17:34 6:14 3 |
Jason Moniz Armstrong Jr 18:35 6:35 17 |
Daniel Pierce Sr 18:36 6:36 18 |
2 | Palo Alto 2-2-2-2-2 Gap: 0:38 |
89:52 17:58 6:22 |
44 | Owen Bittinger Jr 17:41 6:16 4 |
Nick Usich Jr 17:51 6:20 7 |
Gavin Wu Jr 17:57 6:22 9 |
Max Vroemen Sr 18:05 6:25 11 |
Kensuke Ogata Sr 18:18 6:29 13 |
Colin Lai Jr 18:34 6:35 16 |
Diego Diaz Sr 18:45 6:39 22 |
3 | Mountain View 3-3-3-3-3 Gap: 0:46 |
90:23 18:05 6:25 |
49 | Aidan Shek Jr 17:46 6:18 5 |
Perrin Heyman Sr 17:51 6:20 8 |
Max Benedetti Jr 18:03 6:24 10 |
Jack Pereira Jr 18:12 6:27 12 |
Athony Tejeda Cast Sr 18:31 6:34 14 |
Ethan Grayeski Sr 18:33 6:35 15 |
Toby Huynh Jr 18:46 6:39 23 |
4 | Junipero Serra 4-4-4-4-4 Gap: 1:00 |
92:39 18:32 6:34 |
90 | Aidan Lew Sr 17:49 6:19 6 |
Charles Kelley Sr 18:36 6:36 19 |
Constantine Athana Sr 18:41 6:37 20 |
Lukas Anderson Jr 18:44 6:39 21 |
Aidan Mccarthy Sr 18:49 6:40 24 |
Matthew Kamienski Sr 19:20 6:51 28 |
Charlie Thompson Jr 19:49 7:02 31 |
5 | Foothill (Pleasanton) 5-5-5-5-5 Gap: 2:24 |
98:23 19:41 6:59 |
148 | Eliseo Urrutia Ser Sr 18:51 6:41 25 |
Ian Yee Jr 18:57 6:43 26 |
Matthew Lai Jr 19:18 6:51 27 |
Jaden Lewis Sr 20:02 7:06 32 |
Brayden Rogers Jr 21:16 7:32 38 |
Josiah Parks Sr 21:39 7:41 41 |
Sean Tang Sr 21:42 7:42 43 |
6 | Archbishop Riordan 6-6-6-6-6 Gap: 3:11 |
104:12 20:50 7:23 |
180 | Jack Hubley Sr 19:43 6:59 29 |
Dominic Phan-romero Sr 19:49 7:02 30 |
Nicholas Martinez Sr 20:24 7:14 34 |
Tsun Tsang Jr 21:23 7:35 39 |
Khang Nguyen Jr 22:54 8:07 48 |
Brandon Sturdivant Sr 27:27 9:44 53 |
Daniel Thomen Jr 27:49 9:52 54 |
7 | Mills 7-7-7-7-7 Gap: 2:40 |
107:26 21:29 7:37 |
201 | Jack Wong Sr 20:16 7:11 33 |
Adam Engel Sr 21:08 7:30 36 |
Noah Lai Sr 21:11 7:31 37 |
Henry Garrett Sr 21:55 7:46 46 |
Max Kearns Sr 22:56 8:08 49 |
Hanson Han Sr 25:26 9:01 51 |
Matthew Leung Sr 25:53 9:11 52 |
8 | Alameda 8-8-8-8-8 Gap: 1:18 |
107:15 21:27 7:36 |
206 | Evan Yip Jr 20:33 7:17 35 |
Gabriel Paredes Jr 21:27 7:36 40 |
Adam Elmansouri Jr 21:41 7:41 42 |
Mateo Robles Sr 21:43 7:42 44 |
Erik Fong Jr 21:51 7:45 45 |
Derrick Ma Jr 22:19 7:55 47 |
Nolan Tschirgi Jr 23:56 8:29 50 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
- The sequence of numbers (e.g. 3-3-4-2-1) in the School column refers to the team's place in the race after each runner finished. It indicates the strength of the team by position.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete broke the tie with a competitor resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners AND broke a tie resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Individual Race Results - Boys Fr
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp![]() |
Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
1 | William Finley | Fr | Sir Francis Drake | 12:28.3 | 5:51 | |||||||
2 | Caleb Cliburn | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 12:29.8 | 5:52 | |||||||
3 | Nolan Chavez | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 12:33.8 | 5:54 | |||||||
4 | Rory Olsen | Fr | Mountain View | 12:34 | 5:54 | |||||||
5 | Leo Wingate | Fr | Galileo Academy | 12:40.4 | 5:57 | |||||||
6 | Gavin Haase | Fr | Palo Alto | 12:40.9 | 5:57 | |||||||
