Results from the Murrieta Mesa vs Great Oak on 4/22/21

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Boys Individual Results

Athlete Gr Event Div Result
Last Year Result
Previous Result
Last SR
Last PR
Betancourt, Chris Sr 100m V 12.03 11.84 11.84
Green, Tyler Jr 100m JV 13.11 13.27
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Belser, Guylan Jr 200m V 25.59 26.77
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Betancourt, Chris Sr 200m V 25.81
Sueda, Connor Fr 200m JV 26.69
Camacho, Jayden So 200m JV 26.73
Green, Tyler Jr 200m JV 27.85
Dashiel, Jared Fr 200m JV 28.14
Bitton, Dallin So 400m V 56.25
Belser, Guylan Jr 400m V 57.15 58.69
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Sueda, Connor Fr 400m JV 57.28
Camacho, Jayden So 400m JV 59.25
Dashiel, Jared Fr 400m JV 1:02.78
Jasareno, Aiden Fr 400m JV 1:07.54
Reden, Kyle Sr 800m V 1:56.46 1:58.89
You ROCK! (LR, SR, PR)
Montez, Austin Sr 800m V 2:00.36 1:58.29 1:58.29 1:58.29
Cortes, Mark So 800m V 2:02.63
Cortes, Ramses So 800m V 2:02.99
Gaffney, Nick So 800m V 2:04.13
Nguyen, Anthony Sr 800m V 2:07.10 2:13.97
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Rios, Giovanni Sr 800m V 2:08.46 2:14.38
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Gomez, Sergio Jr 800m JV 2:09.95 2:30.59
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Myers, Jordan So 800m JV 2:11.92
Buncab, Jonah Sr 800m JV 2:17.33 2:09.34 2:09.34
Trinidad, Derek So 800m JV 2:20.61 2:18.06 2:18.06
Bruck, Jordan So 800m JV 2:24.12
Harmon, Diesel Fr 800m JV 2:38.37
Smith, Cameron Jr 1600m V 4:24.51 4:29.36
You ROCK! (LR, SR, PR)
Smith, Carson Jr 1600m V 4:27.57 4:27.55 4:27.55 4:27.55
White, Mason Sr 1600m V 4:32.10 4:44.31
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Kiehn, Scott Sr 1600m V 4:32.30 4:28.39 4:28.39 4:28.39
Wilk, Brandon Jr 1600m V 4:33.19 4:44.09
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Saville, Quinn Sr 1600m V 4:34.68 4:46.85
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Kankowski, David So 1600m V 4:36.48
Kaeller, Jaxon Jr 1600m V 4:40.77 4:45.28
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Rodriguez, Gabriel Fr 1600m V 4:43.55
Rodriguez, Michael Fr 1600m V 4:52.18
Myers, Jordan So 1600m JV 4:57.68
Gomez, Sergio Jr 1600m JV 5:01.45 5:30.42
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Trinidad, Derek So 1600m JV 5:10.26
Musselman, Dustin Sr 1600m JV 5:11.89 4:55.41 4:55.41
Keller, Troy Jr 1600m JV 5:21.83 5:09.36 5:09.36
Valdes, Diego So 1600m JV 5:28.92 5:35.27
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Ocasio, Tristan So 1600m JV 5:31.98
Harmon, Diesel Fr 1600m JV 5:41.97
Tansley, Michael Sr 1600m JV 5:51.44
Paez, Aidan Sr 1600m JV 7:10.00 5:46.72 5:46.72
Elkins, Austin So 3200m V 10:15.71
Kaeller, Jaxon Jr 3200m V 10:24.94 10:37.36
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Keeney, Jeffrey Fr 3200m V 10:32.56
Bauer, Cole Jr 3200m V 10:48.89
Keller, Troy Jr 3200m JV 11:44.11
McGreevy, Sean Jr 110m Hurdles - 39" V 18.65 19.47
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Ostroske, Carter Jr 110m Hurdles - 39" V 20.76 20.75 20.75
Bitton, Dallin So 300m Hurdles - 36" V 47.29
McGreevy, Sean Jr 300m Hurdles - 36" V 50.15 50.71
49.78 You ROCK! (LR)
Silva, Elijah Fr 300m Hurdles - 36" JV 51.91
Benjamin, Mikhail So 300m Hurdles - 36" JV 53.15
Ostroske, Carter Jr 300m Hurdles - 36" V 53.98 50.42 50.42
De Leon, Joseph Jr Shot Put - 12lb JV 32'1
Tyquienco, Kai Jr Shot Put - 12lb JV 32'10 21'6.5
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Miller, Grayson Jr Shot Put - 12lb V 34'2
Peterson, Andrew Jr Shot Put - 12lb JV 34'5 23'11
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Pogue, Nicholas So Shot Put - 12lb JV 34'11.5
Meeker, Nathan Sr Shot Put - 12lb V 38'5 40'1.5 40'1.5
Pastorian, Aiden Jr Shot Put - 12lb V 41'2 24'4.5
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Ganino, Daniel Sr Shot Put - 12lb V 41'11.5 40'1
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Wright, James Sr Shot Put - 12lb V 47'3.5 54'7.5 54'7.5
De Leon, Joseph Jr Discus - 1.6kg JV 70'9 81'3 81'3
Pogue, Nicholas So Discus - 1.6kg JV 74'4
Tyquienco, Kai Jr Discus - 1.6kg JV 98'5 58'6
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Pastorian, Aiden Jr Discus - 1.6kg V 99'4 106'10 106'10
Peterson, Andrew Jr Discus - 1.6kg JV 99'8 62'1
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Ganino, Daniel Sr Discus - 1.6kg V 118'6 111'9
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Miller, Grayson Jr Discus - 1.6kg V 120'9 90'2
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Meeker, Nathan Sr Discus - 1.6kg V 125'8 138'7 138'7
Wright, James Sr Discus - 1.6kg V 154'1 161'3 165'3
Camacho, Jayden So High Jump JV 4'4
Hernandez, Nick Fr High Jump V 5'0
Donald, Stephen Sr High Jump V 5'4 5'6 5'8
Pugal, Kyle So Pole Vault JV 8'6
Churchward, Remington So Pole Vault JV 10'6 11'0 11'0
Neff, Jake Fr Pole Vault V 11'6
Tidwell, Jameson So Pole Vault V 11'6 10'6
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Pepito, Austin So Pole Vault V 12'6 12'0
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Donald, Stephen Sr Long Jump V 16'6.5
Hernandez, Nick Fr Long Jump V 16'10.25
Stevenson, JC Jr Long Jump V 20'1 18'11
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Donald, Stephen Sr Triple Jump V 31'1
Hernandez, Nick Fr Triple Jump V 33'5
Stevenson, JC Jr Triple Jump V 43'7 42'10
45'3.75 You ROCK! (LR)

