Fullerton Results from the Orange County Champ at Irvine Regional Park on 10/15/05

Girls Results and Stats

Switch to Boys

Girls Individual Results

Runner Gr Squad Time Pace Dist Place Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR
Last DPR
Allie Rehm Sr V 23:28 7:49 3 115/124 2/2 5/8 20/20
Anna Rante Fr F/S 21:51 7:17 3 58/282 2/4 2/8 14/24 You ROCK! (SBP)
Briana Covarrubias Sr V 22:25 7:28 3 106/124 1/2 4/8 20/20 You ROCK! (SBP)
Extra 1 F/S 20:29 6:50 3 13/282 1/4 1/8 9/26 You ROCK! (SBP)
Jasmine Garcia So JV 22:11 7:24 3 27/129 1/2 3/8 13/23 24:04
Kristen Painter So F/S 27:44 9:15 3 249/282 4/4 7/8 22/22 You ROCK! (SBP)
Lisette Gonzalez So F/S 26:31 8:50 3 230/282 3/4 6/8 23/23 27:15
Tiffany Garcia So JV 29:44 9:55 3 125/129 2/2 8/8 19/19 You ROCK! (SBP)
Runner Gr Squad Time Pace Dist Place Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR
Last DPR

Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:

  • LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago.
  • LR = Beat time from the most recent running of this course.
  • PR = Set a new PR on this course. A "Course PR".
  • PG = Beat personal goal.
  • SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
  • DPR = A "Distance Personal Record" - the personal best time considering distance only, not unique course characteristics. Applicable for 2, 2.48(4K), 3, and 3.1(5K) mile courses.
  • DSR = A "Distance Season Record" - same as above, but for the current season only.
  • DTW = "Displace to Win". This athlete, as the 6th or 7th runner on his/her squad, displaced scoring runners from a competitor enabling his/her team to finish ahead of that competitor.
  • TB = "Tiebreaker". As the #6 athlete on his/her squad, this athlete was the tiebreaker enabling his/her team to finish ahead of that competitor.
  • NFC! = "Note From Coach" - your coach has posted a comment about your race.

All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.