7 | Shrey Chettiar | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 12:57 | 6:05 | |||||||
8 | Austen Grabbe | Fr | Prospect | 12:59.6 | 6:06 | |||||||
9 | Monty Webber | Fr | Palo Alto | 12:59.9 | 6:06 | |||||||
10 | Jorell Clark | Fr | Palo Alto | 13:06 | 6:09 | |||||||
11 | Ciaran Mckeown | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 13:08.3 | 6:10 | |||||||
12 | Reed Cross | Fr | Sir Francis Drake | 13:08.6 | 6:10 | |||||||
13 | Jude Bowen | Fr | Woodside | 13:09.3 | 6:11 | |||||||
14 | Nolan Breit | Fr | Prospect | 13:09.9 | 6:11 | |||||||
15 | Rahul Prasanna | Fr | Granada | 13:11.1 | 6:11 | 1/9 | 3/15 | 10/27 | ||||
16 | Ryder Reginelli | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 13:13.4 | 6:12 | |||||||
17 | Benjamin Broccoli | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 13:18.4 | 6:15 | |||||||
18 | Archer Diehl | Fr | Sir Francis Drake | 13:19.1 | 6:15 | |||||||
19 | Martin Moshfeghi | Fr | Henry M. Gunn | 13:21.8 | 6:16 | |||||||
20 | David Henri | Fr | Mountain View | 13:21.9 | 6:16 | |||||||
21 | Thomas Dumont | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 13:33.5 | 6:22 | |||||||
22 | Jonah Weinstein | Fr | Henry M. Gunn | 13:35.5 | 6:23 | |||||||
23 | David Espinoza | Fr | Granada | 13:39 | 6:25 | 2/9 | 5/15 | 7/25 | ||||
24 | Kent Rosenfeld | Fr | Convent & Stuart Hall | 13:39.7 | 6:25 | |||||||
25 | Quinn Mcanerney | Fr | Half Moon Bay | 13:39.9 | 6:25 | |||||||
26 | Kobi Hoang | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 13:40.1 | 6:25 | |||||||
27 | Duncan Zarco | Fr | Livermore | 13:40.5 | 6:25 | |||||||
28 | Grady Mccarter | Fr | Palo Alto | 13:41.6 | 6:26 | |||||||
29 | Arkadiusz Matlosz | Fr | Santa Teresa | 13:42 | 6:26 | |||||||
30 | Justin Chin | Fr | Henry M. Gunn | 13:42 | 6:26 | |||||||
31 | Zander Verhoeven | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 13:43.2 | 6:26 | |||||||
32 | Erik Matlack | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 13:44.4 | 6:27 | |||||||
33 | Massimo Predosin | Fr | Mountain View | 13:45 | 6:27 | |||||||
34 | Ozlo David | Fr | Terra Linda | 13:46.7 | 6:28 | |||||||
35 | Devansh Shah | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 13:53.5 | 6:31 | |||||||
36 | Hastin Chen | Fr | Granada | 13:54.3 | 6:32 | 3/9 | 6/15 | 6/23 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | |||
37 | Gavin Murdock | Fr | Mountain View | 13:54.9 | 6:32 | |||||||
38 | Alister Jackson | Fr | Carlmont | 13:55.5 | 6:32 | |||||||
39 | Josh Durban | Fr | Granada | 13:56.1 | 6:33 | 4/9 | 7/15 | 4/21 | ||||
40 | Anton Matlack | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 13:58.4 | 6:34 | |||||||
41 | Luke Seley | Fr | Henry M. Gunn | 13:58.7 | 6:34 | |||||||
42 | Noah Linares | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:03 | 6:36 | |||||||
43 | Kyle Fukumoto | Fr | Hillsdale | 14:04.3 | 6:36 | |||||||
44 | Zander Rosenzweig | Fr | Henry M. Gunn | 14:04.5 | 6:36 | |||||||
45 | William Burch | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:05.4 | 6:37 | |||||||
46 | Kevin Co | Fr | Summit Shasta | 14:06.7 | 6:38 | |||||||
47 | Elijah Kim | Fr | Prospect | 14:06.9 | 6:38 | |||||||