Boys Relay Results

The comparison columns (i.e. PR, SR, etc) are evaluated against previous results of the same DIVISION.

Event Division Athletes Result
Last Year Result
Previous Result
Last SR
Last PR
4x100m V Chris Betancourt, JC Stevenson, Jason Pugal, Mateo Joseph 47.25 45.14 40.99
4x100m JV Relay Team 51.56 45.66 44.34
4x400m V Gabriel Rodriguez, Michael Rodriguez, Giovanni Rios, Guylan Belser 3:44.74 3:24.65 3:15.57

Girls Individual Results

Athlete Gr Event Div Result
Last Year Result
Previous Result
Last SR
Last PR
Belser, Ariell Jr 100m JV 14.35 14.42
14.22 You ROCK! (LR)
Tatum, Jayna Sr 100m JV 15.03 14.66 14.58
Barron, Allyzah Fr 100m JV 16.62
Stevenson, Summer Sr 200m V 27.77 28.50
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Zavala, Ava Jr 200m V 29.39 28.29 28.10
Belser, Ariell Jr 200m JV 29.59 29.42 29.42
Tatum, Jayna Sr 200m JV 30.56 30.60
30.06 You ROCK! (LR)
Escobar, Jazmyn So 200m JV 32.37
Barron, Allyzah Fr 200m JV 34.46
Zavala, Ava Jr 400m V 1:04.33 1:02.11 1:01.63
Gaff, Arianna Sr 400m V 1:06.92 1:07.08
1:06.14 You ROCK! (LR)
Escobar, Jazmyn So 400m JV 1:14.53
Miller, Hannah So 800m V 2:26.84 2:30.10
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Deboard, Keira Jr 800m V 2:28.75 2:37.81
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Torza, Divine Jr 800m V 2:35.11 2:36.98
2:22.55 You ROCK! (LR, SR)
Gaff, Arianna Sr 800m V 2:35.60 2:31.31 2:28.47
Torza, Devlyn Fr 800m V 2:36.12
Rodriguez, Sophie Sr 800m JV 2:42.50 2:33.83 2:28.03
Handschumacher, Jenna Jr 800m JV 2:44.74 2:47.01
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
El-Banna, Norah Fr 800m JV 2:57.17
Montez, Danielle So 800m JV 3:08.23
Kraus, Kali So 1600m V 5:24.27
Fabian, Aishling So 1600m V 5:25.71 5:25.08 5:25.08
Gaffney, Kelli So 1600m V 5:25.75 5:23.82 5:23.82 5:16.27
Teli, Ameya So 1600m V 5:30.35 5:25.93 5:25.93 5:25.93
Castillo, Meilani So 1600m V 5:30.36
Osborne, Cailin So 1600m JV 5:44.22
Robbins, Ainslee Jr 1600m JV 5:47.01 5:33.00 5:20.48
Rodriguez, Mia Fr 1600m JV 5:53.56
Handschumacher, Jenna Jr 1600m JV 6:01.44 5:52.35 5:52.35
Rodriguez, Sophie Sr 1600m JV 6:02.64 5:44.44 5:27.53
De La Torre, Jadyn So 1600m JV 6:09.64 6:31.13
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
El-Banna, Norah Fr 1600m JV 6:18.79
Gaffney, Kaia So 1600m JV 6:21.03 6:02.26 6:02.26
Donofrio, Emily Fr 3200m V 12:09.85
Osborne, Cailin So 3200m JV 12:33.52
Casillas, Mizti So 3200m V 12:34.31 12:44.08
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Shoaf, Laura So 3200m V 12:34.51 12:04.34 12:04.34
Ropacki, Lauren So 3200m V 12:36.40
Robbins, Ainslee Jr 3200m JV 12:52.24 11:39.79 11:32.80
De La Torre, Jadyn So 3200m JV 13:48.68
Gaffney, Kaia So 3200m JV 14:05.72
Peck, Brandi Jr 100m Hurdles - 33" V 19.60
Gonzales, Samantha Jr 100m Hurdles - 33" V 21.10
Leizerowicz, Elise So 100m Hurdles - 33" JV 21.53
Peck, Brandi Jr 300m Hurdles - 30" V 49.89 54.21
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Robles, Julia Jr 300m Hurdles - 30" V 56.70
Gonzales, Samantha Jr 300m Hurdles - 30" V 57.77
Pamenter, Ayla Fr 300m Hurdles - 30" JV 58.75
Leizerowicz, Elise So 300m Hurdles - 30" JV 1:08.05 1:01.98 1:01.98
