Johnston Results from the Pleasant Valley Spartan Classic at Crow Creek State Park on 9/4/21
Boys Results and Stats
Switch to GirlsBoys Individual Results
Runner | Gr | Squad | Time | Pace | Dist | Place | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ,%) |
Last Race Time (Δ,%) |
Last PR (Δ,%) |
Last DPR (Δ,%) |
Imprvmnts |
Beaman, Stephen | Sr | V | 17:26 | 5:37 | 3.1 | 22/103 | 5/7 | 5/27 | 1/14 | 18:12 (0:46,4.2) |
18:12 (0:46,4.2) |
18:12 (0:46,4.2) |
17:03 | #GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR) |
Coen, Jack | So | F/S | 17:58 | 5:48 | 3.1 | 2/176 | 1/8 | 9/27 | 2/15 | 18:12 (0:14,1.3) |
#GDAOS!!! (DPR) | |||
Colton, Chase | Jr | JV | 19:13 | 6:12 | 3.1 | 17/140 | 4/12 | 19/27 | 2/11 | 18:59 | #GDAOS!!! (SBP, DSR) | |||
Eckhoff, Carter | Sr | V | 17:25 | 5:37 | 3.1 | 20/103 | 4/7 | 4/27 | 2/15 | 17:32 (0:07,0.7) |
17:32 (0:07,0.7) |
17:32 (0:07,0.7) |
16:53 | #GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR) |
Erickson, Eli | Sr | JV | 19:01 | 6:08 | 3.1 | 14/140 | 3/12 | 17/27 | 3/12 | 18:28 | 18:28 | 18:28 | 17:10 | |
Frey, Jonah | Jr | JV | 19:22 | 6:15 | 3.1 | 21/140 | 6/12 | 21/27 | 1/9 | 18:56 | 18:56 | 17:29 | ||
Gibson, Coen | Jr | JV | 19:37 | 6:20 | 3.1 | 34/140 | 9/12 | 24/27 | 1/7 | 18:38 | ||||
Hansen, Ben | Jr | JV | 19:31 | 6:18 | 3.1 | 27/140 | 7/12 | 22/27 | 1/8 | 19:27 | #GDAOS!!! (DSR) | |||
Herbst, Ben | Jr | JV | 19:39 | 6:20 | 3.1 | 35/140 | 10/12 | 25/27 | 1/6 | 19:37 | #GDAOS!!! (DSR) | |||
Hurley, Ian | So | F/S | 18:43 | 6:02 | 3.1 | 16/176 | 6/8 | 15/27 | 2/14 | 19:06 (0:23,2.0) |
#GDAOS!!! (DPR) | |||
Johnson, Curren | Jr | JV | 19:19 | 6:14 | 3.1 | 19/140 | 5/12 | 20/27 | 2/11 | 18:22 | #GDAOS!!! (DSR) | |||
Kerber, Joe | Sr | JV | 17:58 | 5:48 | 3.1 | 4/140 | 2/12 | 9/27 | 1/13 | 18:32 (0:34,3.1) |
18:32 (0:34,3.1) |
18:32 (0:34,3.1) |
17:28 | #GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR) |
Lyon, Ayden | Sr | JV | 19:34 | 6:19 | 3.1 | 31/140 | 8/12 | 23/27 | 1/8 | 18:21 | #GDAOS!!! (DSR) | |||
Madison, Noah | Sr | V | 17:47 | 5:44 | 3.1 | 35/103 | 7/7 | 8/27 | 2/13 | 17:29 | ||||
Marsh, Derek | Sr | JV | 20:09 | 6:30 | 3.1 | 45/140 | 11/12 | 26/27 | 1/5 | 19:29 | #GDAOS!!! (DSR) | |||
Mcalister, Sam | So | F/S | 18:53 | 6:05 | 3.1 | 19/176 | 7/8 | 16/27 | 2/12 | 20:09 (1:16,6.3) |
#GDAOS!!! (DPR) | |||
Meyer, Jack | So | F/S | 18:34 | 5:59 | 3.1 | 14/176 | 4/8 | 13/27 | 2/14 | 17:39 | #GDAOS!!! (DSR) | |||
Ness, Garrett | Fr | F/S | 18:14 | 5:53 | 3.1 | 5/176 | 2/8 | 11/27 | 2/15 | #GDAOS!!! (SBP) | ||||
O'Connor, Aidan | Jr | V | 17:22 | 5:36 | 3.1 | 16/103 | 2/7 | 2/27 | 6/16 | 18:49 (1:27,7.7) |
18:49 (1:27,7.7) |
18:49 (1:27,7.7) |
16:38 | #GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR) |
Picken, Brayden | So | F/S | 19:05 | 6:09 | 3.1 | 31/176 | 8/8 | 18/27 | 1/11 | 17:26 | ||||
Plumb, Jaxson | Jr | V | 17:02 | 5:30 | 3.1 | 7/103 | 1/7 | 1/27 | 4/16 | 17:14 (0:12,1.1) |
#GDAOS!!! (DPR) | |||
Reese, Noah | Fr | F/S | 18:39 | 6:01 | 3.1 | 15/176 | 5/8 | 14/27 | 2/14 | 18:39 (0:00,0.0) |
#GDAOS!!! (DPR) | |||
Severs, Tate | Sr | V | 17:25 | 5:37 | 3.1 | 19/103 | 3/7 | 3/27 | 4/16 | 18:02 (0:37,3.4) |
18:02 (0:37,3.4) |
18:02 (0:37,3.4) |
17:30 (0:05,0.5) |
#GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR, DPR) |
Sterling, Jonah | Sr | JV | 20:14 | 6:32 | 3.1 | 49/140 | 12/12 | 27/27 | 1/5 | 19:25 | ||||
Strauss, Henry | So | F/S | 18:16 | 5:54 | 3.1 | 7/176 | 3/8 | 12/27 | 2/15 | 17:53 | #GDAOS!!! (DSR) | |||
Wagner, Jake | Sr | JV | 17:39 | 5:42 | 3.1 | 1/140 | 1/12 | 7/27 | 1/13 | 18:16 (0:37,3.4) |
18:16 (0:37,3.4) |
18:16 (0:37,3.4) |
17:15 | #GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR, DSR) |
Wear, Alex | Jr | V | 17:35 | 5:40 | 3.1 | 26/103 | 6/7 | 6/27 | 1/13 | 18:28 (0:53,4.8) |
18:28 (0:53,4.8) |
18:28 (0:53,4.8) |
17:05 | #GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR) |
Runner | Gr | Squad | Time | Pace | Dist | Place | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ,%) |
Last Race Time (Δ,%) |
Last PR (Δ,%) |
Last DPR (Δ,%) |
Imprvmts |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago.
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of this course.
- PR = Set a new PR on this course. A "Course PR".
- PG = Beat personal goal.
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
- DPR = A "Distance Personal Record" - the personal best time considering distance only, not unique course characteristics. Applicable for 2, 2.48(4K), 3, and 3.1(5K) mile courses.
- DSR = A "Distance Season Record" - same as above, but for the current season only.
- DTW = "Displace to Win". This athlete, as the 6th or 7th runner on his/her squad, displaced scoring runners from a competitor enabling his/her team to finish ahead of that competitor.
- TB = "Tiebreaker". As the #6 athlete on his/her squad, this athlete was the tiebreaker enabling his/her team to finish ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Boys Team Results
Team | Rank of Finish | Time Gap |
Dist | Avg Pace | 1st Place Pace | 5th Place Pace | Points | Win Team Pace | Last Year Time (Δ,%) |
Last Race Time (Δ,%) |
Last PR (Δ,%) |
Improvements | Runners (Points) |
V 1st 5 | 2/14 | 86:40 0:24 |
3.1 | 5:35 | 5:30 | 5:37 | 84 | 5:30 | 86:04 | 86:04 | 84:13 | 78:53 86:00 |
Jaxson Plumb (7), Aidan O'Connor (16), Tate Severs (19), Carter Eckhoff (20), Stephen Beaman (22) | |
JV 1st 5 | 2/11 | 93:10 1:40 |
3.1 | 6:01 | 5:42 | 6:14 | 55 | 5:53 | 90:24 | 90:24 | 88:45 | 84:41 | Jake Wagner (1), Joe Kerber (4), Eli Erickson (14), Chase Colton (17), Curren Johnson (19) | |
JV 2nd 5 | 1/6 | 97:43 0:17 |
3.1 | 6:18 | 6:15 | 6:20 | 22 | 6:18 | 92:39 | 92:39 | 91:26 | 87:08 | Jonah Frey (1), Ben Hansen (3), Ayden Lyon (5), Coen Gibson (6), Ben Herbst (7) | |
F/S 1st 5 | 2/14 | 91:41 0:41 |
3.1 | 5:55 | 5:48 | 6:01 | 43 | 5:49 | 93:52 (2:11,2.3) |
90:45 | 85:09 | #SoleSisters!!! (LR) | Jack Coen (2), Garrett Ness (5), Henry Strauss (7), Jack Meyer (14), Noah Reese (15) | |
Team | Rank of Finish | Time | Dist | Avg Pace | 1st Place Pace | 5th Place Pace | Points | Win Team Pace | Last Year Time (Δ,%) |
Last Race Time (Δ,%) |
Last PR (Δ,%) |
Improvements | Runners (Points) |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat team time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat team time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new Team Record for this course
- DTR = A "All-Time Distance Team Record" - the team (e.g. "V 1st 5", "JV 4th 5") best time considering distance only, not unique course characteristics. Applicable for 2, 2.48(4K), 3, and 3.1(5K) mile courses.
