Casa Grande Results from the CA State Finals at Woodward Park on 11/29/14

Girls Results and Stats

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Girls Individual Results

Runner Gr Squad Time Pace Dist Place Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR
Last DPR
Adria Barich Jr V 19:07 6:10 3.1 60/193 1/1 1/1 30/54 19:43
Runner Gr Squad Time Pace Dist Place Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR
Last DPR

Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:

  • LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago.
  • LR = Beat time from the most recent running of this course.
  • PR = Set a new PR on this course. A "Course PR".
  • PG = Beat personal goal.
  • SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
  • DPR = A "Distance Personal Record" - the personal best time considering distance only, not unique course characteristics. Applicable for 2, 2.48(4K), 3, and 3.1(5K) mile courses.
  • DSR = A "Distance Season Record" - same as above, but for the current season only.
  • DTW = "Displace to Win". This athlete, as the 6th or 7th runner on his/her squad, displaced scoring runners from a competitor enabling his/her team to finish ahead of that competitor.
  • TB = "Tiebreaker". As the #6 athlete on his/her squad, this athlete was the tiebreaker enabling his/her team to finish ahead of that competitor.
  • NFC! = "Note From Coach" - your coach has posted a comment about your race.

All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.

Full Individual Race Results - Girls V

Pl Name Gr School Time Pace Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR
1 Amber Gore Sr Redondo Union 17:22 5:36
2 Amanda Gehrich Jr Tesoro 17:31 5:39
3 Taylor Taite Sr Murrieta Mesa 17:40 5:42
4 Claire Graves So Citrus Valley 17:44 5:43
5 Samantha Ortega Sr Saugus 17:54 5:46
6 Briar Brumley Sr Tesoro 18:03 5:49
7 Stephanie Ortega Jr Segerstrom 18:04 5:50
8 Megan Mccandless Jr Granada 18:04 5:50
9 Mary Mon Oewel Sr Redwood 18:05 5:50
10 Grace Ling Sr Lynbrook 18:09 5:51
11 Ashley Licata Jr Capistrano Valley 18:13 5:53
12 Leza Cassidy Jr Arroyo Grande 18:15 5:53
13 Christa Kloha Sr Westview 18:22 5:55
14 Nia Akins Jr Rancho Bernardo 18:25 5:56
15 Haley Herberg Fr Capistrano Valley 18:25 5:56
16 Ashley Heys Jr Saugus 18:25 5:56
17 Kelly Fairchild Jr Serrano 18:26 5:57
18 Kelli Stetson Sr San Pasqual 18:28 5:57
19 Delaney White Jr Santa Rosa 18:31 5:58
20 Mikaela Mulhall Sr Capistrano Valley 18:33 5:59
21 Desirae Jones Sr Simi Valley 18:33 5:59
22 Taylor Beaudoin Jr Redondo Union 18:33 5:59
23 Jessica Ruiz Sr Saugus 18:35 6:00
24 Anevay Hiehle Sr Redondo Union 18:36 6:00
25 Mariah Castillo Fr Saugus 18:36 6:00
26 Lauren Jacob Jr Los Altos 18:38 6:01
27 Courtney Brenner Jr Serrano 18:39 6:01
28 Kathryn Loken So Del Campo 18:40 6:01
29 Rebecca Deitch Sr Capistrano Valley 18:40 6:01
30 Alize Hartke Fr Oakmont 18:41 6:02
31 Summer Barkan Fr Serrano 18:42 6:02
32 Elena Garcia Sr Mt Carmel 18:43 6:02
33 Mackinzie Moncibais Sr Saugus 18:45 6:03
34 Carlene Masar Fr Steele Canyon 18:46 6:03
35 Glennis Murphy So Redwood 18:46 6:03
36 Sophia Alcaraz Sr Steele Canyon 18:47 6:04
37 Cecily Johnson Sr Los Gatos 18:47 6:04
38 Jax Heckers So Claremont 18:48 6:04
39 Olivia Rosellini Sr Simi Valley 18:49 6:04
40 Nicole Pederson Sr Redondo Union 18:49 6:04
41 Jordyn Zorn Monache 18:50 6:05
42 Michaela Fromme So La Costa Canyon 18:51 6:05