48 | Jose Nunez | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:10.5 | 6:39 | |||||||
49 | Dane Flores | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:10.9 | 6:39 | |||||||
50 | Nicolas Anigstein | Fr | Palo Alto | 14:11.3 | 6:40 | |||||||
51 | Eric Zhang | Fr | Harker | 14:12.4 | 6:40 | |||||||
52 | Apolo Lapiz | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:12.5 | 6:40 | |||||||
53 | Sean Conley | Fr | Carlmont | 14:13.4 | 6:41 | |||||||
54 | Ryan Seeley | Fr | Sir Francis Drake | 14:19.8 | 6:44 | |||||||
55 | Ethan Calaguas | Fr | Convent & Stuart Hall | 14:21.2 | 6:44 | |||||||
56 | William Guhr | Fr | Palo Alto | 14:24.5 | 6:46 | |||||||
57 | Raul Grijalba | Fr | Terra Linda | 14:24.9 | 6:46 | |||||||
58 | William Bridgnell | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:27.2 | 6:47 | |||||||
59 | Kevin Collins | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 14:29.5 | 6:48 | |||||||
60 | Miles Kim | Fr | Hillsdale | 14:31.4 | 6:49 | |||||||
61 | Nathan Joseph | Fr | Acalanes | 14:32 | 6:49 | |||||||
62 | Luca Casillas | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 14:32 | 6:49 | |||||||
63 | Jonathan Roth | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:34 | 6:50 | |||||||
64 | Harriss Miller | Fr | Harker | 14:35.3 | 6:51 | |||||||
65 | Aidan Wong | Fr | Palo Alto | 14:36.6 | 6:52 | |||||||
66 | Matvey Kalachev | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 14:38.6 | 6:52 | |||||||
67 | Jack Zientara | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 14:39.4 | 6:53 | |||||||
68 | Jason Vook | Fr | Mountain View | 14:40 | 6:53 | |||||||
69 | Isao Iba | Fr | Mountain View | 14:40.9 | 6:54 | |||||||
70 | Kaleb Goldin | Fr | Harker | 14:41.6 | 6:54 | |||||||
71 | Kayden Stone | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:41.8 | 6:54 | |||||||
72 | Graham Kohler | Fr | Prospect | 14:42.9 | 6:55 | |||||||
73 | Jonathan Jara | Fr | Livermore | 14:43.3 | 6:55 | |||||||
74 | Javen Young | Fr | Westmoor | 14:43.3 | 6:55 | |||||||
75 | George Mikhael | Fr | Granada | 14:43.9 | 6:55 | 5/9 | 9/15 | 5/19 | ||||
76 | Narain Krishnakumar | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 14:44.1 | 6:55 | |||||||
77 | Quin White | Fr | Hillsdale | 14:46.5 | 6:56 | |||||||
78 | George Villalobos | So | Antioch | 14:46.7 | 6:56 | |||||||
79 | Julian Medrano | Fr | Granada | 14:47.4 | 6:57 | 6/9 | 11/15 | 4/17 | ||||
80 | Otis Tripp Wisehaupt | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 14:48.4 | 6:57 | |||||||
81 | Russell Moore | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:49.9 | 6:58 | |||||||
82 | Nathan Hendradi | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:51 | 6:58 | |||||||
83 | Gavin Gibson | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:52.7 | 6:59 | |||||||
84 | Jacob (jack) Swenson | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 14:53 | 6:59 | |||||||
85 | Lucas Macaulay | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 14:53.6 | 7:00 | |||||||
86 | Ryan Romig | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:54.6 | 7:00 | |||||||
87 | Bennett Mckee | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 14:55.3 | 7:00 | |||||||