- SDTR = A "Season Distance Team Record" - same as above, but for the current season only.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Individual Race Results - Boys V
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
1 | Alex Mckane | Sr | Iowa City West | 16:19 | 5:16 | |||||||
2 | Ryan Zydek | Sr | Wheaton North | 16:28 | 5:19 | |||||||
3 | Ryan Schreiner | Sr | Wheaton North | 16:35 | 5:21 | |||||||
4 | Ford Washburn | Jr | City High | 16:39 | 5:22 | |||||||
5 | Caleb Youngstedt | Jr | Wheaton North | 16:53 | 5:27 | |||||||
6 | Noah Carey | Jr | City High | 16:56 | 5:28 | |||||||
7 | Jaxson Plumb | Jr | Johnston | 17:02 | 5:30 | 1/7 | 1/27 | 4/16 | ||||
8 | Anthony Lee | Sr | crp | 17:02 | 5:30 | |||||||
9 | Seth Cheney | Jr | Iowa City West | 17:03 | 5:30 | |||||||
10 | Kurt Lebakken | Sr | Edina | 17:09 | 5:32 | |||||||
11 | William Liethen | Sr | Edina | 17:10 | 5:32 | |||||||
12 | Chase Wakefield | So | bett | 17:10 | 5:32 | |||||||
13 | Tarun Vedula | Sr | Pleasant Valley | 17:16 | 5:34 | |||||||
14 | Brady Cortez | Sr | crp | 17:16 | 5:34 | |||||||
15 | Charlie Koelbl | Sr | Edina | 17:20 | 5:35 | |||||||
16 | Aidan O'Connor | Jr | Johnston | 17:22 | 5:36 | 2/7 | 2/27 | 6/16 | 18:49 (1:27) |
18:49 (1:27) |
18:49 (1:27) |
#GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR) |
17 | Ben Shebar | Jr | Wheaton North | 17:23 | 5:36 | |||||||
18 | Parker Max | Sr | City High | 17:25 | 5:37 | |||||||
19 | Tate Severs | Sr | Johnston | 17:25 | 5:37 | 3/7 | 3/27 | 4/16 | 18:02 (0:37) |
18:02 (0:37) |
18:02 (0:37) |
#GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR) |
20 | Carter Eckhoff | Sr | Johnston | 17:25 | 5:37 | 4/7 | 4/27 | 2/15 | 17:32 (0:07) |
17:32 (0:07) |
17:32 (0:07) |
#GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR) |
21 | Andrew Defor | Jr | Edina | 17:25 | 5:37 | |||||||
22 | Stephen Beaman | Sr | Johnston | 17:26 | 5:37 | 5/7 | 5/27 | 1/14 | 18:12 (0:46) |
18:12 (0:46) |
18:12 (0:46) |
#GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR) |
23 | Caden Noeller | Sr | Iowa City West | 17:27 | 5:38 | |||||||
24 | Zach Cooper | Jr | crp | 17:29 | 5:38 | |||||||
25 | Luke Knepp | Jr | Pleasant Valley | 17:33 | 5:40 | |||||||
26 | Alex Wear | Jr | Johnston | 17:35 | 5:40 | 6/7 | 6/27 | 1/13 | 18:28 (0:53) |
18:28 (0:53) |
18:28 (0:53) |
#GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR) |
27 | Ammon Smith | Jr | City High | 17:38 | 5:41 | |||||||
28 | Asher Overholt | Jr | Iowa City West | 17:39 | 5:42 | |||||||
29 | Ethan Richter | Sr | Edina | 17:43 | 5:43 | |||||||
30 | Jacob Mumey | Jr | Pleasant Valley | 17:44 | 5:43 | |||||||
31 | Hoken Opsahl | Sr | Edina | 17:45 | 5:44 | |||||||
32 | Matt Bender | Sr | Pleasant Valley | 17:45 | 5:44 | |||||||
33 | Jay Lebakken | Sr | Edina | 17:45 | 5:44 | |||||||
34 | Andrew Miller | Jr | Pleasant Valley | 17:46 | 5:44 | |||||||
35 | Noah Madison | Sr | Johnston | 17:47 | 5:44 | 7/7 | 8/27 | 2/13 | ||||
36 | Luke Crawford | Sr | North Scott | 17:48 | 5:45 | |||||||
37 | Truman Thompson | Jr | City High | 17:56 | 5:47 | |||||||
38 | Jonah Noyes | Sr | Wheaton North | 17:57 | 5:47 | |||||||
39 | Ethan Cole | Jr | bett | 18:02 | 5:49 | |||||||
40 | Anson Faucheir | Jr | crp | 18:02 | 5:49 | |||||||
41 | Robert Howes | Jr | Dubuque Senior | 18:05 | 5:50 | |||||||
42 | Aidan Herbel | Jr | Wheaton North | 18:06 | 5:50 | |||||||
43 | Aidan Armstrong | Sr | Muscatine | 18:08 | 5:51 | |||||||
44 | Max Sorgenfrey | So | Pleasant Valley | 18:08 | 5:51 | |||||||
45 | Nik Davis | Jr | North Scott | 18:08 | 5:51 | |||||||
46 | Michael Lee | So | Iowa City West | 18:14 | 5:53 | |||||||
47 | Owen Christy | Jr | Davenport Central | 18:15 | 5:53 | |||||||
48 | Xavier Potts | Jr | bett | 18:17 | 5:54 | |||||||
49 | Logan Soedt | Sr | North Scott | 18:18 | 5:54 | |||||||
50 | Yorty Hagedorn | Fr | North Scott | 18:20 | 5:55 | |||||||
51 | Jackson Ruud | Sr | Moline | 18:20 | 5:55 | |||||||
52 | Walter Blackman | Sr | bett | 18:22 | 5:55 | |||||||
53 | Samuel Morehead | Jr | Burlington | 18:22 | 5:55 | |||||||
54 | Isaiah Steele | Jr | Pleasant Valley | 18:23 | 5:56 | |||||||
55 | Cole Oftedahl | Sr | Dubuque Senior | 18:28 | 5:57 | |||||||
56 | Maddox Sullivan | So | Davenport Central | 18:29 | 5:58 | |||||||
57 | Bryson Canton | Sr | crp | 18:31 | 5:58 | |||||||
58 | Thomas Hughes | Sr | bett | 18:38 | 6:01 | |||||||
59 | Tyson Haedt | Sr | North Scott | 18:38 | 6:01 | |||||||
60 | Simeon Turner | Jr | Wheaton North | 18:39 | 6:01 | |||||||
61 | Owyn Noble | So | City High | 18:39 | 6:01 | |||||||
62 | Sam Gordon | Sr | Muscatine | 18:41 | 6:02 | |||||||
63 | Dj Millbrook | Fr | West | 18:46 | 6:03 | |||||||
64 | Kaidan Vaderweele | So | bett | 18:51 | 6:05 | |||||||
65 | Harrison Allard | Jr | crp | 18:52 | 6:05 | |||||||
66 | Braeden Bohannon | Jr | North Scott | 18:55 | 6:06 | |||||||
67 | Carson Nove | Fr | crp | 18:59 | 6:07 | |||||||
68 | Kyle Hopewell | Sr | Davenport Central | 19:02 | 6:08 | |||||||
69 | Jackson Stradt | Sr | bett | 19:07 | 6:10 | |||||||
70 | Shiloh Morter | Jr | Muscatine | 19:14 | 6:12 | |||||||
71 | Dylan Maresca | So | Muscatine | 19:17 | 6:13 | |||||||
72 | Owen Vanderlinden | Jr | City High | 19:21 | 6:15 | |||||||
73 | Owen Naumen | So | Dubuque Senior | 19:25 | 6:16 | |||||||
74 | Sam Weber | So | Dubuque Senior | 19:25 | 6:16 | |||||||
75 | Carter Sullivan | Sr | Davenport Central | 19:29 | 6:17 | |||||||
76 | Mason Van Wanning | Jr | Iowa City West | 19:36 | 6:19 | |||||||
77 | Dylan Dufloth | Sr | North Scott | 19:37 | 6:20 | |||||||
78 | Brendan Bloomer | Sr | Davenport Central | 19:44 | 6:22 | |||||||
79 | James Dickens | Jr | Iowa City West | 19:48 | 6:23 | |||||||
80 | Roland Ullrick | Sr | Rock Island | 19:53 | 6:25 | |||||||
81 | Ty Printy | Sr | Dubuque Senior | 19:56 | 6:26 | |||||||
82 | Ryan Schoenewe | Jr | Burlington | 20:07 | 6:29 | |||||||
83 | Nate Fisher | Sr | Dubuque Senior | 20:26 | 6:35 | |||||||
84 | Eamon Garton | Sr | Davenport Central | 20:28 | 6:36 | |||||||
85 | Austin Foor | Jr | Muscatine | 20:52 | 6:44 | |||||||