43 Grace Schafer Sr Capistrano Valley 18:52 6:05
44 Alexis Ramirez Jr Serrano 18:52 6:05
45 Renee Laurenzana Fr San Pasqual 18:53 6:05
46 Mckenzie Cornell Fr Serrano 18:54 6:06
47 Molly Mulay Jr Simi Valley 18:54 6:06
48 Kassady Learn So Rancho Bernardo 18:55 6:06
49 Isabella Dobson So Elk Grove 18:56 6:06
50 Sabrina Janes Sr Saugus 18:56 6:06
51 Mckenna Brown Fr La Costa Canyon 18:59 6:07
52 Tess Rounds Fr Claremont 18:59 6:07
53 Emily Skahill So St. Francis 19:00 6:08
54 Rosa Granados So Arroyo Grande 19:00 6:08
55 Carina Gwenap Sr Mountain View 19:00 6:08
56 Samantha Barajas So Simi Valley 19:04 6:09
57 Melissa Seaman Jr St. Francis 19:05 6:09
58 Kiana Cavanaugh Jr Claremont 19:06 6:10
59 Serena Myjer Fr Mountain View 19:06 6:10
60 Adria Barich Jr Casa Grande 19:07 6:10 1/1 1/1 30/54 19:43
You ROCK! (LY, LR, PR)
61 Abby Davis Fr Saugus 19:11 6:11
62 Thalia Silva Sr Redondo Union 19:12 6:12
63 Yasmine Soliman Sr Simi Valley 19:14 6:12
64 Allison Le Sr Mitty 19:15 6:13
65 Sarah Savage Fr Mitty 19:15 6:13
66 Kayla Tresser Jr Capistrano Valley 19:17 6:13
67 Savannah Hill So Whitney 19:18 6:14
68 Erica Barrett So Westview 19:18 6:14
69 Sarah Chidgey Sr Mt Carmel 19:18 6:14
70 Shaz Breedlove Sr Maria Carrillo 19:19 6:14
71 Kelsie King Sr Capistrano Valley 19:19 6:14
72 Gillian Wagner Fr Redwood 19:21 6:15
73 Megan Coyle Sr Northgate 19:22 6:15
74 Brooke Giles Fr San Pasqual 19:23 6:15
75 Kajol Maheshwari Jr Livermore 19:23 6:15
76 Riley Prohaska Jr La Costa Canyon 19:24 6:15
77 Alex Calegari So Poway 19:25 6:16
78 Riley Mason Jr Leland 19:25 6:16
79 Julia Bounds So St. Francis 19:26 6:16
80 Sarah Abrahamson Jr La Costa Canyon 19:27 6:16
81 Abigail Mangilog So Mitty 19:27 6:16
82 Veronica Blackwell Sr Del Campo 19:28 6:17
83 Samantha Tetef Sr Simi Valley 19:28 6:17
84 Carla Cornillon Fr St. Francis 19:32 6:18
85 Laura Moran So Mt Carmel 19:33 6:18
86 Shanna Burns Sr Serrano 19:35 6:19
87 Annie Fogarty So Redwood 19:36 6:19
88 Jocelyn Reynolds Sr Arroyo Grande 19:37 6:20
89 Erin Weiner Jr Mitty 19:37 6:20
90 Nika Cokas Sr Mt Carmel 19:39 6:20
91 Alex Gushue So Claremont 19:39 6:20
92 Nicole Beaudoin Jr Redondo Union 19:41 6:21
93 Gia Kim Jr St. Francis 19:41 6:21
94 Sonia Holguin McFarland 19:42 6:21
95 Talley Hill So Arroyo Grande 19:43 6:22
96 Janelle Baeskens So Claremont 19:43 6:22
97 Areli Diaz So Steele Canyon 19:43 6:22
98 Sophia Mcwhorter Fr Redwood 19:44 6:22
99 Julia Cantrell Sr Claremont 19:44 6:22
100 Hannah Kim Sr St. Francis 19:45 6:22
101 Rachel Ereso Jr La Costa Canyon 19:50 6:24
102 Jasmine Gonzalez Madera 19:50 6:24
103 Courtney Clifford Jr Grossmont 19:51 6:24
104 Hattie Groat Jr Whitney 19:51 6:24
105 Cynthia Mejia Tulare Western 19:53 6:25
106 Jessica Swingle Sr Del Campo 19:56 6:26
107 Malia Simon Fr Arroyo Grande 19:56 6:26
108 Sarah Winkler So Simi Valley 19:56 6:26
109 Rachel Bordes Jr Redwood 19:57 6:26
110 Unknown Unknown Fr Vacaville 19:57 6:26
111 Keely Boyd Jr La Costa Canyon 19:59 6:27
112 Savannah Boyd Jr La Costa Canyon 20:00 6:27
113 Caitlin Huang Fr Los Gatos 20:00 6:27
114 Allie Ahern Jr Maria Carrillo 20:00 6:27
115 Ariana Jasso Redwood (visalia) 20:02 6:28
116 Jamie Vasek Sr Serrano 20:03 6:28
117 Haley Chavez So Arroyo Grande 20:03 6:28
118 Shannon Palladino Sr Maria Carrillo 20:04 6:28
119 Mae Lee Sr Mt Carmel 20:05 6:29
120 Carly Trent Fr St. Francis 20:05 6:29
121 Madeleine Malone Fr Vacaville 20:05 6:29
122 Evelyn Rincon Monache 20:06 6:29