88 | Shrish Premkrishna | Fr | Livermore | 14:56.1 | 7:01 | |||||||
89 | Riku Miwa | Fr | Carlmont | 14:57.1 | 7:01 | |||||||
90 | Joaquin Torres | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 14:59.5 | 7:02 | |||||||
91 | Eli Larsen | Fr | Terra Linda | 15:00.5 | 7:03 | |||||||
92 | Joseph Choi | Fr | Mountain View | 15:03.1 | 7:04 | |||||||
93 | Yunosuke Nakamura | Fr | Carlmont | 15:03.8 | 7:04 | |||||||
94 | Noah Ventura | Fr | Granada | 15:10.3 | 7:07 | 7/9 | 12/15 | 4/14 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | |||
95 | Alton Thoroughgood | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 15:11.7 | 7:08 | |||||||
96 | Miguel Morales | So | Antioch | 15:13.9 | 7:09 | |||||||
97 | Tyler Zacharias | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 15:15.3 | 7:10 | |||||||
98 | Daniel Anigstein | Fr | Palo Alto | 15:15.7 | 7:10 | |||||||
99 | Tony Tran | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 15:17.2 | 7:11 | |||||||
100 | Noah Toth | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 15:20.2 | 7:12 | |||||||
101 | Pranav Sairam | Fr | Prospect | 15:24 | 7:14 | |||||||
102 | Jacob Gallardo | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 15:29.3 | 7:16 | |||||||
103 | Sebastian Mejias | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 15:30.3 | 7:17 | |||||||
104 | Mark Becker | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 15:30.4 | 7:17 | |||||||
105 | Avi Lekkelapudi | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 15:31.1 | 7:17 | |||||||
106 | Anteo Matlosz | Fr | Santa Teresa | 15:31.4 | 7:17 | |||||||
107 | Tommaso Martire | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 15:33.1 | 7:18 | |||||||
108 | Bradley Tsou | Fr | Carlmont | 15:33.4 | 7:18 | |||||||
109 | Samuel Adams | Fr | Acalanes | 15:34 | 7:18 | |||||||
110 | Kamran John | Fr | Mills | 15:34.3 | 7:19 | |||||||
111 | Jonathan Pak | Fr | Mills | 15:34.8 | 7:19 | |||||||
112 | Nathan Cruz | Fr | Santa Teresa | 15:36.9 | 7:20 | |||||||
113 | Jared Lee | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 15:38.4 | 7:21 | |||||||
114 | Arvin Grewal | Fr | Livermore | 15:40.8 | 7:22 | |||||||
115 | Caleb Whitaker | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 15:41.9 | 7:22 | |||||||
116 | Nathan Boyer | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 15:42.7 | 7:23 | |||||||
117 | Logan Sovinec | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 15:44.2 | 7:23 | |||||||
118 | Joaquin Vasquez | Fr | Convent & Stuart Hall | 15:44.8 | 7:24 | |||||||
119 | Keita Shank | Fr | Santa Teresa | 15:47.4 | 7:25 | |||||||
120 | Richard Adams | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 15:49.1 | 7:26 | |||||||
121 | Andrew Wilcox | Fr | Prospect | 15:50.2 | 7:26 | |||||||
122 | Hyunwoo Jung | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 15:50.6 | 7:26 | |||||||
123 | Arnav Kunte | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 15:50.8 | 7:26 | |||||||
124 | Jerry Guo | Fr | Henry M. Gunn | 15:50.9 | 7:26 | |||||||
125 | Donovan Cozort | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 15:51 | 7:26 | |||||||
126 | Warner Baker | Fr | Carlmont | 15:51.1 | 7:27 | |||||||