86 | Jaycob Mcdaniel | Jr | West | 21:01 | 6:47 | |||||||
87 | Jon Hight | Jr | Muscatine | 21:04 | 6:48 | |||||||
88 | Alex Dudek | Sr | Moline | 21:06 | 6:48 | |||||||
89 | Owen Saxton | Sr | Davenport Central | 21:07 | 6:49 | |||||||
90 | Shawn Olsen | Fr | West | 21:08 | 6:49 | |||||||
91 | Brian Velazquez | Sr | Burlington | 21:15 | 6:51 | |||||||
92 | Noah Kurt | Sr | Dubuque Senior | 21:42 | 7:00 | |||||||
93 | Patrick Devine | Sr | West | 21:42 | 7:00 | |||||||
94 | Reece Eberhard | Jr | Muscatine | 22:10 | 7:09 | |||||||
95 | Kyler Sparks | Sr | West | 22:49 | 7:22 | |||||||
96 | Connor Pauley | Jr | Moline | 23:07 | 7:27 | |||||||
97 | Camden Kilker | Jr | West | 23:36 | 7:37 | |||||||
98 | Samuel Mosley | Sr | Burlington | 23:39 | 7:38 | |||||||
99 | Michael Hellman | Sr | Burlington | 23:57 | 7:44 | |||||||
100 | Daniel Noriega | Sr | West | 24:22 | 7:52 | |||||||
101 | Braedon Baker | Sr | Rock Island | 25:25 | 8:12 | |||||||
102 | Brian Reed | Sr | Rock Island | 27:56 | 9:01 | |||||||
103 | Kameron Allen | Sr | Rock Island | 30:37 | 9:53 | |||||||
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new PR
- PG = Beat personal goal
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Team Race Results - Boys V
Group of 5: V 1st 5
Pl | School |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | Wheaton North 2-1-1-1-1 Gap: 1:29 |
85:16 17:03 5:30 |
65 | Ryan Zydek Sr 16:28 5:19 2 |
Ryan Schreiner Sr 16:35 5:21 3 |
Caleb Youngstedt Jr 16:53 5:27 5 |
Ben Shebar Jr 17:23 5:36 17 |
Jonah Noyes Sr 17:57 5:47 38 |
Aidan Herbel Jr 18:06 5:50 42 |
Simeon Turner Jr 18:39 6:01 59 |
2 | Johnston 4-6-5-5-2 Gap: 0:24 |
86:40 17:20 5:35 |
84 | Jaxson Plumb Jr 17:02 5:30 7 |
Aidan O'Connor Jr 17:22 5:36 16 |
Tate Severs Sr 17:25 5:37 19 |
Carter Eckhoff Sr 17:25 5:37 20 |
Stephen Beaman Sr 17:26 5:37 22 |
Alex Wear Jr 17:35 5:40 26 |
Noah Madison Sr 17:47 5:44 35 |
3 | Edina 6-4-4-3-3 Gap: 0:34 |
86:47 17:21 5:36 |
86 | Kurt Lebakken Sr 17:09 5:32 10 |
William Liethen Sr 17:10 5:32 11 |
Charlie Koelbl Sr 17:20 5:35 15 |
Andrew Defor Jr 17:25 5:37 21 |
Ethan Richter Sr 17:43 5:43 29 |
Hoken Opsahl Sr 17:45 5:44 31 |
Jay Lebakken Sr 17:45 5:44 33 |
4 | City High 3-2-2-2-4 Gap: 1:17 |
86:34 17:19 5:35 |
92 | Ford Washburn Jr 16:39 5:22 4 |
Noah Carey Jr 16:56 5:28 6 |
Parker Max Sr 17:25 5:37 18 |
Ammon Smith Jr 17:38 5:41 27 |
Truman Thompson Jr 17:56 5:47 37 |
Owyn Noble So 18:39 6:01 60 |
Owen Vanderlinden Jr 19:21 6:15 71 |
5 | Iowa City West 1-2-3-4-5 Gap: 1:55 |
86:42 17:20 5:36 |
107 | Alex Mckane Sr 16:19 5:16 1 |
Seth Cheney Jr 17:03 5:30 9 |
Caden Noeller Sr 17:27 5:38 23 |
Asher Overholt Jr 17:39 5:42 28 |
Michael Lee So 18:14 5:53 46 |
Mason Van Wanning Jr 19:36 6:19 75 |
James Dickens Jr 19:48 6:23 78 |
6 | Pleasant Valley 8-7-7-7-6 Gap: 0:30 |
88:04 17:37 5:41 |
134 | Tarun Vedula Sr 17:16 5:34 13 |
Luke Knepp Jr 17:33 5:40 25 |
Jacob Mumey Jr 17:44 5:43 30 |
Matt Bender Sr 17:45 5:44 32 |
Andrew Miller Jr 17:46 5:44 34 |
Max Sorgenfrey So 18:08 5:51 44 |
Isaiah Steele Jr 18:23 5:56 53 |
7 | crp 5-5-6-6-7 Gap: 1:29 |
88:20 17:40 5:42 |
142 | Anthony Lee Sr 17:02 5:30 8 |
Brady Cortez Sr 17:16 5:34 14 |
Zach Cooper Jr 17:29 5:38 24 |
Anson Faucheir Jr 18:02 5:49 40 |
Bryson Canton Sr 18:31 5:58 56 |
Harrison Allard Jr 18:52 6:05 64 |
Carson Nove Fr 18:59 6:07 66 |
8 | bett 7-8-8-8-8 Gap: 1:28 |
90:29 18:06 5:50 |
207 | Chase Wakefield So 17:10 5:32 12 |
Ethan Cole Jr 18:02 5:49 39 |
Xavier Potts Jr 18:17 5:54 48 |
Walter Blackman Sr 18:22 5:55 51 |
Thomas Hughes Sr 18:38 6:01 57 |
Kaidan Vaderweele So 18:51 6:05 63 |
Jackson Stradt Sr 19:07 6:10 68 |
9 | North Scott 9-9-9-9-9 Gap: 0:50 |
91:12 18:14 5:53 |
238 | Luke Crawford Sr 17:48 5:45 36 |
Nik Davis Jr 18:08 5:51 45 |
Logan Soedt Sr 18:18 5:54 49 |
Yorty Hagedorn Fr 18:20 5:55 50 |
Tyson Haedt Sr 18:38 6:01 58 |
Braeden Bohannon Jr 18:55 6:06 65 |
Dylan Dufloth Sr 19:37 6:20 76 |
10 | Dubuque Senior 10-10-10-10-10 Gap: 1:51 |
95:19 19:04 6:09 |
319 | Robert Howes Jr 18:05 5:50 41 |
Cole Oftedahl Sr 18:28 5:57 54 |
Owen Naumen So 19:25 6:16 72 |
Sam Weber So 19:25 6:16 73 |
Ty Printy Sr 19:56 6:26 79 |
Nate Fisher Sr 20:26 6:35 81 |
Noah Kurt Sr 21:42 7:00 89 |
11 | Davenport Central 12-11-11-11-11 Gap: 1:29 |
94:59 19:00 6:08 |
320 | Owen Christy Jr 18:15 5:53 47 |
Maddox Sullivan So 18:29 5:58 55 |
Kyle Hopewell Sr 19:02 6:08 67 |
Carter Sullivan Sr 19:29 6:17 74 |
Brendan Bloomer Sr 19:44 6:22 77 |
Eamon Garton Sr 20:28 6:36 82 |
Owen Saxton Sr 21:07 6:49 86 |
12 | Muscatine 11-12-12-11-12 Gap: 2:44 |
96:12 19:14 6:12 |
326 | Aidan Armstrong Sr 18:08 5:51 43 |
Sam Gordon Sr 18:41 6:02 61 |
Shiloh Morter Jr 19:14 6:12 69 |
Dylan Maresca So 19:17 6:13 70 |
Austin Foor Jr 20:52 6:44 83 |
Jon Hight Jr 21:04 6:48 85 |
Reece Eberhard Jr 22:10 7:09 91 |
13 | Burlington 13-13-13-13-13 Gap: 5:35 |
107:20 21:28 6:55 |
409 | Samuel Morehead Jr 18:22 5:55 52 |
Ryan Schoenewe Jr 20:07 6:29 80 |
Brian Velazquez Sr 21:15 6:51 88 |
Samuel Mosley Sr 23:39 7:38 94 |
Michael Hellman Sr 23:57 7:44 95 |
14 | West 14-14-14-14-14 Gap: 4:03 |
105:26 21:05 6:48 |
415 | Dj Millbrook Fr 18:46 6:03 62 |
Jaycob Mcdaniel Jr 21:01 6:47 84 |
Shawn Olsen Fr 21:08 6:49 87 |
Patrick Devine Sr 21:42 7:00 90 |
Kyler Sparks Sr 22:49 7:22 92 |
Camden Kilker Jr 23:36 7:37 93 |
Daniel Noriega Sr 24:22 7:52 96 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
- The sequence of numbers (e.g. 3-3-4-2-1) in the School column refers to the team's place in the race after each runner finished. It indicates the strength of the team by position.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete broke the tie with a competitor resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners AND broke a tie resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Individual Race Results - Boys JV
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
1 | Jake Wagner | Sr | Johnston | 17:39 | 5:42 | 1/12 | 7/27 | 1/13 | 18:16 (0:37) |
18:16 (0:37) |
18:16 (0:37) |
#GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR) |