Yeager, Audrey Fr 300m Hurdles - 30" JV 1:10.23
Pritchard, Emma Jr Shot Put - 4kg V 23'9.5 20'1.5
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Arendt, Megan Jr Shot Put - 4kg JV 23'10.5
Alonso, Arielle Sr Shot Put - 4kg JV 24'4.5 21'6
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Foltz, Addison Jr Shot Put - 4kg V 26'2.5
VeDepo, Ana So Shot Put - 4kg V 29'3.5 26'3.5
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Alonso, Arianna Sr Shot Put - 4kg V 30'5 20'0
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Alonso, Arianna Sr Discus - 1kg V 61'2.5 56'5
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
VeDepo, Ana So Discus - 1kg V 65'1.5 54'11
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Alonso, Arielle Sr Discus - 1kg JV 67'2 50'11
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Pritchard, Emma Jr Discus - 1kg V 69'2 67'6
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Arendt, Megan Jr Discus - 1kg JV 73'8 52'0
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Robbins, Aftyn Sr Discus - 1kg JV 79'0.25
Foltz, Addison Jr Discus - 1kg V 88'7 48'0
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Davis, DeAna Jr Discus - 1kg V 103'3.5 57'9
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Stephens, Anneliese Fr High Jump V 4'4
Robbins, Aftyn Sr High Jump JV 4'6
Bodrick, Tyra So High Jump V 4'8 4'2
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Aldaz, Alyssa Fr Pole Vault JV 6'0
MacLean, Katie So Pole Vault JV 6'9
Deering, Jamie So Pole Vault JV 6'9
McWilliams, Shyanne So Pole Vault JV 7'6
Meyer, Lauren So Pole Vault JV 8'0 7'0
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Prill, Katarina Fr Pole Vault V 9'0
Garcia, Jordan Jr Pole Vault V 9'6 9'6
10'1 You ROCK! (LR)
Caceres, Sophia Jr Pole Vault V 10'0 9'0
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Stephens, Anneliese Fr Long Jump V 12'5
Grimes, Delaya Sr Long Jump V 15'2.5
Robbins, Aftyn Sr Long Jump JV 16'3
Johnson, Jalissa Sr Long Jump V 16'3.75 15'5
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
Stevenson, Summer Sr Long Jump V 17'8 18'3.5 19'5
Grimes, Delaya Sr Triple Jump V 30'4.25
Robbins, Aftyn Sr Triple Jump JV 32'5.5
Johnson, Jalissa Sr Triple Jump V 33'2.5 35'2.5 35'2.5
Bollinger, Sami Sr Triple Jump V 36'5.5 38'5.5 38'5.5
Stevenson, Summer Sr Triple Jump V 37'4 28'9.5
40'5 You ROCK! (LR)

Girls Relay Results

The comparison columns (i.e. PR, SR, etc) are evaluated against previous results of the same DIVISION.

Event Division Athletes Result
Last Year Result
Previous Result
Last SR
Last PR
4x100m V Summer Stevenson, Sami Bollinger, Ava Zavala, Jalissa Johnson 52.23
4x100m JV Allyzah Barron, Jazmyn Escobar, Ainslee Robbins, Ariell Belser 57.87 55.13 50.90
4x400m V Arianna Gaff, Ava Zavala, Sami Bollinger, Brandi Peck 4:22.46 4:13.96 3:47.44

All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading. Improvement columns sort by event, then percent improvement.
A "c" following a result means it has been converted from hand-timed by rounding up the measured time to the nearest tenth, then adding 0.24 seconds.
A "w" following the the result means it is wind-aided.