127 | Arjun Arya | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 15:52.3 | 7:27 | |||||||
128 | Austyn Rivero | Fr | Santa Teresa | 15:54.8 | 7:28 | |||||||
129 | Anirudh Ramakrishnan | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 15:56.5 | 7:29 | |||||||
130 | Diego Contreras | Fr | Phillip & Sala Burton | 15:56.5 | 7:29 | |||||||
131 | Jacob Rybkin | Fr | Carlmont | 15:57.2 | 7:29 | |||||||
132 | Dillon Doherty | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 16:02.8 | 7:32 | |||||||
133 | Daniel Behera | Fr | Carlmont | 16:07.2 | 7:34 | |||||||
134 | Isaac Hutton | Fr | Acalanes | 16:09.6 | 7:35 | |||||||
135 | Tyson Tran | Fr | Granada | 16:14.4 | 7:37 | 8/9 | 13/15 | 5/11 | ||||
136 | Elliott Kramer | Fr | Carlmont | 16:19.2 | 7:40 | |||||||
137 | Andrew Beltran | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 16:24.2 | 7:42 | |||||||
138 | Matthew Babcock | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 16:25 | 7:42 | |||||||
139 | Matthew Nowell | Fr | Woodside | 16:26.8 | 7:43 | |||||||
140 | Alexander Spielman | Fr | Sir Francis Drake | 16:30.6 | 7:45 | |||||||
141 | Maximillian Nobrega | Fr | Carlmont | 16:31.2 | 7:45 | |||||||
142 | Ronan Belen Henroid | Fr | Hillsdale | 16:32.3 | 7:46 | |||||||
143 | Rowan Funke | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 16:33.6 | 7:46 | |||||||
144 | Taiyo Kobayashi | Jr | Carlmont | 16:34.5 | 7:47 | |||||||
145 | Tulle Battulga | Fr | Mills | 16:36.9 | 7:48 | |||||||
146 | Derek Qian | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 16:37.1 | 7:48 | |||||||
147 | Samuel Ren | Fr | Henry M. Gunn | 16:39.1 | 7:49 | |||||||
148 | Braydon Backman | Fr | Convent & Stuart Hall | 16:39.8 | 7:49 | |||||||
149 | Sahaj Patel | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 16:41.1 | 7:50 | |||||||
150 | Nicholas Wong | Fr | Galileo Academy | 16:44.5 | 7:52 | |||||||
151 | Francisco Carlos | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 16:45.7 | 7:52 | |||||||
152 | Nelson Gou | Fr | Harker | 16:46.6 | 7:53 | |||||||
153 | Maziar Ziai | So | Harker | 16:48.7 | 7:54 | |||||||
154 | Adrian Heck | Fr | Santa Teresa | 16:49.3 | 7:54 | |||||||
155 | Cedric He | Fr | Acalanes | 16:50.2 | 7:54 | |||||||
156 | Luke Endres | Fr | Convent & Stuart Hall | 16:50.4 | 7:54 | |||||||
157 | Liam Fenstermacher | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 16:50.6 | 7:54 | |||||||
158 | Matthew Cheng | Fr | Westmoor | 16:52.2 | 7:55 | |||||||
159 | Dhruva Bhat | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 16:53.1 | 7:56 | |||||||
160 | Colin Williams | Fr | Westmoor | 16:54 | 7:56 | |||||||
161 | Max Nicol | Fr | Henry M. Gunn | 16:57 | 7:57 | |||||||
162 | Aleksander Djurovic | Fr | Prospect | 17:00.4 | 7:59 | |||||||
163 | Ryan Chan | Fr | Mills | 17:03.5 | 8:01 | |||||||
164 | Connor Stromme | Fr | Livermore | 17:04.5 | 8:01 | |||||||
165 | Oliver Van De Kouwe | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 17:04.7 | 8:01 | |||||||
166 | Carl Mankos | Fr | Palo Alto | 17:07.6 | 8:02 | |||||||
167 | Kyle Li | Fr | Harker | 17:08.5 | 8:03 | |||||||
168 | Jaeden Pollack | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 17:15.1 | 8:06 | |||||||