2 | Braeden Marker | Jr | City High | 17:50 | 5:45 | |||||||
3 | Jack Elliott | Sr | Edina | 17:57 | 5:47 | |||||||
4 | Joe Kerber | Sr | Johnston | 17:58 | 5:48 | 2/12 | 9/27 | 1/13 | 18:32 (0:34) |
18:32 (0:34) |
18:32 (0:34) |
#GDAOS!!! (LY, LR, PR) |
5 | Ethan Petrella | Jr | Edina | 17:59 | 5:48 | |||||||
6 | Owen Sanderson | Jr | Edina | 18:11 | 5:52 | |||||||
7 | Hudson Romaine | Jr | Wheaton North | 18:14 | 5:53 | |||||||
8 | Sam Schaefer | Sr | City High | 18:26 | 5:57 | |||||||
9 | Owen Johnson | Sr | Edina | 18:28 | 5:57 | |||||||
10 | Adam Rodeghier | Jr | Edina | 18:39 | 6:01 | |||||||
11 | Sullivan Hall | Sr | City High | 18:42 | 6:02 | |||||||
12 | Rocco D'antico | Sr | Pleasant Valley | 18:44 | 6:03 | |||||||
13 | Jaxon Sickels | Jr | crp | 18:50 | 6:05 | |||||||
14 | Eli Erickson | Sr | Johnston | 19:01 | 6:08 | 3/12 | 17/27 | 3/12 | 18:28 | 18:28 | 18:28 | |
15 | Dixon Stapleton | Jr | Wheaton North | 19:07 | 6:10 | |||||||
16 | Benson Richards | Sr | Pleasant Valley | 19:10 | 6:11 | |||||||
17 | Chase Colton | Jr | Johnston | 19:13 | 6:12 | 4/12 | 19/27 | 2/11 | #GDAOS!!! (SBP) | |||
18 | Patrick Mooney | Sr | bett | 19:18 | 6:14 | |||||||
19 | Curren Johnson | Jr | Johnston | 19:19 | 6:14 | 5/12 | 20/27 | 2/11 | ||||
20 | Cael Straley | Sr | North Scott | 19:20 | 6:14 | |||||||
21 | Jonah Frey | Jr | Johnston | 19:22 | 6:15 | 6/12 | 21/27 | 1/9 | 18:56 | 18:56 | ||
22 | Calvin Curcija | Jr | bett | 19:23 | 6:15 | |||||||
23 | Sumner Codd | Sr | City High | 19:24 | 6:15 | |||||||
24 | Ayman Noreldaim | Jr | City High | 19:26 | 6:16 | |||||||
25 | Anthony Curiale | Jr | Wheaton North | 19:27 | 6:16 | |||||||
26 | Philip Macgillivray | Jr | City High | 19:29 | 6:17 | |||||||
27 | Ben Hansen | Jr | Johnston | 19:31 | 6:18 | 7/12 | 22/27 | 1/8 | ||||
28 | Thomas Dey | Sr | Wheaton North | 19:31 | 6:18 | |||||||
29 | Jonas Ackerman | Jr | City High | 19:32 | 6:18 | |||||||
30 | Andrrew Polgreen | Jr | Iowa City West | 19:33 | 6:18 | |||||||
31 | Ayden Lyon | Sr | Johnston | 19:34 | 6:19 | 8/12 | 23/27 | 1/8 | ||||
32 | Jon O'keefe | Sr | Wheaton North | 19:34 | 6:19 | |||||||
33 | Finley Webb | Sr | Edina | 19:36 | 6:19 | |||||||
34 | Coen Gibson | Jr | Johnston | 19:37 | 6:20 | 9/12 | 24/27 | 1/7 | ||||
35 | Ben Herbst | Jr | Johnston | 19:39 | 6:20 | 10/12 | 25/27 | 1/6 | ||||
36 | Caleb Wilshusen | Jr | North Scott | 19:46 | 6:23 | |||||||
37 | Pranav Suresh | Sr | Pleasant Valley | 19:51 | 6:24 | |||||||
38 | Luis Hinkhouse | Sr | City High | 19:54 | 6:25 | |||||||
39 | Dylan Schwarz | Jr | crp | 19:55 | 6:25 | |||||||
40 | Anel Vukovic | Sr | Iowa City West | 19:57 | 6:26 | |||||||
41 | Nader Rahal | Sr | Iowa City West | 20:00 | 6:27 | |||||||
42 | Lohman Provorse | Sr | City High | 20:01 | 6:27 | |||||||
43 | Henry Schoon | Sr | City High | 20:07 | 6:29 | |||||||
44 | John David Jones | Jr | Wheaton North | 20:07 | 6:29 | |||||||
45 | Derek Marsh | Sr | Johnston | 20:09 | 6:30 | 11/12 | 26/27 | 1/5 | ||||
46 | Adam Bywater | Jr | City High | 20:11 | 6:31 | |||||||
47 | Will Morrissey | Sr | Wheaton North | 20:13 | 6:31 | |||||||
48 | Robert Schwan | Sr | bett | 20:13 | 6:31 | |||||||
49 | Jonah Sterling | Sr | Johnston | 20:14 | 6:32 | 12/12 | 27/27 | 1/5 | ||||
50 | Patrick Sarsfield | Sr | City High | 20:16 | 6:32 | |||||||
51 | Will Dickson | Jr | City High | 20:19 | 6:33 | |||||||
52 | Caden Brown | So | Muscatine | 20:20 | 6:34 | |||||||
53 | Ross Willerth | Sr | North Scott | 20:23 | 6:35 | |||||||
54 | Kevin Smith | Sr | Wheaton North | 20:23 | 6:35 | |||||||
55 | Tommy Le | Sr | City High | 20:26 | 6:35 | |||||||
56 | Iain Garfinkel | Jr | City High | 20:30 | 6:37 | |||||||
57 | Juma Amisi | Sr | City High | 20:32 | 6:37 | |||||||
58 | Whit Jury | Jr | City High | 20:36 | 6:39 | |||||||
59 | Kaiden Power | Jr | North Scott | 20:38 | 6:39 | |||||||
60 | Thayer Abu-hijleh | Sr | Iowa City West | 20:39 | 6:40 | |||||||
61 | Michael Chang | Jr | Pleasant Valley | 20:42 | 6:41 | |||||||
62 | Hunter Wilson | Jr | crp | 20:43 | 6:41 | |||||||
63 | Henry Cooper | Sr | City High | 20:43 | 6:41 | |||||||
64 | Jacob Rohr | Sr | City High | 20:44 | 6:41 | |||||||
65 | Zach Buchholz | Jr | Iowa City West | 20:46 | 6:42 | |||||||
66 | Paul Ode | Jr | Iowa City West | 20:48 | 6:43 | |||||||
67 | Thomas Pierce | Sr | Iowa City West | 20:48 | 6:43 | |||||||
68 | Nathan Alldredge | Sr | crp | 20:48 | 6:43 | |||||||
69 | James Frohlich | Jr | bett | 20:58 | 6:46 | |||||||
70 | Harold Seamans | Jr | City High | 20:59 | 6:46 | |||||||
71 | Colin Anderson | Sr | Wheaton North | 21:02 | 6:47 | |||||||
72 | Asvanth Paranidharan | Jr | Pleasant Valley | 21:02 | 6:47 | |||||||
73 | Trent Allen | Jr | bett | 21:04 | 6:48 | |||||||
74 | Jake Skaala | Sr | North Scott | 21:09 | 6:49 | |||||||
75 | Cole Yarham | Sr | North Scott | 21:12 | 6:50 | |||||||
76 | Quentin Legrix | Sr | bett | 21:15 | 6:51 | |||||||
77 | Nathan Rudd | Sr | crp | 21:15 | 6:51 | |||||||
78 | Peter Miles | Jr | Wheaton North | 21:15 | 6:51 | |||||||
79 | Luke Wiley | Sr | bett | 21:26 | 6:55 | |||||||
80 | Mike Rew | Jr | City High | 21:32 | 6:57 | |||||||
81 | Matt Fitzgerald | Sr | Wheaton North | 21:34 | 6:57 | |||||||
82 | Caleb George | Jr | Wheaton North | 21:34 | 6:57 | |||||||
83 | Luke Bullock | Sr | North Scott | 21:41 | 7:00 | |||||||
84 | Go Benesh | Jr | crp | 21:43 | 7:00 | |||||||
85 | Andrew Hansen | Jr | Wheaton North | 21:45 | 7:01 | |||||||
86 | Connor Mcmann | Jr | North Scott | 21:51 | 7:03 | |||||||
87 | Austin Lee | Sr | North Scott | 21:52 | 7:03 | |||||||
88 | Kaden Druecker | Jr | crp | 21:55 | 7:04 | |||||||
89 | Alec Harris | Jr | North Scott | 22:07 | 7:08 | |||||||
90 | Max Quanrud | Sr | crp | 22:09 | 7:09 | |||||||
91 | Tanish Chauhan | Jr | Pleasant Valley | 22:10 | 7:09 | |||||||
92 | Mason Herrington | Jr | North Scott | 22:18 | 7:12 | |||||||
93 | Tre Clemons | Sr | City High | 22:26 | 7:14 | |||||||
94 | Fred Harrington | Jr | Wheaton North | 22:28 | 7:15 | |||||||
95 | Nick Sailor | Sr | Wheaton North | 22:33 | 7:16 | |||||||