Full Individual Race Results - Girls V

Pl Name Gr School Time Pace Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR
1 Erika Estrada Sr Santiago 18:07 6:02
2 Katherine Nielsen Jr Irvine 18:10 6:03
3 Nisha Richardson Sr Canyon (Anaheim) 18:22 6:07
4 Jackie Castelazo Sr Century 18:30 6:10
5 Alyssa Brown Sr Mission Viejo 18:38 6:13
6 Gail Munoz Sr Santa Ana 18:41 6:14
7 Yaneli Estrada Sr Santa Ana Valley 18:42 6:14
8 Andrea Aguilar Sr Mater Dei 18:46 6:15
9 Lindsey Montoya Fr El Modena 18:54 6:18
10 Lauren Davis So Mater Dei 19:03 6:21
11 Heather Hisgen So El Modena 19:10 6:23
12 Erendira Uriostegui Sr Saddleback 19:12 6:24
13 Allison Francke Jr Rosary 19:12 6:24
14 Carmen Carlos Jr Savanna 19:14 6:25
15 Kim Maginnis Jr El Modena 19:17 6:26
16 Ariana Espinoza Jr El Toro 19:17 6:26
17 Byanka Mexia Sr Century 19:17 6:26
18 Mary Horstmann Jr Mater Dei 19:18 6:26
19 Elyse Shimada Sr Cypress 19:18 6:26
20 Erika Perez Jr El Modena 19:19 6:26
21 Stephanie Medina Jr Saddleback 19:20 6:27
22 Meghan Sanchez So Irvine 19:21 6:27
23 Kerry Leslie So Northwood 19:24 6:28
24 Leticia Ramirez Jr Rosary 19:25 6:28
25 Chelsea Owens Fr Santa Margarita 19:27 6:29
26 Josephina Avila So Santiago 19:28 6:29
27 Jessie Leimkuhler So Mater Dei 19:32 6:31
28 Erica Miller Jr Northwood 19:37 6:32
29 Lindsey Lake So Santa Margarita 19:39 6:33
30 Brittney O'Connor So Northwood 19:39 6:33
31 Karina Galvin So Santa Margarita 19:39 6:33
32 Jessica Mumaugh Fr Santa Margarita 19:41 6:34
33 Jessica Chadwick Fr El Toro 19:49 6:36
34 Katie Lenahan Jr El Modena 19:50 6:37
35 Aaryn Kobayoshi So Canyon (Anaheim) 19:53 6:38
36 Barbara Caplan Jr Mission Viejo 19:54 6:38
37 Amanda Davidow Jr Santiago 19:56 6:39
38 Brieanna Delaney So Canyon (Anaheim) 19:59 6:40
39 Michelle Napper Sr Cypress 20:02 6:41
40 Alexandra Plessier Jr Mission Viejo 20:02 6:41
41 Kristy Kones Fr Canyon (Anaheim) 20:03 6:41
42 Meghan McNamara So Mater Dei 20:06 6:42
43 Chelsea Stanfield Sr Cypress 20:06 6:42
44 Laura Hernadez Fr Saddleback 20:07 6:42
45 Irma Molina Jr Saddleback 20:07 6:42
46 Thoa Pham Jr Irvine 20:08 6:43
47 Ashley Pyka So Canyon (Anaheim) 20:09 6:43
48 Jessica Bloom Fr Irvine 20:09 6:43
49 Yadira Olvera Jr Santiago 20:09 6:43
50 Vivien Cook So Irvine 20:10 6:43
51 Brittany Quiniones So Canyon (Anaheim) 20:11 6:44
52 Francisca Armienta Sr Saddleback 20:12 6:44
53 Kaitlin Kovacich So Mater Dei 20:14 6:45
54 Chelsea Hodis Jr Cypress 20:14 6:45
55 Erin Lockett Fr Mission Viejo 20:15 6:45
56 Kayla Magill Sr Northwood 20:16 6:45
57 Rebecca Twinem Sr Santa Margarita 20:17 6:46
58 Angela Coxe Jr El Modena 20:17 6:46
59 Lupe Carranza So Santa Ana 20:19 6:46
60 Jessica Dzubnar Jr Mission Viejo 20:21 6:47
61 Kristen Rooney Jr Pacifica 20:23 6:48
62 Katy Straughan So Cypress 20:23 6:48
63 Kelsey Krieger Sr Santa Margarita 20:24 6:48