169 | Dean Collins | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 17:27.6 | 8:12 | |||||||
170 | Wyatt Nichols | Fr | Sir Francis Drake | 17:30.2 | 8:13 | |||||||
171 | Benjamin Ludwig | Fr | Prospect | 17:33.5 | 8:15 | |||||||
172 | Abhijay Rana | Fr | Bellarmine College P | 17:35.9 | 8:16 | |||||||
173 | Milo Jung | Fr | Summit Shasta | 17:39.6 | 8:17 | |||||||
174 | Jimmy Guan | Fr | Mills | 17:43.8 | 8:19 | |||||||
175 | Tyler Cowan | Fr | Woodside | 17:48.3 | 8:22 | |||||||
176 | Nathan Wu | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 17:56.3 | 8:25 | |||||||
177 | Lucca Ravera | Fr | Phillip & Sala Burton | 18:06 | 8:30 | |||||||
178 | Lexing (alex) Huang | Fr | Harker | 18:09.5 | 8:32 | |||||||
179 | Agastya Goel | Fr | Henry M. Gunn | 18:12.4 | 8:33 | |||||||
180 | Benny Levine | Fr | Terra Linda | 18:18.2 | 8:36 | |||||||
181 | Michael Domingo | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 18:19.8 | 8:36 | |||||||
182 | Christian Vega-cas | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 18:21.5 | 8:37 | |||||||
183 | Benjamin Chow | Fr | Summit Shasta | 18:22.5 | 8:38 | |||||||
184 | Joshua Wu | Fr | Westmoor | 18:31.4 | 8:42 | |||||||
185 | Cooper Holsman | Fr | Convent & Stuart Hall | 18:35.3 | 8:44 | |||||||
186 | Daniel Sobieralski | Fr | Palo Alto | 18:37 | 8:44 | |||||||
187 | Dylan Hoang | Fr | Westmoor | 18:37.3 | 8:45 | |||||||
188 | Joshua Zavala | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 18:46.1 | 8:49 | |||||||
189 | Anthony Ladcani Abad | Fr | Hillsdale | 18:51.5 | 8:51 | |||||||
190 | Ean Richardson | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 18:52.8 | 8:52 | |||||||
191 | Andrew Chin | Fr | Mills | 18:57.5 | 8:54 | |||||||
192 | Matthias Geiken | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 19:04.8 | 8:57 | |||||||
193 | Dylan Robinson | Fr | Hillsdale | 19:05.7 | 8:58 | |||||||
194 | Guillame Zhi | Sr | Prospect | 19:06.9 | 8:58 | |||||||
195 | Sushi Chakrabortty | Fr | Mills | 19:13.1 | 9:01 | |||||||
196 | Kentaro Childs | Fr | Carlmont | 19:16.3 | 9:03 | |||||||
197 | Jared Merrill | Fr | Acalanes | 19:17.2 | 9:03 | |||||||
198 | Alexander Lee | Fr | Westmoor | 19:26.2 | 9:08 | |||||||
199 | Richard Gao | Fr | Convent & Stuart Hall | 19:28.8 | 9:09 | |||||||
200 | Caleb Lai | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 19:43.5 | 9:16 | |||||||
201 | Christopher Gilluly | Fr | Piner | 19:52.9 | 9:20 | |||||||
202 | Edward Kogan | Fr | Carlmont | 19:55.7 | 9:21 | |||||||
203 | Joshua Greenbaum | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 20:00.9 | 9:24 | |||||||
204 | Aarav Mehta | Fr | Granada | 20:14.6 | 9:30 | 9/9 | 15/15 | 9/10 | ||||
205 | Hendrick Liu | Fr | Mills | 21:01.8 | 9:52 | |||||||
206 | Luke Maldonado | Fr | Lincoln (S) | 21:11.4 | 9:57 | |||||||
207 | Adam Shatrat | Fr | Westmoor | 21:27.8 | 10:05 | |||||||
208 | Nicholas Ludwig | Fr | Convent & Stuart Hall | 22:07.5 | 10:23 | |||||||
209 | Noah Mullins | Fr | Foothill (Pleasanton) | 22:20.1 | 10:29 | |||||||
210 | Jacob Ni | Fr | Summit Shasta | 23:29.6 | 11:02 | |||||||
211 | Marco Romero | Fr | Archbishop Riordan | 24:26.6 | 11:29 | |||||||