96 | Zach Whittlesey | Jr | crp | 22:36 | 7:17 | |||||||
97 | Isaiah Pielak | Sr | Pleasant Valley | 22:37 | 7:18 | |||||||
98 | Jj Jeys | So | Davenport Central | 22:38 | 7:18 | |||||||
99 | Nathan Schmitt | So | Muscatine | 22:39 | 7:18 | |||||||
100 | Hassan Keita | Sr | City High | 22:47 | 7:21 | |||||||
101 | Nathan Mirocha | Sr | Davenport Central | 22:58 | 7:25 | |||||||
102 | Colin Zellmer | Jr | Muscatine | 23:03 | 7:26 | |||||||
103 | Ben Hellman | Sr | crp | 23:04 | 7:26 | |||||||
104 | Ljuke Hoskins | Jr | Pleasant Valley | 23:10 | 7:28 | |||||||
105 | Noah Reu | Jr | crp | 23:12 | 7:29 | |||||||
106 | Iahn Shim | Sr | Iowa City West | 23:13 | 7:29 | |||||||
107 | Daniel Degeorge | Sr | Pleasant Valley | 23:13 | 7:29 | |||||||
108 | Eliott Lewis | Jr | City High | 23:21 | 7:32 | |||||||
109 | Philip Itano | Jr | Wheaton North | 23:23 | 7:33 | |||||||
110 | Kent Zdan | Sr | City High | 23:24 | 7:33 | |||||||
111 | Sam Hagedorn | Jr | City High | 23:27 | 7:34 | |||||||
112 | Camden Richgrubber | Jr | Dav West | 23:30 | 7:35 | |||||||
113 | Mitchell Poterack | Jr | Pleasant Valley | 23:38 | 7:37 | |||||||
114 | Andrew Herreweyers | Sr | City High | 23:42 | 7:39 | |||||||
115 | Bo Dowell | Jr | Wheaton North | 23:52 | 7:42 | |||||||
116 | Abraham Condrell | Sr | Wheaton North | 23:56 | 7:43 | |||||||
117 | Landon Castle | Jr | Muscatine | 24:08 | 7:47 | |||||||
118 | Chase Yoder | Jr | crp | 24:09 | 7:47 | |||||||
119 | Ben Lange | Sr | Wheaton North | 24:10 | 7:48 | |||||||
120 | Bodie Logsdon | So | Davenport Central | 24:15 | 7:49 | |||||||
121 | Anthony Soliz | Sr | Davenport Central | 24:25 | 7:53 | |||||||
122 | Mitch Mess | Sr | North Scott | 24:27 | 7:53 | |||||||
123 | Joey Skaala | Jr | North Scott | 24:28 | 7:54 | |||||||
124 | Zander Rudolph | Fr | Muscatine | 24:43 | 7:58 | |||||||
125 | Leart Damoni | Jr | Dav West | 24:44 | 7:59 | |||||||
126 | Jack Ayers | Jr | City High | 24:44 | 7:59 | |||||||
127 | Isaac Simmons | Sr | North Scott | 24:48 | 8:00 | |||||||
128 | Tyler Dahlstrom | Sr | Dubuque Senior | 24:54 | 8:02 | |||||||
129 | Elianno Bowen-burt | Sr | City High | 25:03 | 8:05 | |||||||
130 | Rigby Templeman | Jr | City High | 25:05 | 8:05 | |||||||
131 | Preston Martens | Sr | bett | 25:28 | 8:13 | |||||||
132 | Tharu Jayawickrama | Sr | Dubuque Senior | 25:55 | 8:22 | |||||||
133 | Brom Leopold | Jr | City High | 26:03 | 8:24 | |||||||
134 | Sam Brown | Sr | City High | 27:30 | 8:52 | |||||||
135 | Matt Mize | Sr | North Scott | 27:48 | 8:58 | |||||||
136 | Logan Brus | Jr | North Scott | 27:49 | 8:58 | |||||||
137 | Jack Cockayne | Jr | bett | 28:53 | 9:19 | |||||||
138 | Joseph Sullivan | Sr | Dubuque Senior | 30:48 | 9:56 | |||||||
139 | Travis Papievis | Jr | Wheaton North | 33:18 | 10:45 | |||||||
140 | Chauncey Duffey | Fr | Davenport Central | 35:38 | 11:30 | |||||||
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new PR
- PG = Beat personal goal
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Team Race Results - Boys JV
Group of 5: JV 1st 5
Pl | School |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | Edina 3-2-1-1-1 Gap: 0:42 |
91:14 18:15 5:53 |
33 | Jack Elliott Sr 17:57 5:47 3 |
Ethan Petrella Jr 17:59 5:48 5 |
Owen Sanderson Jr 18:11 5:52 6 |
Owen Johnson Sr 18:28 5:57 9 |
Adam Rodeghier Jr 18:39 6:01 10 |
Finley Webb Sr 19:36 6:19 32 |
2 | Johnston 1-1-2-2-2 Gap: 1:40 |
93:10 18:38 6:01 |
55 | Jake Wagner Sr 17:39 5:42 1 |
Joe Kerber Sr 17:58 5:48 4 |
Eli Erickson Sr 19:01 6:08 14 |
Chase Colton Jr 19:13 6:12 17 |
Curren Johnson Jr 19:19 6:14 19 |
Jonah Frey Jr 19:22 6:15 21 |
Ben Hansen Jr 19:31 6:18 27 |
3 | City High 2-3-3-3-3 Gap: 1:36 |
93:48 18:46 6:03 |
68 | Braeden Marker Jr 17:50 5:45 2 |
Sam Schaefer Sr 18:26 5:57 8 |
Sullivan Hall Sr 18:42 6:02 11 |
Sumner Codd Sr 19:24 6:15 23 |
Ayman Noreldaim Jr 19:26 6:16 24 |
Philip Macgillivray Jr 19:29 6:17 26 |
Jonas Ackerman Jr 19:32 6:18 29 |
4 | Wheaton North 4-4-4-4-4 Gap: 1:20 |
95:53 19:11 6:11 |
106 | Hudson Romaine Jr 18:14 5:53 7 |
Dixon Stapleton Jr 19:07 6:10 15 |
Anthony Curiale Jr 19:27 6:16 25 |
Thomas Dey Sr 19:31 6:18 28 |
Jon O'keefe Sr 19:34 6:19 31 |
John David Jones Jr 20:07 6:29 38 |
Will Morrissey Sr 20:13 6:31 39 |
5 | Pleasant Valley 5-5-5-5-5 Gap: 2:18 |
99:29 19:54 6:25 |
159 | Rocco D'antico Sr 18:44 6:03 12 |
Benson Richards Sr 19:10 6:11 16 |
Pranav Suresh Sr 19:51 6:24 34 |
Michael Chang Jr 20:42 6:41 45 |
Asvanth Paranidharan Jr 21:02 6:47 52 |
Tanish Chauhan Jr 22:10 7:09 62 |
Isaiah Pielak Sr 22:37 7:18 63 |
6 | bett 7-6-6-6-6 Gap: 1:46 |
100:56 20:11 6:31 |
184 | Patrick Mooney Sr 19:18 6:14 18 |
Calvin Curcija Jr 19:23 6:15 22 |
Robert Schwan Sr 20:13 6:31 40 |
James Frohlich Jr 20:58 6:46 51 |
Trent Allen Jr 21:04 6:48 53 |
Quentin Legrix Sr 21:15 6:51 56 |
Luke Wiley Sr 21:26 6:55 58 |
7 | North Scott 8-8-8-7-7 Gap: 1:49 |
101:16 20:15 6:32 |
192 | Cael Straley Sr 19:20 6:14 20 |
Caleb Wilshusen Jr 19:46 6:23 33 |
Ross Willerth Sr 20:23 6:35 42 |
Kaiden Power Jr 20:38 6:39 43 |
Jake Skaala Sr 21:09 6:49 54 |
Cole Yarham Sr 21:12 6:50 55 |
Luke Bullock Sr 21:41 7:00 59 |
8 | Iowa City West 9-9-9-9-8 Gap: 1:13 |
100:55 20:11 6:31 |
194 | Andrrew Polgreen Jr 19:33 6:18 30 |
Anel Vukovic Sr 19:57 6:26 36 |
Nader Rahal Sr 20:00 6:27 37 |
Thayer Abu-hijleh Sr 20:39 6:40 44 |
Zach Buchholz Jr 20:46 6:42 47 |
Paul Ode Jr 20:48 6:43 48 |
Thomas Pierce Sr 20:48 6:43 49 |
9 | crp 6-7-7-8-9 Gap: 2:25 |
101:31 20:18 6:33 |
201 | Jaxon Sickels Jr 18:50 6:05 13 |
Dylan Schwarz Jr 19:55 6:25 35 |
Hunter Wilson Jr 20:43 6:41 46 |
Nathan Alldredge Sr 20:48 6:43 50 |
Nathan Rudd Sr 21:15 6:51 57 |
Go Benesh Jr 21:43 7:00 60 |
Kaden Druecker Jr 21:55 7:04 61 |
10 | Muscatine 10-10-10-10-10 Gap: 4:23 |
114:53 22:59 7:25 |
312 | Caden Brown So 20:20 6:34 41 |
Nathan Schmitt So 22:39 7:18 65 |
Colin Zellmer Jr 23:03 7:26 67 |
Landon Castle Jr 24:08 7:47 68 |
Zander Rudolph Fr 24:43 7:58 71 |
11 | Davenport Central 11-11-11-11-11 Gap: 13:00 |
129:54 25:59 8:23 |
341 | Jj Jeys So 22:38 7:18 64 |
