Dublin Results from the CA State Finals at Woodward Park on 11/28/09

Girls Results and Stats

Girls Individual Results

Runner Gr Squad Time Pace Dist Place Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR
Last DPR
Nickles, Shelby So V 19:20 6:14 3.1 69/190 1/1 1/1 33/53 20:07
Runner Gr Squad Time Pace Dist Place Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR
Last DPR

Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:

  • LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago.
  • LR = Beat time from the most recent running of this course.
  • PR = Set a new PR on this course. A "Course PR".
  • PG = Beat personal goal.
  • SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
  • DPR = A "Distance Personal Record" - the personal best time considering distance only, not unique course characteristics. Applicable for 2, 2.48(4K), 3, and 3.1(5K) mile courses.
  • DSR = A "Distance Season Record" - same as above, but for the current season only.
  • DTW = "Displace to Win". This athlete, as the 6th or 7th runner on his/her squad, displaced scoring runners from a competitor enabling his/her team to finish ahead of that competitor.
  • TB = "Tiebreaker". As the #6 athlete on his/her squad, this athlete was the tiebreaker enabling his/her team to finish ahead of that competitor.
  • NFC! = "Note From Coach" - your coach has posted a comment about your race.

All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.

Full Individual Race Results - Girls V

Pl Name Gr School Time Pace Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR
1 Rebecca Mehra So Palos Verd 17:34 5:40
2 Melissa Skiba Sr Oak Park 17:36 5:41
3 Melanie Powers Sr Corona Del 17:56 5:47
4 Marissa Ferrante Sr Aptos 18:10 5:52
5 Rachel Hinds Jr St. Ignati 18:14 5:53
6 Kaycee Holcomb Jr Oak Park 18:14 5:53
7 Kristina Funahashi Sr Corona Del 18:18 5:54
8 Erica Capellino Jr Palos Verd 18:18 5:54
9 Carrie Verdon So Campolindo 18:19 5:55
10 Madeleine Ankhelyi Fr Vista Del 18:21 5:55
11 Jacquie Adams Fr Lutheran 18:23 5:56
12 Shannon Harcus Sr Placer 18:25 5:56
13 Marisa Cummings Sr Corona Del 18:27 5:57
14 Rebekah Bahra Jr Lutheran 18:27 5:57
15 Jessica Marquardt Jr Lutheran 18:30 5:58
16 Katie Fry Jr Exeter Uni 18:32 5:59
17 Taylor Williams Jr Lutheran 18:35 6:00
18 Michelle Read Jr Clairemont 18:36 6:00
19 Isabel Andrade Sr Petaluma 18:37 6:00
20 Analicia Silva Sr Irvine 18:37 6:00
21 Grace Orders Jr Campolindo 18:39 6:01
22 Savannah Roberts So Clairemont 18:39 6:01
23 Emma Freeman Jr Del Oro 18:40 6:01
24 Alisha Brown Sr Madera Sou 18:41 6:02
25 Nicole Evans So Woodbridge 18:43 6:02
26 Brittnie Munoz Sr Rosemead 18:44 6:03
27 Caitlin Krol So Cathedral - D3 18:44 6:03
28 Kristina Rivera So Corona Del 18:45 6:03
29 Ava Kent Jr Lutheran 18:46 6:03
30 Rachel Warschaw Sr Palos Verd 18:49 6:04
31 Morgan Lira So Valley Chr 18:51 6:05
32 Melissa Hastings Sr Hillsdale 18:51 6:05
33 Amanda Post Sr Cathedral - D3 18:53 6:05
34 Ali Hummelberg Sr Corona Del 18:54 6:06
35 Jennifer Nakamura Jr Clovis Nor 18:54 6:06
36 Sharessa Archie So Clovis Nor 18:54 6:06
37 Sara Mostatabi Jr Campolindo 18:55 6:06
38 Stephanie Fedele Fr Saddleback 18:56 6:06
39 Katrina Mecklenburg Jr Cathedral - D3 18:57 6:07
40 Lauren Mugnaini Sr Rio Americ 18:58 6:07
41 Sarah Ahgazeynali So Clovis Nor 18:58 6:07
42 Marrisa Scott Fr Bonita 19:00 6:08