212 | Ben Hager | Fr | Convent & Stuart Hall | 27:07.1 | 12:44 | |||||||
213 | Muhammad Sultan | Fr | Antioch | 28:01.5 | 13:09 | |||||||
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new PR
- PG = Beat personal goal
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Team Race Results - Boys Fr
Group of 5: Fr 1st 5
Pl | School![]() |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | Bellarmine College P 6-3-3-1-1 Gap: 0:37 |
66:11 13:14 6:13 |
64 | Shrey Chettiar Fr 12:57 6:05 6 |
Ciaran Mckeown Fr 13:08 6:10 10 |
Ryder Reginelli Fr 13:13 6:12 14 |
Benjamin Broccoli Fr 13:18 6:15 15 |
Thomas Dumont Fr 13:34 6:22 19 |
Zander Verhoeven Fr 13:43 6:26 28 |
Erik Matlack Fr 13:44 6:27 29 |
2 | Palo Alto 5-2-1-2-2 Gap: 1:30 |
66:40 13:20 6:16 |
86 | Gavin Haase Fr 12:41 5:57 5 |
Monty Webber Fr 13:00 6:06 8 |
Jorell Clark Fr 13:06 6:09 9 |
Grady Mccarter Fr 13:42 6:26 25 |
Nicolas Anigstein Fr 14:11 6:40 39 |
William Guhr Fr 14:25 6:46 44 |
Aidan Wong Fr 14:37 6:52 50 |
3 | Henry M. Gunn 9-8-6-5-3 Gap: 0:43 |
68:43 13:45 6:27 |
136 | Martin Moshfeghi Fr 13:22 6:16 17 |
Jonah Weinstein Fr 13:36 6:23 20 |
Justin Chin Fr 13:42 6:26 27 |
Luke Seley Fr 13:59 6:34 35 |
Zander Rosenzweig Fr 14:05 6:36 37 |
Jerry Guo Fr 15:51 7:26 89 |
Samuel Ren Fr 16:39 7:49 99 |
4 | Mountain View 4-5-4-4-4 Gap: 2:06 |
68:16 13:39 6:25 |
137 | Rory Olsen Fr 12:34 5:54 4 |
David Henri Fr 13:22 6:16 18 |
Massimo Predosin Fr 13:45 6:27 30 |
Gavin Murdock Fr 13:55 6:32 32 |
Jason Vook Fr 14:40 6:53 53 |
Isao Iba Fr 14:41 6:54 54 |
Joseph Choi Fr 15:03 7:04 69 |
5 | Granada 8-7-7-5-5 Gap: 1:33 |
69:24 13:53 6:31 |
158 | Rahul Prasanna Fr 13:11 6:11 13 |
David Espinoza Fr 13:39 6:25 21 |
Hastin Chen Fr 13:54 6:32 31 |
Josh Durban Fr 13:56 6:33 34 |
George Mikhael Fr 14:44 6:55 59 |
Julian Medrano Fr 14:47 6:57 62 |
Noah Ventura Fr 15:10 7:07 71 |
6 | Sir Francis Drake 1-1-2-3-6 Gap: 4:02 |
69:46 13:57 6:33 |
166 | William Finley Fr 12:28 5:51 1 |
Reed Cross Fr 13:09 6:10 11 |
Archer Diehl Fr 13:19 6:15 16 |
Ryan Seeley Fr 14:20 6:44 42 |
Alexander Spielman Fr 16:31 7:45 96 |
Wyatt Nichols Fr 17:30 8:13 113 |
7 | Prospect 7-4-5-7-7 Gap: 2:24 |
70:23 14:05 6:37 |
188 | Austen Grabbe Fr 13:00 6:06 7 |
Nolan Breit Fr 13:10 6:11 12 |
Elijah Kim Fr 14:07 6:38 38 |
Graham Kohler Fr 14:43 6:55 56 |
Pranav Sairam Fr 15:24 7:14 75 |
Andrew Wilcox Fr 15:50 7:26 86 |
Aleksander Djurovic Fr 17:00 7:59 109 |
8 | Lincoln (S) 2-6-8-8-8 Gap: 2:50 |
71:19 14:16 6:42 |
220 | Caleb Cliburn Fr 12:30 5:52 2 |
Kobi Hoang Fr 13:40 6:25 23 |
Luca Casillas Fr 14:32 6:49 48 |
Tony Tran Fr 15:17 7:11 73 |
Noah Toth Fr 15:20 7:12 74 |
Logan Sovinec Fr 15:44 7:23 83 |
Matthew Babcock Fr 16:25 7:42 95 |
9 | Archbishop Riordan 16-15-13-9-9 Gap: 0:24 |
73:30 14:42 6:54 |
276 | Kevin Collins Fr 14:30 6:48 45 |
Matvey Kalachev Fr 14:39 6:52 51 |
Jack Zientara Fr 14:39 6:53 52 |
Otis Tripp Wisehaupt Fr 14:48 6:57 63 |
Lucas Macaulay Fr 14:54 7:00 65 |
Bennett Mckee Fr 14:55 7:00 66 |
Alton Thoroughgood Fr 15:12 7:08 72 |
10 | Carlmont 13-11-10-10-10 Gap: 1:38 |
73:43 14:45 6:55 |
289 | Alister Jackson Fr 13:56 6:32 33 |
Sean Conley Fr 14:13 6:41 41 |
Riku Miwa Fr 14:57 7:01 68 |