Nathan Mirocha Sr 22:58 7:25 66 |
Bodie Logsdon So 24:15 7:49 69 |
Anthony Soliz Sr 24:25 7:53 70 |
Chauncey Duffey Fr 35:38 11:30 72 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
Group of 5: JV 2nd 5
Pl | School |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | Johnston 1-1-1-1-1 Gap: 0:17 |
97:43 19:33 6:18 |
22 | Jonah Frey Jr 19:22 6:15 1 |
Ben Hansen Jr 19:31 6:18 3 |
Ayden Lyon Sr 19:34 6:19 5 |
Coen Gibson Jr 19:37 6:20 6 |
Ben Herbst Jr 19:39 6:20 7 |
Derek Marsh Sr 20:09 6:30 12 |
Jonah Sterling Sr 20:14 6:32 15 |
2 | City High 2-2-2-2-2 Gap: 0:38 |
99:03 19:49 6:23 |
33 | Philip Macgillivray Jr 19:29 6:17 2 |
Jonas Ackerman Jr 19:32 6:18 4 |
Luis Hinkhouse Sr 19:54 6:25 8 |
Lohman Provorse Sr 20:01 6:27 9 |
Henry Schoon Sr 20:07 6:29 10 |
Adam Bywater Jr 20:11 6:31 13 |
Patrick Sarsfield Sr 20:16 6:32 16 |
3 | Wheaton North 3-3-3-3-3 Gap: 1:08 |
103:00 20:36 6:39 |
80 | John David Jones Jr 20:07 6:29 11 |
Will Morrissey Sr 20:13 6:31 14 |
Kevin Smith Sr 20:23 6:35 17 |
Colin Anderson Sr 21:02 6:47 18 |
Peter Miles Jr 21:15 6:51 20 |
Matt Fitzgerald Sr 21:34 6:57 21 |
Caleb George Jr 21:34 6:57 22 |
4 | North Scott 4-4-4-4-4 Gap: 0:55 |
108:43 21:45 7:01 |
121 | Cole Yarham Sr 21:12 6:50 19 |
Luke Bullock Sr 21:41 7:00 23 |
Connor Mcmann Jr 21:51 7:03 25 |
Austin Lee Sr 21:52 7:03 26 |
Alec Harris Jr 22:07 7:08 28 |
Mason Herrington Jr 22:18 7:12 31 |
Mitch Mess Sr 24:27 7:53 40 |
5 | crp 5-5-5-5-5 Gap: 1:21 |
111:27 22:17 7:11 |
146 | Go Benesh Jr 21:43 7:00 24 |
Kaden Druecker Jr 21:55 7:04 27 |
Max Quanrud Sr 22:09 7:09 29 |
Zach Whittlesey Jr 22:36 7:17 32 |
Ben Hellman Sr 23:04 7:26 34 |
Noah Reu Jr 23:12 7:29 36 |
Chase Yoder Jr 24:09 7:47 39 |
6 | Pleasant Valley 6-6-6-6-6 Gap: 1:28 |
114:48 22:58 7:24 |
173 | Tanish Chauhan Jr 22:10 7:09 30 |
Isaiah Pielak Sr 22:37 7:18 33 |
Ljuke Hoskins Jr 23:10 7:28 35 |
Daniel Degeorge Sr 23:13 7:29 37 |
Mitchell Poterack Jr 23:38 7:37 38 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
- The sequence of numbers (e.g. 3-3-4-2-1) in the School column refers to the team's place in the race after each runner finished. It indicates the strength of the team by position.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete broke the tie with a competitor resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners AND broke a tie resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Individual Race Results - Boys F/S
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
1 | Jace Haerter | Fr | Edina | 17:31 | 5:39 | |||||||
2 | Jack Coen | So | Johnston | 17:58 | 5:48 | 1/8 | 9/27 | 2/15 | ||||
3 | Kevin Nybeck | Fr | Edina | 18:01 | 5:49 | |||||||
4 | Sander Ohe | Fr | Edina | 18:03 | 5:49 | |||||||
5 | Garrett Ness | Fr | Johnston | 18:14 | 5:53 | 2/8 | 11/27 | 2/15 | #GDAOS!!! (SBP) | |||
6 | Torger Ohe | Fr | Edina | 18:16 | 5:54 | |||||||
7 | Henry Strauss | So | Johnston | 18:16 | 5:54 | 3/8 | 12/27 | 2/15 | ||||
8 | Jude Hubbard | So | Wheaton North | 18:19 | 5:55 | |||||||
9 | Jack Liethen | So | Edina | 18:20 | 5:55 | |||||||
10 | Nick Lee | Fr | crp | 18:20 | 5:55 | |||||||
11 | Cameron Gotto | Fr | Pleasant Valley | 18:21 | 5:55 | |||||||
12 | Hunter Toye | Sr | Moline | 18:23 | 5:56 | |||||||
13 | Jack Sennes | So | Edina | 18:25 | 5:56 | |||||||
14 | Jack Meyer | So | Johnston | 18:34 | 5:59 | 4/8 | 13/27 | 2/14 | ||||
15 | Noah Reese | Fr | Johnston | 18:39 | 6:01 | 5/8 | 14/27 | 2/14 | ||||
16 | Ian Hurley | So | Johnston | 18:43 | 6:02 | 6/8 | 15/27 | 2/14 | ||||
17 | Andrew Gump | So | Edina | 18:47 | 6:04 | |||||||
18 | Gage Rath | So | bett | 18:50 | 6:05 | |||||||
19 | Sam Mcalister | So | Johnston | 18:53 | 6:05 | 7/8 | 16/27 | 2/12 | ||||
20 | Julian Dayton | So | Moline | 18:53 | 6:05 | |||||||
21 | Robert Stong | So | Iowa City West | 18:54 | 6:06 | |||||||
22 | Alex Warden | So | crp | 18:56 | 6:06 | |||||||
23 | Tyler Ryan | Fr | Davenport Central | 18:59 | 6:07 | |||||||
24 | Joseph Lockhart | Fr | Dubuque Senior | 18:59 | 6:07 | |||||||
25 | Luke Eckman | So | Pleasant Valley | 19:00 | 6:08 | |||||||
26 | Tyler Nels | So | Pleasant Valley | 19:02 | 6:08 | |||||||
27 | Aidan Murphy | Fr | Wheaton North | 19:03 | 6:09 | |||||||
28 | Jacob Haug | Fr | Dubuque Senior | 19:03 | 6:09 | |||||||
29 | Donovan Lake | So | Wheaton North | 19:05 | 6:09 | |||||||
30 | Joey Jolin | So | Burlington | 19:05 | 6:09 | |||||||
31 | Brayden Picken | So | Johnston | 19:05 | 6:09 | 8/8 | 18/27 | 1/11 | ||||
32 | Andrew Dong | So | Iowa City West | 19:09 | 6:11 | |||||||
33 | Brice Wahe | Fr | Iowa City West | 19:10 | 6:11 | |||||||
34 | Jayden Putnam | So | Rock Island | 19:10 | 6:11 | |||||||
35 | William Parrish | Fr | Pleasant Valley | 19:12 | 6:12 | |||||||
36 | Sayid Sirojev | So | Moline | 19:13 | 6:12 | |||||||
37 | Jack Syme | So | Wheaton North | 19:22 | 6:15 | |||||||
38 | Carter Richter | Fr | Davenport Central | 19:23 | 6:15 | |||||||
39 | Ian Regur | So | Rock Island | 19:23 | 6:15 | |||||||
40 | Luke Haworth | Fr | Wheaton North | 19:27 | 6:16 | |||||||
41 | Luke Ranft | So | Wheaton North | 19:30 | 6:17 | |||||||
42 | Bennett Allred | Fr | crp | 19:32 | 6:18 | |||||||
43 | Ryan Henden | Fr | bett | 19:34 | 6:19 | |||||||
44 | Drew Peters | Fr | Pleasant Valley | 19:37 | 6:20 | |||||||
45 | Logan Waters | So | Iowa City West | 19:38 | 6:20 | |||||||
46 | Noah Gelher | Fr | bett | 19:39 | 6:20 | |||||||
47 | Cade Benson | So | Iowa City West | 19:43 | 6:22 | |||||||
48 | Pete Linehan | So | Davenport Central | 19:46 | 6:23 | |||||||
49 | Carl Rekow | So | Pleasant Valley | 19:47 | 6:23 | |||||||
50 | Landon Potts | Fr | bett | 19:48 | 6:23 | |||||||
51 | Zach Vanwhycen | So | bett | 19:51 | 6:24 | |||||||
52 | George Karr | Fr | City High | 20:06 | 6:29 | |||||||
53 | Danny Rothert | Fr | Dubuque Senior | 20:06 | 6:29 | |||||||
54 | Austin Lewis | Fr | Dav West | 20:11 | 6:31 | |||||||
55 | Parker Millage | Fr | Pleasant Valley | 20:13 | 6:31 | |||||||
56 | Cole Iams | Fr | Moline | 20:14 | 6:32 | |||||||