123 Rebecca Harris Golden West 20:06 6:29
124 Trinity Leonard So Redondo Union 20:07 6:29
125 Smantha Perry Sr Maria Carrillo 20:08 6:30
126 Sydnie Rvas Fr Maria Carrillo 20:09 6:30
127 Stephanie Ramos Monache 20:09 6:30
128 Angela Gemignani Jr Arroyo Grande 20:10 6:30
129 Priyanka Shreeder So Mt Carmel 20:10 6:30
130 Cecilia Avelar Jr Maria Carrillo 20:11 6:31
131 Emily Botnen Fr Roseville 20:12 6:31
132 Lauren Farris Fr Steele Canyon 20:12 6:31
133 Vanessa Brown Sr Steele Canyon 20:14 6:32
134 Jackie Magana Sr Atwater 20:15 6:32
135 Erin Chessin Sr Los Gatos 20:17 6:33
136 Shelby Wray So Steele Canyon 20:29 6:36
137 Leaniciay Jones Mitty 20:31 6:37
138 Sydney Stephens So Los Gatos 20:31 6:37
139 Magali De Bryun So Redwood 20:33 6:38
140 Nathalie Teissier Jr Los Gatos 20:35 6:38
141 Ozora Cheek Jr Whitney 20:37 6:39
142 Sarah Hawley So Mt Carmel 20:38 6:39
143 Alyssa Kuck Sr Rancho Bernardo 20:39 6:40
144 Maddy Lyons Jr Del Oro 20:41 6:40
145 Alyssa Tivadar Fr Rancho Bernardo 20:42 6:41
146 Alyssa Diaz McFarland 20:42 6:41
147 Madison Cranford So San Pasqual 20:43 6:41
148 Cassidy Aberson So Vacaville 20:44 6:41
149 Clara Lee Jr Rancho Bernardo 20:45 6:42
150 Cassiel Nortier-tilly So Vacaville 20:49 6:43
151 Imelda Suarez Monache 20:50 6:43
152 Haley Crittenden Jr Steele Canyon 20:55 6:45
153 Carolina Avelar Jr Maria Carrillo 20:58 6:46
154 Gabriela Lozano Monache 20:59 6:46
155 Viktoriya Chmil Jr Del Campo 21:00 6:46
156 Angela Ortlieb Sr San Pasqual 21:06 6:48
157 Denise Lopez-sosa East Bakersfield 21:07 6:49
158 Grace Leto Fr Rancho Bernardo 21:10 6:50
159 Maria Overton So Del Campo 21:11 6:50
160 Gillian Yost So Los Gatos 21:11 6:50
161 Misha Johnson So Whitney 21:12 6:50
162 Kaylay Vokty Mitty 21:15 6:51
163 Carina Perezchica McFarland 21:16 6:52
164 Kimberly Aldaco Monache 21:24 6:54
165 Maia Draca Fr Los Gatos 21:25 6:55
166 Jocelyn Brelsford So Whitney 21:26 6:55
167 Annalise Crane So Vacaville 21:31 6:56
168 Kascy Mc Namara Sr Del Campo 21:31 6:56
169 Stella Sisneros Fr Vacaville 21:37 6:58
170 Harley Patel Fr Del Campo 21:45 7:01
171 Julia Lemak Jr Mitty 21:46 7:01
172 Haley Ellis Sr Whitney 21:56 7:05
173 Emily Ballerini Sr Vacaville 22:01 7:06
174 Daisy Romero So Bernstein 22:07 7:08
175 Genesis Rivera So Stern 22:10 7:09
176 Meghan Townsley Fr Whitney 22:11 7:09
177 Lexus Alvarado McFarland 22:11 7:09
178 Dianitza Diaz Jr McFarland 22:16 7:11
179 Melissa Lopez So D. Bus. Mag 22:25 7:14
180 Laura Lopez Monache 22:32 7:16
181 Sonia Ponce McFarland 22:33 7:16
182 Diana Roque So Orthopaedic 22:37 7:18
183 Danielle Elias Sr Panorama 22:38 7:18
184 Rebecca Mc Farland Sr Vaas 22:42 7:19
185 Dominique Gamble Fr San Pasqual 22:46 7:21
186 Ally Palmer Sr Vaas 22:52 7:23
187 Belisia Corlew Fr Vaas 22:53 7:23
188 Elizabeth Garcia Jr Vaas 22:59 7:25
189 Caroline Diaz McFarland 23:20 7:32
190 Cynthia Rodas Fr Vaas 23:39 7:38
191 Stephanie Zendejas Sr Vaas 23:48 7:41
192 Erin Billings So San Pasqual 23:52 7:42
193 Lilia Gomez Fr Vaas 24:55 8:02
Pl Name Gr School Time Pace Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR

Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:

  • LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
  • LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
  • PR = Set a new PR
  • PG = Beat personal goal
  • SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.

All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.