Yunosuke Nakamura Fr 15:04 7:04 70 |
Bradley Tsou Fr 15:33 7:18 77 |
Warner Baker Fr 15:51 7:27 90 |
Jacob Rybkin Fr 15:57 7:29 93 |
11 | Foothill (Pleasanton) 3-9-9-11-11 Gap: 3:17 |
73:52 14:46 6:56 |
302 | Nolan Chavez Fr 12:34 5:54 3 |
Narain Krishnakumar Fr 14:44 6:55 60 |
Jacob (jack) Swenson Fr 14:53 6:59 64 |
Hyunwoo Jung Fr 15:51 7:26 87 |
Arnav Kunte Fr 15:51 7:26 88 |
Anirudh Ramakrishnan Fr 15:57 7:29 92 |
Liam Fenstermacher Fr 16:51 7:54 106 |
12 | Livermore 11-12-13-12-12 Gap: 3:24 |
76:05 15:13 7:09 |
341 | Duncan Zarco Fr 13:41 6:25 24 |
Jonathan Jara Fr 14:43 6:55 57 |
Shrish Premkrishna Fr 14:56 7:01 67 |
Arvin Grewal Fr 15:41 7:22 82 |
Connor Stromme Fr 17:05 8:01 111 |
13 | Harker 15-14-12-14-13 Gap: 2:36 |
77:05 15:25 7:14 |
347 | Eric Zhang Fr 14:12 6:40 40 |
Harriss Miller Fr 14:35 6:51 49 |
Kaleb Goldin Fr 14:42 6:54 55 |
Nelson Gou Fr 16:47 7:53 101 |
Maziar Ziai So 16:49 7:54 102 |
Kyle Li Fr 17:09 8:03 112 |
Lexing (alex) Huang Fr 18:10 8:32 115 |
14 | Convent & Stuart Hall 10-10-15-15-14 Gap: 3:11 |
77:16 15:27 7:15 |
354 | Kent Rosenfeld Fr 13:40 6:25 22 |
Ethan Calaguas Fr 14:21 6:44 43 |
Joaquin Vasquez Fr 15:45 7:24 84 |
Braydon Backman Fr 16:40 7:49 100 |
Luke Endres Fr 16:50 7:54 105 |
Cooper Holsman Fr 18:35 8:44 117 |
Richard Gao Fr 19:29 9:09 125 |
15 | Santa Teresa 12-16-16-16-15 Gap: 2:13 |
76:33 15:19 7:11 |
359 | Arkadiusz Matlosz Fr 13:42 6:26 26 |
Anteo Matlosz Fr 15:31 7:17 76 |
Nathan Cruz Fr 15:37 7:20 81 |
Keita Shank Fr 15:47 7:25 85 |
Austyn Rivero Fr 15:55 7:28 91 |
Adrian Heck Fr 16:49 7:54 103 |
15 | Hillsdale 14-13-11-13-15 Gap: 4:47 |
78:46 15:45 7:24 |
359 | Kyle Fukumoto Fr 14:04 6:36 36 |
Miles Kim Fr 14:31 6:49 46 |
Quin White Fr 14:47 6:56 61 |
Ronan Belen Henroid Fr 16:32 7:46 97 |
Anthony Ladcani Abad Fr 18:52 8:51 119 |
Dylan Robinson Fr 19:06 8:58 121 |
17 | Acalanes 17-17-17-17-17 Gap: 4:45 |
82:23 16:29 7:44 |
446 | Nathan Joseph Fr 14:32 6:49 47 |
Samuel Adams Fr 15:34 7:18 78 |
Isaac Hutton Fr 16:10 7:35 94 |
Cedric He Fr 16:50 7:54 104 |
Jared Merrill Fr 19:17 9:03 123 |
18 | Mills 19-18-18-18-18 Gap: 2:10 |
82:33 16:31 7:45 |
481 | Kamran John Fr 15:34 7:19 79 |
Jonathan Pak Fr 15:35 7:19 80 |
Tulle Battulga Fr 16:37 7:48 98 |
Ryan Chan Fr 17:04 8:01 110 |
Jimmy Guan Fr 17:44 8:19 114 |
Andrew Chin Fr 18:58 8:54 120 |
Sushi Chakrabortty Fr 19:13 9:01 122 |
19 | Westmoor 18-19-19-19-19 Gap: 3:54 |
85:38 17:08 8:02 |
507 | Javen Young Fr 14:43 6:55 58 |
Matthew Cheng Fr 16:52 7:55 107 |
Colin Williams Fr 16:54 7:56 108 |
Joshua Wu Fr 18:31 8:42 116 |
Dylan Hoang Fr 18:37 8:45 118 |
Alexander Lee Fr 19:26 9:08 124 |
Adam Shatrat Fr 21:28 10:05 126 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
- The sequence of numbers (e.g. 3-3-4-2-1) in the School column refers to the team's place in the race after each runner finished. It indicates the strength of the team by position.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete broke the tie with a competitor resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners AND broke a tie resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
All Boys Races
8 races + combined.
All Girls Races
5 races + combined.