64 Lorenza Valdez Jr El Modena 20:25 6:48
65 Leah Dorner So Northwood 20:25 6:48
66 Jenna Nicoll Fr El Toro 20:26 6:49
67 Colleen Joyce Sr El Toro 20:33 6:51
68 Priscilla Garcia Jr Saddleback 20:35 6:52
69 Brittany Russo Sr Rosary 20:40 6:53
70 Annalisa Willis Jr Cypress 20:43 6:54
71 Jessica Ramseier Sr University (Irvine) 20:46 6:55
72 Kanene Sierra Jr Northwood 20:47 6:56
73 Sandra Rojas Fr Santiago 20:50 6:57
74 Christina Page Jr Pacifica 20:52 6:57
75 Sandra Castillo So Saddleback 20:54 6:58
76 Avery Seretan Sr Rosary 20:55 6:58
77 Missy Burley Jr Rosary 21:00 7:00
78 Christina Irvin Jr University (Irvine) 21:02 7:01
79 Stephanie Etow Sr Santa Margarita 21:03 7:01
80 Maria Ramirez Jr Santiago 21:03 7:01
81 Alicia Quiros Sr Mater Dei 21:07 7:02
82 Daisy Marquez Sr Santiago 21:10 7:03
83 Elizabeth Low So University (Irvine) 21:13 7:04
84 Clarivel Vega So Santa Ana 21:13 7:04
85 Nancy Lin So University (Irvine) 21:14 7:05
86 Maria Martinez Jr Santa Ana 21:17 7:06
87 Lauren Media So Mission Viejo 21:19 7:06
88 Annie Nagel Jr Rosary 21:20 7:07
89 Lizet Valencia Jr Century 21:29 7:10
90 Kimberly Udink Jr El Toro 21:29 7:10
91 Esther Lee So Northwood 21:30 7:10
92 Angela Valenti Jr Canyon (Anaheim) 21:32 7:11
93 Rosa Molina So Santa Ana Valley 21:34 7:11
94 Mimi Lan Jr Irvine 21:34 7:11
95 Erica Haggerty So Rosary 21:36 7:12
96 Brittney Buenrostro Sr Santa Ana 21:47 7:16
97 Elizabeth Lopez Jr Century 21:49 7:16
98 Sandra Khalifia Jr San Clemente 21:56 7:19
99 Stephanie Lujano Jr San Clemente 21:57 7:19
100 Laney Widyolar Jr University (Irvine) 21:58 7:19
101 Justine Sands Jr San Clemente 22:00 7:20
102 Francelia Rivera Jr Santa Ana Valley 22:02 7:21
103 Luisa Alarcon Sr Santa Ana 22:04 7:21
104 Megan Moody So Mission Viejo 22:18 7:26
105 Vanessa Lord Sr Pacifica 22:21 7:27
106 Briana Covarrubias Sr Fullerton 22:25 7:28 1/2 4/8 20/20 You ROCK! (SBP)
107 Brianna Ablesen Sr San Clemente 22:32 7:31
108 Cassandra Barger Sr Cypress 22:33 7:31
109 Rosa Huizar So Santa Ana Valley 22:35 7:32
110 Jenny Stangl Sr San Clemente 22:41 7:34
111 Amalia Mejia Jr Santa Ana Valley 22:43 7:34
112 Stephanie Hernandez Sr Santa Ana Valley 22:56 7:39
113 Denise Betters Sr Savanna 22:57 7:39
114 Selene Cortez Sr Santa Ana Valley 22:58 7:39
115 Allie Rehm Sr Fullerton 23:28 7:49 2/2 5/8 20/20
116 Extra 3 Savanna 23:44 7:55
117 Bria Reiniger Jr Pacifica 24:01 8:00
118 Pancakes Betuk Sr San Clemente 24:25 8:08
119 Anna Johnson Jr Pacifica 24:25 8:08
120 Allie Jefferson Sr San Clemente 24:27 8:09
121 Irene Medina Jr Century 25:24 8:28
122 Nancy Vieyra Jr Century 26:05 8:42
123 Becky Feldman Sr University (Irvine) 27:13 9:04
124 Katie McKenzie Sr University (Irvine) 27:14 9:05
Pl Name Gr School Time Pace Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR

Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:

  • LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
  • LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
  • PR = Set a new PR
  • PG = Beat personal goal
  • SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.

All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.

Full Individual Race Results - Girls JV

Pl Name Gr School Time Pace Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR
1 Sarah Whitaker Jr Brea 19:32 6:31
2 Barbara Terrazas Sr Brea 19:35 6:32
3 Cayla Perry Sr Northwood 20:25 6:48
4 Emily Haithcoat Fr El Modena 20:28 6:49
5 Cecelia Brody Sr Capo Valley 20:54 6:58
6 Mary Gallagher Jr El Modena 20:55 6:58
7 Emma Bindloss Jr Northwood 21:03 7:01
8 Briana Shimada Sr Cypress 21:11 7:04
9 Jessica Sines Sr Kennedy 21:12 7:04
10 Ashley Milnes Sr Santa Margarita 21:12 7:04
11 Kate Simpson Jr Laguna Hills 21:16 7:05
12 Sarah Hommes So Northwood 21:16 7:05
13 Heather Foxhall Sr Brea 21:32 7:11
14 Lindsey Manning Sr Corona Del Mar 21:38 7:13
15 Christina Nguyen Jr Foothill 21:42 7:14
16 Carol McBirney Jr Rosary 21:43 7:14
17 Chelsea Jordan Jr Northwood 21:50 7:17
18 Jasmine Tejwani Sr Laguna Hills 21:52 7:17
19 Susan Malcolm Jr Capo Valley 21:52 7:17
20 Katie Ronca Jr Lutheran (Orange) 21:55 7:18
21 Sasha Truong Jr Northwood 21:55 7:18
22 Tiffany Tran Sr Rosary 21:58 7:19
23 Laurie Hagin Sr Laguna Hills 21:59 7:20
24 Jill Gobright Fr El Modena 22:01 7:20
25 Deandra Arena Sr Santa Margarita 22:02 7:21
26 Carolina Montenegro So Kennedy 22:03 7:21
27 Jasmine Garcia So Fullerton 22:11 7:24 1/2 3/8 13/23 24:04
28 Melissa Schwarz Jr Laguna Hills 22:12 7:24
29 Topaz Sanchez Sr El Modena 22:14 7:25
30 Stefanie Welsh Sr Santa Margarita 22:15 7:25
31 Liz Pianalto So El Modena 22:16 7:25
32 Stephanie Eldridge So El Modena 22:17 7:26
33 Alyssa Connella Sr Laguna Hills 22:17 7:26
34 Brittany Metoyer So El Modena 22:22 7:27
35 Tiffany Marshall Jr Rosary 22:24 7:28
36 Tiffany Castillo Sr Brea 22:27 7:29
37 Sara Randolph Jr Cypress 22:36 7:32
38 Brittany Adame Sr Santa Margarita 22:42 7:34
39 Rachel Will So El Modena 22:43 7:34
40 Rachel Kampfer Fr El Modena 22:47 7:36
41 Sherry Apat Sr Santa Margarita 22:51 7:37
42 Lara Gruden So Rosary 22:51 7:37
43 Danika Dang Fr La Quinta 22:52 7:37
44 Cassandra Salinas Jr Kennedy 22:53 7:38
45 Brittany Harold So El Modena 22:55 7:38
46 Maggie Sanchez Sr Capo Valley 22:57 7:39
47 Ainsley Cheng Sr Northwood 22:58 7:39
48 Niki Duncan Jr Foothill 23:00 7:40
49 Sami Fox Sr Brea 23:01 7:40
50 Kate Mills Jr Laguna Hills 23:01 7:40
51 Julie Soria Jr Corona Del Mar 23:05 7:42
52 Giselle Strauss Jr Foothill 23:06 7:42
53 Stephanie Rios Jr Santa Margarita 23:20 7:47
54 Mikaela Becker Sr Santa Margarita 23:21 7:47
55 Rebecca Heffernan Jr Brea 23:23 7:48
56 Yvette Vetter Jr El Modena 23:26 7:49
57 Courtney Crews Sr El Modena 23:27 7:49
58 Nicole Portman Jr Cypress 23:30 7:50