43 Ashlee Powers So Corona Del 19:00 6:08
44 Lauren Curtin Sr Maria Carr 19:01 6:08
45 Heidi Thiele So Maria Carr 19:01 6:08
46 Neysa Mains So El Camino 19:03 6:09
47 Annie Marggraff Fr Acalanes 19:04 6:09
48 Tijerra Lynch Jr Ridgeview- 19:05 6:09
49 Marisa Purcell Fr Northwood 19:05 6:09
50 Andrea Webber Sr West Torra 19:05 6:09
51 Wendy Anae Fr Cathedral - D3 19:06 6:10
52 Tori Kutzner Fr Clairemont 19:06 6:10
53 Kathleen Uyttewaal Jr San Luis O 19:06 6:10
54 Molly Babcock So Woodbridge 19:07 6:10
55 Natalie Nield Sr Cathedral - D3 19:07 6:10
56 Nikki Hiltz Fr Aptos 19:08 6:10
57 Besty Armitage Fr Clairemont 19:10 6:11
58 Amy Hollshwandner Fr Acalanes 19:11 6:11
59 Alexa Lua So Del Oro 19:11 6:11
60 Kelly Bieraugel Fr Cathedral - D3 19:13 6:12
61 Alissa Hood Sr Del Oro 19:14 6:12
62 Alyssa Desmond Fr West Torra 19:15 6:13
63 Kylie Butler Fr Palos Verd 19:16 6:13
64 Rebecca Tuttle Jr Northwood 19:16 6:13
65 Kaylee Hudson Fr Valley Cen 19:16 6:13
66 Jessie Rozario Jr Del Oro 19:17 6:13
67 Jennifer Morgan Fr Vista Del 19:18 6:14
68 Brittany Stalzer So Oak Park 19:19 6:14
69 Shelby Nickles So Dublin 19:20 6:14 1/1 1/1 33/53 20:07
You ROCK! (LR, PR)
70 Courtney Madson Jr Novato 19:21 6:15
71 Sarah Orders Fr Campolindo 19:21 6:15
72 Sarah Keddington Sr Corona Del 19:22 6:15
73 Taelor Young Jr Oak Park 19:23 6:15
74 Danika Bark So Palos Verd 19:23 6:15
75 Kelli Berge Fr Acalanes 19:26 6:16
76 Marissa Mendez Jr Vista Del 19:26 6:16
77 Samantha Smith Fr Sonora 19:28 6:17
78 Lee Lazan Fr Northwood 19:28 6:17
79 Sophia Volk Fr University - D3 19:29 6:17
80 Alexandria Adams So Northwood 19:31 6:18
81 Caitlin Parke Jr Palos Verd 19:32 6:18
82 Morgan Cowick Jr University - D3 19:33 6:18
83 Cara Curtin Sr Maria Carr 19:34 6:19
84 Kim Mcmullen Sr Aptos 19:36 6:19
85 Francesca Honey So Petaluma 19:37 6:20
86 Kirby Franklin Fr Petaluma 19:37 6:20
87 Isabel Garcia So Valley Chr 19:38 6:20
88 Ayded Reyes Sr Mission Ba 19:39 6:20
89 Jessica Reints Jr Oak Park 19:39 6:20
90 Laura Ettlin Sr West Torra 19:40 6:21
91 Emily Kemp So Clairemont 19:41 6:21
92 Christine Kent So Cathedral - D3 19:41 6:21
93 Chan Annie So Woodbridge 19:42 6:21
94 Emily Shearer Sr Acalanes 19:45 6:22
95 Katie Berge Jr Acalanes 19:46 6:23
96 Karen Wai Sr Saratoga 19:48 6:23
97 Kristina Rivera Sr Willow Gle 19:48 6:23
98 Sophia Cannata-bowm Fr Sacred Hea 19:49 6:24
99 Meghan Morse So Aptos 19:50 6:24
100 Desiree Armendariz So Ridgeview- 19:51 6:24
101 Katie Sandoval Fr Clovis Nor 19:52 6:25
102 Jacquelyn Urbina Jr St. Ignati 19:54 6:25
103 Devin Cowick Sr University - D3 19:55 6:25
104 Kelsea Tiapon Jr Galt 19:55 6:25
105 Savini Ganhewa Sr Northwood 19:55 6:25
106 Hannah Osuna Fr Vista Del 19:55 6:25
107 Paige Kelty So West Torra 19:56 6:26
108 Desiree Bacchi Jr Del Oro 19:57 6:26
109 Aviv Lazan Sr Northwood 19:57 6:26
110 Emily Brennan Sr Campolindo 19:57 6:26
111 Marissa Lara So Woodbridge 19:57 6:26
112 Michelle Carruth So Clovis Nor 19:58 6:26
113 Kelly O'malley Jr West Torra 19:59 6:27
114 Megan Gramlich So University - D3 19:59 6:27
115 Courtney Macklin Fr El Dorado 20:03 6:28
116 Moriah Millwee So Shafter 20:03 6:28
117 Caitlin Devitt Payn Jr Del Oro 20:05 6:29
118 Michelle Kagei Fr Palos Verd 20:05 6:29
119 Lora James Jr Shasta 20:05 6:29
120 Abby Otto Sr St. Ignati 20:06 6:29
121 Allison Levy Jr West Torra 20:07 6:29