57 | Jacob Rowe | Fr | Dubuque Senior | 20:18 | 6:33 | |||||||
58 | Marvin Plant | So | Moline | 20:23 | 6:35 | |||||||
59 | Brady Evans | Fr | Pleasant Valley | 20:29 | 6:36 | |||||||
60 | Kyle Almgren | So | Pleasant Valley | 20:32 | 6:37 | |||||||
61 | William Karr | Fr | City High | 20:34 | 6:38 | |||||||
62 | Ephram Byler | Fr | City High | 20:36 | 6:39 | |||||||
63 | Jack Perry | Fr | Pleasant Valley | 20:37 | 6:39 | |||||||
64 | Isaac Stanley | Fr | North Scott | 20:41 | 6:40 | |||||||
65 | Matthew Simmons | Fr | North Scott | 20:42 | 6:41 | |||||||
66 | Dylan Beerends | Fr | City High | 20:43 | 6:41 | |||||||
67 | Adam Schaefer | Fr | City High | 20:44 | 6:41 | |||||||
68 | Ethan Hill | So | City High | 20:45 | 6:42 | |||||||
69 | Rylan Windmiller | So | Pleasant Valley | 20:48 | 6:43 | |||||||
70 | Kurtis Petersen | So | crp | 20:50 | 6:43 | |||||||
71 | Julien Benesh | So | crp | 20:53 | 6:44 | |||||||
72 | Gavin Hopewell | So | Davenport Central | 21:00 | 6:46 | |||||||
73 | Brady Gluba | Fr | City High | 21:00 | 6:46 | |||||||
74 | Will Roelfs | Fr | crp | 21:02 | 6:47 | |||||||
75 | Jack Degner | So | City High | 21:04 | 6:48 | |||||||
76 | Brayden Mccollum | Fr | Wheaton North | 21:05 | 6:48 | |||||||
77 | Sam Showers | Fr | Iowa City West | 21:09 | 6:49 | |||||||
78 | Andrew Johnson | So | crp | 21:12 | 6:50 | |||||||
79 | Charlie Branscomb | So | Dubuque Senior | 21:12 | 6:50 | |||||||
80 | Alex Ewoldt | Fr | Dav West | 21:13 | 6:51 | |||||||
81 | Merrick Stockwell | Fr | Rock Island | 21:13 | 6:51 | |||||||
82 | Brody Westerndorf | Fr | North Scott | 21:18 | 6:52 | |||||||
83 | Isaac Schuda | So | Wheaton North | 21:19 | 6:53 | |||||||
84 | Elliot Schroeder | Fr | North Scott | 21:19 | 6:53 | |||||||
85 | Elias Lightfoot | So | bett | 21:24 | 6:54 | |||||||
86 | James Porter | So | bett | 21:24 | 6:54 | |||||||
87 | Earl Peter | So | crp | 21:24 | 6:54 | |||||||
88 | Kai Hartley | So | Pleasant Valley | 21:25 | 6:55 | |||||||
89 | Ryan Burke | So | Davenport Central | 21:26 | 6:55 | |||||||
90 | Tim Ku | So | Pleasant Valley | 21:29 | 6:56 | |||||||
91 | Harry Vanvooren | Fr | Moline | 21:31 | 6:56 | |||||||
92 | Jensen White | So | crp | 21:31 | 6:56 | |||||||
93 | Owen Gahn | Fr | City High | 21:33 | 6:57 | |||||||
94 | Ben Michalak | Fr | Wheaton North | 21:40 | 6:59 | |||||||
95 | William Klatt | So | Burlington | 21:44 | 7:01 | |||||||
96 | Oliver Olsen | Fr | North Scott | 21:46 | 7:01 | |||||||
97 | Grant Peterson | So | North Scott | 21:47 | 7:02 | |||||||
98 | Isaac Copeland | So | North Scott | 21:49 | 7:02 | |||||||
99 | Logan Dean | So | Dubuque Senior | 21:50 | 7:03 | |||||||
100 | Asa Mahn | So | Rock Island | 21:50 | 7:03 | |||||||
101 | Asher Zoeller | So | Wheaton North | 21:51 | 7:03 | |||||||
102 | Jackson Schmela | So | Wheaton North | 21:52 | 7:03 | |||||||
103 | Weston Koch | So | crp | 21:54 | 7:04 | |||||||
104 | Truman Bright | So | City High | 22:00 | 7:06 | |||||||
105 | Braxton Hutchinson | burlington | 22:05 | 7:07 | ||||||||
106 | Carson Romans | Fr | Pleasant Valley | 22:06 | 7:08 | |||||||
107 | Gael Chenus | Fr | Davenport Central | 22:12 | 7:10 | |||||||
108 | Luke Simmons | So | North Scott | 22:12 | 7:10 | |||||||
109 | Ayden Rowe | So | Moline | 22:12 | 7:10 | |||||||
110 | Brayden Leis | Fr | crp | 22:22 | 7:13 | |||||||
111 | Cole Halupnik | So | Pleasant Valley | 22:22 | 7:13 | |||||||
112 | Lucas Riley | Fr | City High | 22:28 | 7:15 | |||||||
113 | Ben Barker | So | Iowa City West | 22:30 | 7:15 | |||||||
114 | Cassandro Chan | Fr | Iowa City West | 22:32 | 7:16 | |||||||
115 | Dawson Dufloth | Fr | North Scott | 22:34 | 7:17 | |||||||
116 | Nolan Wandrey | So | Moline | 22:34 | 7:17 | |||||||
117 | Finn Kinkaid | Fr | Dubuque Senior | 22:40 | 7:19 | |||||||
118 | Tatum Rogers | So | Moline | 22:40 | 7:19 | |||||||
119 | Eli Hughes | So | bett | 22:40 | 7:19 | |||||||
120 | Braden Clark | Fr | City High | 22:55 | 7:24 | |||||||
121 | Seth Yoder | Fr | City High | 22:56 | 7:24 | |||||||
122 | Jaylan Catron | Fr | crp | 23:00 | 7:25 | |||||||
123 | John Miles | Fr | Wheaton North | 23:00 | 7:25 | |||||||
124 | Patrick Kohnlein | So | North Scott | 23:04 | 7:26 | |||||||
125 | Adam Johnson | So | Burlington | 23:12 | 7:29 | |||||||
126 | Brauio Esteves | Fr | bett | 23:15 | 7:30 | |||||||
127 | Ja'siah Rainer | Fr | Rock Island | 23:17 | 7:31 | |||||||
128 | Mason Schaack | Fr | North Scott | 23:24 | 7:33 | |||||||
129 | Noah Baxa | Fr | bett | 23:24 | 7:33 | |||||||
130 | Bradley Alldredge | So | crp | 23:26 | 7:34 | |||||||
131 | Theo Lundin | Fr | Wheaton North | 23:26 | 7:34 | |||||||
132 | Mack Wilson | Fr | City High | 23:32 | 7:35 | |||||||
133 | Gabe Leemans | Fr | Wheaton North | 23:34 | 7:36 | |||||||
134 | Sage Anson | So | City High | 23:40 | 7:38 | |||||||
135 | Cole Younger | Fr | crp | 23:47 | 7:40 | |||||||
136 | James Miles | Fr | Wheaton North | 23:48 | 7:41 | |||||||
137 | Hao Xu | Fr | Dubuque Senior | 23:48 | 7:41 | |||||||
138 | Alex Bloyd | So | bett | 23:48 | 7:41 | |||||||
139 | Izaac Rodemeyer | Fr | crp | 23:49 | 7:41 | |||||||
140 | Nate Roberts | So | crp | 23:49 | 7:41 | |||||||
141 | Alex Erger | Fr | crp | 23:50 | 7:41 | |||||||
142 | Garrett Franklin | Fr | crp | 24:01 | 7:45 | |||||||
143 | Sawyer Miller | So | crp | 24:04 | 7:46 | |||||||
144 | Adam Johnson | Fr | Wheaton North | 24:08 | 7:47 | |||||||
145 | Boaz Lee | So | Wheaton North | 24:09 | 7:47 | |||||||
146 | Alex Dixon | So | Dubuque Senior | 24:19 | 7:51 | |||||||
147 | Charlie Pfohl | So | City High | 24:26 | 7:53 | |||||||
148 | Lucas Eaton | Fr | Moline | 24:26 | 7:53 | |||||||
149 | Matt Pischke | So | Pleasant Valley | 24:36 | 7:56 | |||||||
150 | Jerry Callahan | Fr | bett | 24:37 | 7:56 | |||||||
151 | Nash Hayek | So | crp | 24:40 | 7:57 | |||||||
152 | Trevor Leitheiser | So | crp | 24:44 | 7:59 | |||||||
153 | Monte Sprank | So | Dubuque Senior | 24:46 | 7:59 | |||||||
154 | Ian Benge | Fr | Pleasant Valley | 24:54 | 8:02 | |||||||
155 | Owen Dietz | Fr | Rock Island | 24:58 | 8:03 | |||||||
156 | Sebastian Reinert | Fr | Dubuque Senior | 25:09 | 8:07 | |||||||
157 | Brennan Johnson | So | Wheaton North | 25:20 | 8:10 | |||||||
158 | Tavarias Lewis | Fr | Rock Island | 25:25 | 8:12 | |||||||
159 | Eli Foster | Fr | City High | 25:39 | 8:16 | |||||||
160 | Derek Foht | Fr | Dubuque Senior | 25:42 | 8:17 | |||||||
161 | Richard Yang | Fr | Iowa City West | 25:44 | 8:18 | |||||||
162 | Carl Kordick | Fr | Dav West | 26:05 | 8:25 | |||||||
163 | Chandler Carper | Fr | Burlington | 26:09 | 8:26 | |||||||
164 | Jacob Dixon | Fr | City High | 26:50 | 8:39 | |||||||
165 | Preston Block | Fr | Dubuque Senior | 26:51 | 8:40 | |||||||
166 | Abner Garcia | Fr | Moline | 27:07 | 8:45 | |||||||
167 | Grant Mcbride | So | Moline | 27:15 | 8:47 | |||||||
168 | Dante Reyes | Fr | crp | 27:17 | 8:48 | |||||||
169 | Isaac Raske | Fr | Wheaton North | 28:01 | 9:02 | |||||||
170 | Luke Locher | So | City High | 28:03 | 9:03 | |||||||
171 | Owen Powell | Fr | North Scott | 28:14 | 9:06 | |||||||
172 | Blaze Dochterman | burlington | 28:25 | 9:10 | ||||||||
173 | Grant Porter | Fr | North Scott | 28:37 | 9:14 | |||||||
174 | Jonathan Reu | Fr | crp | 29:27 | 9:30 | |||||||
175 | Hudson Love | So | Rock Island | 30:11 | 9:44 | |||||||
176 | Teddy Ruppel | So | Dubuque Senior | 30:58 | 9:59 | |||||||
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new PR
- PG = Beat personal goal
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Team Race Results - Boys F/S
Group of 5: F/S 1st 5
Pl | School |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | Edina 1-1-1-1-1 Gap: 0:49 |
90:11 18:02 5:49 |
23 | Jace Haerter Fr 17:31 5:39 1 |
Kevin Nybeck Fr 18:01 5:49 3 |
Sander Ohe Fr 18:03 5:49 4 |
Torger Ohe Fr 18:16 5:54 6 |
Jack Liethen So 18:20 5:55 9 |
Jack Sennes So 18:25 5:56 13 |
Andrew Gump So 18:47 6:04 17 |
2 | Johnston 2-2-2-2-2 Gap: 0:41 |
91:41 18:20 5:55 |
43 | Jack Coen So 17:58 5:48 2 |
Garrett Ness Fr 18:14 5:53 5 |
Henry Strauss So 18:16 5:54 7 |
Jack Meyer So 18:34 5:59 14 |
Noah Reese Fr 18:39 6:01 15 |
Ian Hurley So 18:43 6:02 16 |
Sam Mcalister So 18:53 6:05 19 |
3 | Wheaton North 3-5-4-4-3 Gap: 1:08 |
95:16 19:03 6:09 |
139 | Jude Hubbard So 18:19 5:55 8 |
Aidan Murphy Fr 19:03 6:09 27 |
Donovan Lake So 19:05 6:09 29 |
Jack Syme So 19:22 6:15 36 |
Luke Haworth Fr 19:27 6:16 39 |
Luke Ranft So 19:30 6:17 40 |
Brayden Mccollum Fr 21:05 6:48 69 |
3 | Pleasant Valley 5-6-3-3-3 Gap: 1:16 |
95:12 19:02 6:09 |
139 | Cameron Gotto Fr 18:21 5:55 11 |
Luke Eckman So 19:00 6:08 25 |
Tyler Nels So 19:02 6:08 26 |
William Parrish Fr 19:12 6:12 34 |
Drew Peters Fr 19:37 6:20 43 |
Carl Rekow So 19:47 6:23 48 |
Parker Millage Fr 20:13 6:31 53 |
5 | Iowa City West 8-7-7-6-5 Gap: 0:49 |
96:34 19:19 6:14 |
174 | Robert Stong So 18:54 6:06 21 |
Andrew Dong So 19:09 6:11 31 |
Brice Wahe Fr 19:10 6:11 32 |
Logan Waters So 19:38 6:20 44 |
Cade Benson So 19:43 6:22 46 |
Sam Showers Fr 21:09 6:49 70 |
Ben Barker So 22:30 7:15 89 |
6 | Moline 6-3-5-5-6 Gap: 2:00 |
97:06 19:25 6:16 |
177 | Hunter Toye Sr 18:23 5:56 12 |
Julian Dayton So 18:53 6:05 20 |
Sayid Sirojev So 19:13 6:12 35 |
Cole Iams Fr 20:14 6:32 54 |
Marvin Plant So 20:23 6:35 56 |
Harry Vanvooren Fr 21:31 6:56 79 |
Ayden Rowe So 22:12 7:10 88 |
7 | crp 4-3-6-7-7 Gap: 2:33 |
98:31 19:42 6:21 |
202 | Nick Lee Fr 18:20 5:55 10 |
Alex Warden So 18:56 6:06 22 |
Bennett Allred Fr 19:32 6:18 41 |
Kurtis Petersen So 20:50 6:43 64 |
Julien Benesh So 20:53 6:44 65 |
Will Roelfs Fr 21:02 6:47 68 |
Andrew Johnson So 21:12 6:50 71 |
8 | bett 7-9-9-8-8 Gap: 1:01 |
97:42 19:32 6:18 |
204 | Gage Rath So 18:50 6:05 18 |
Ryan Henden Fr 19:34 6:19 42 |
Noah Gelher Fr 19:39 6:20 45 |
Landon Potts Fr 19:48 6:23 49 |
Zach Vanwhycen So 19:51 6:24 50 |
Elias Lightfoot So 21:24 6:54 76 |
James Porter So 21:24 6:54 77 |
9 | Dubuque Senior 10-7-8-9-9 Gap: 2:13 |
99:38 19:56 6:26 |
231 | Joseph Lockhart Fr 18:59 6:07 24 |
Jacob Haug Fr 19:03 6:09 28 |
Danny Rothert Fr 20:06 6:29 52 |
Jacob Rowe Fr 20:18 6:33 55 |
Charlie Branscomb So 21:12 6:50 72 |
Logan Dean So 21:50 7:03 84 |
Finn Kinkaid Fr 22:40 7:19 90 |
10 | Davenport Central 9-9-10-10-10 Gap: 2:27 |
100:34 20:07 6:29 |
251 | Tyler Ryan Fr 18:59 6:07 23 |
Carter Richter Fr 19:23 6:15 37 |
Pete Linehan So 19:46 6:23 47 |
Gavin Hopewell So 21:00 6:46 66 |
Ryan Burke So 21:26 6:55 78 |
Gael Chenus Fr 22:12 7:10 87 |
11 | City High 13-12-12-11-11 Gap: 0:38 |
102:43 20:33 6:38 |
289 | George Karr Fr 20:06 6:29 51 |
William Karr Fr 20:34 6:38 57 |
Ephram Byler Fr 20:36 6:39 58 |
Dylan Beerends Fr 20:43 6:41 61 |
Adam Schaefer Fr 20:44 6:41 62 |
Ethan Hill So 20:45 6:42 63 |
Brady Gluba Fr 21:00 6:46 67 |
12 | Rock Island 12-11-11-12-12 Gap: 4:07 |
104:53 20:59 6:46 |
321 | Jayden Putnam So 19:10 6:11 33 |
Ian Regur So 19:23 6:15 38 |
Merrick Stockwell Fr 21:13 6:51 73 |
Asa Mahn So 21:50 7:03 85 |
Ja'siah Rainer Fr 23:17 7:31 92 |
Owen Dietz Fr 24:58 8:03 93 |
Tavarias Lewis Fr 25:25 8:12 94 |
13 | North Scott 14-14-13-13-13 Gap: 1:05 |
105:46 21:09 6:49 |
349 | Isaac Stanley Fr 20:41 6:40 59 |
Matthew Simmons Fr 20:42 6:41 60 |
Brody Westerndorf Fr 21:18 6:52 74 |
Elliot Schroeder Fr 21:19 6:53 75 |
Oliver Olsen Fr 21:46 7:01 81 |
Grant Peterson So 21:47 7:02 82 |
Isaac Copeland So 21:49 7:02 83 |
14 | Burlington 11-13-14-14-14 Gap: 7:04 |
112:15 22:27 7:15 |
382 | Joey Jolin So 19:05 6:09 30 |
William Klatt So 21:44 7:01 80 |
Braxton Hutchinson - 22:05 7:07 86 |
Adam Johnson So 23:12 7:29 91 |
Chandler Carper Fr 26:09 8:26 95 |
Blaze Dochterman - 28:25 9:10 96 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
- The sequence of numbers (e.g. 3-3-4-2-1) in the School column refers to the team's place in the race after each runner finished. It indicates the strength of the team by position.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete broke the tie with a competitor resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners AND broke a tie resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
All Boys Races
3 races + combined.
All Girls Races
3 races + combined.