122 Emily Blaha Jr Valley Chr 20:07 6:29
123 Nicole Kent Sr Lutheran 20:08 6:30
124 Juliet Farnan So Campolindo 20:08 6:30
125 Anna Welsh So Monterey 20:09 6:30
126 Marie Diaz So Bishop O'd 20:11 6:31
127 Lily Brose Jr Red Bluff 20:14 6:32
128 Megan Scott-buserba So Northwood 20:16 6:32
129 Margie Garza Sr Maria Carr 20:17 6:33
130 Riley Mccullough Jr Oak Park 20:19 6:33
131 Roxanne Esquivel So University - D3 20:19 6:33
132 Courtney Destaillat So Aptos 20:23 6:35
133 Carli Preston Fr Shafter 20:23 6:35
134 Brook Martini So Campolindo 20:24 6:35
135 Kristian Hiatt So Placer 20:25 6:35
136 Byrnna Thigpen Fr Maria Carr 20:26 6:35
137 Cambria Tudor Fr Shafter 20:26 6:35
138 Sam Schuetz Jr St. Ignati 20:28 6:36
139 Lashya Morgan Fr Ridgeview- 20:31 6:37
140 Megan Finkenbeinger Jr West Torra 20:34 6:38
141 Bridget Sullivan Jr St. Ignati 20:36 6:39
142 Megan Atkins Jr Del Oro 20:36 6:39
143 Kelly Collins Fr Acalanes 20:40 6:40
144 Kailee Warren Fr Placer 20:41 6:40
145 Jennifer Arbaugh Jr Vista Del 20:43 6:41
146 Jessy Hansen So University - D3 20:43 6:41
147 Hilary Mills Sr Lutheran 20:47 6:42
148 Taylor Graham So Maria Carr 20:49 6:43
149 Jessica Kepfer Sr Placer 20:49 6:43
150 Christina Winters So Placer 20:51 6:44
151 Kailyn Paretti Fr Petaluma 20:52 6:44
152 Hailey Lynch Fr Petaluma 20:53 6:44
153 Melissa Mcrae Sr Enterprise 20:57 6:45
154 Erika Steppia Sr Placer 20:59 6:46
155 Nicolette Sorensen Fr Acalanes 21:01 6:47
156 Jessica Huizar Sr Ridgeview- 21:02 6:47
157 Meira Prescher Sr Oak Park 21:03 6:47
158 Annie Stratton Fr Paradise 21:10 6:50
159 Rebecca Wilson Jr Clovis Nor 21:13 6:51
160 Yadlin Youval Sr Woodbridge 21:21 6:53
161 Gretel Petrie So Maria Carr 21:23 6:54
162 Emily Tatum Sr St. Ignati 21:25 6:55
163 Kellianne Connolly Fr Valley Chr 21:26 6:55
164 Amanda Schallert Jr St. Ignati 21:27 6:55
165 Alexia Kalal So University - D3 21:27 6:55
166 Barriga Olivia Sr Woodbridge 21:28 6:55
167 Emily Stein Jr Foothill-P 21:31 6:56
168 Lisa Liu Sr Galileo 21:33 6:57
169 Kirby Riecks Jr Placer 21:38 6:59
170 Breanna Brown Fr Foothill-P 21:45 7:01
171 Amy Bergman So Valley Chr 21:47 7:02
172 Sami Lee Fr Clovis Nor 21:47 7:02
173 Matty Mcfarland So Vista Del 21:58 7:05
174 Kendra Higgins Sr Valley Chr 22:01 7:06
175 Zoe Kaschke Fr Enterprise 22:02 7:06
176 Bailey Voss Fr Ridgeview- 22:04 7:07
177 Chelsea Gorman Jr Vista Del 22:12 7:10
178 Isabella Bowden Fr Balboa 22:14 7:10
179 Juliana Wallace Sr Valley Chr 22:21 7:13
180 Amanda James Sr Enterprise 22:26 7:14
181 Deserae Tarr Fr Ridgeview- 22:34 7:17
182 Tammey Kramm Fr Enterprise 22:39 7:18
183 Alexis Abad Fr Woodbridge 22:46 7:21
184 Andie Dolcini Sr Petaluma 22:46 7:21
185 Estenia Gomez Jr Downtown M 23:05 7:27
186 Becca Phillips So Enterprise 23:05 7:27
187 Mckenzie Johnson So Clairemont 23:07 7:27
188 Kristina Salgado So Clairemont 23:15 7:30
189 Emily Johnson Fr Ridgeview- 23:51 7:42
190 Taylor Walls Fr Enterprise 23:59 7:44
Pl Name Gr School Time Pace Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR

Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:

  • LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
  • LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
  • PR = Set a new PR
  • PG = Beat personal goal
  • SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.

All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.