59 Lisa Hardebeck So El Modena 23:30 7:50
60 Telisha Halverson So El Modena 23:31 7:50
61 Mary Loyd Jr Laguna Hills 23:32 7:51
62 Emone Khan So El Modena 23:33 7:51
63 Samantha Turner Jr Corona Del Mar 23:34 7:51
64 Natalya Rahmann Fr Irvine 23:39 7:53
65 Elisabeth Becker Sr Foothill 23:41 7:54
66 Monica Trangosova Sr Foothill 23:49 7:56
67 Kelsey Horvath Jr El Modena 23:50 7:57
68 Jackie Moreno Jr El Modena 24:00 8:00
69 Lynn Tse Fr El Modena 24:02 8:01
70 Lauren Rosenau Fr Tustin 24:04 8:01
71 Mikyung Park Jr Oxford 24:12 8:04
72 Brianna Scott Sr Laguna Hills 24:18 8:06
73 Melissa Gallarzo Jr Lutheran (Orange) 24:22 8:07
74 Jill Harris So Laguna Hills 24:24 8:08
75 Jana Marjanoviiv So Laguna Hills 24:25 8:08
76 Roxanne Constantino Sr Woodbridge 24:31 8:10
77 Amanda Monette So Costa Mesa 24:36 8:12
78 Sarah Bartlett Jr El Modena 24:37 8:12
79 Kenia Hernandez Jr Capo Valley 24:50 8:17
80 Kim Bui Jr El Modena 24:50 8:17
81 Vanessa Valenzuela Sr Woodbridge 24:51 8:17
82 Priscilla Hernandez Sr Western 24:59 8:20
83 Hieu Nguyen Sr Western 25:00 8:20
84 Kelly Decollibus So Lutheran (Orange) 25:08 8:23
85 Amanda Hastings Jr Woodbridge 25:09 8:23
86 Ruchita Shah So Tustin 25:12 8:24
87 Lorena Lopez Sr Tustin 25:13 8:24
88 Roxanne Doratt Jr Beckman 25:14 8:25
89 Kelsey McCarthy Jr Rosary 25:29 8:30
90 Danielle Dunn Sr Corona Del Mar 25:31 8:30
91 Emily Badraun So Tustin 25:31 8:30
92 Mariana Hernandez Fr Buena Park 25:35 8:32
93 Julia Koenig So El Modena 25:39 8:33
94 Ionne Velasco Jr El Modena 25:39 8:33
95 Kaitlyn Rodriguez Jr Rosary 25:47 8:36
96 Kristie Pring Sr Cypress 25:54 8:38
97 Margaret Wang Fr Irvine 25:55 8:38
98 Dy Phi So El Modena 25:56 8:39
99 Stephanie Pinnell Jr Laguna Hills 26:02 8:41
100 Veronica Chavez Fr El Modena 26:12 8:44
101 Lilit Ghazarian So Buena Park 26:14 8:45
102 Jessie Crews So El Modena 26:16 8:45
103 Zahira Fernandez Jr El Modena 26:17 8:46
104 Kaitlyn Showler So Tustin 26:17 8:46
105 Morgan Kramen Jr Santa Margarita 26:20 8:47
106 Jennifer Dragan So Santa Margarita 26:36 8:52
107 Jamie Sung Jr Oxford 26:40 8:53
108 Molly Epstein So Tustin 26:44 8:55
109 Michelle Lee Jr Oxford 26:52 8:57
110 Grace Martin Jr El Modena 26:56 8:59
111 Elizabeth Thomson Jr Santa Margarita 27:04 9:01
112 Meghan Nordtvedt Jr Cypress 27:08 9:03
113 Patricia Martinez Sr Foothill 27:09 9:03
114 Laura Greek Fr Tustin 27:19 9:06
115 Mackenzie Austin So El Modena 27:50 9:17
116 Elyse Donelly Jr Rosary 27:55 9:18
117 Samantha Walters So El Modena 27:59 9:20
118 Natalie Alvarez Jr Woodbridge 28:15 9:25
119 Melanie Berringer El Modena 28:39 9:33
120 Cristina Hernandez Jr Western 28:43 9:34
121 Judy Borcsa So Western 28:59 9:40
122 Amy Beames Sr Tustin 28:59 9:40
123 Shahla Famouri Jr El Modena 29:23 9:48
124 Corliss Livingston So El Modena 29:24 9:48
125 Tiffany Garcia So Fullerton 29:44 9:55 2/2 8/8 19/19 You ROCK! (SBP)
126 Emily Boyce Fr El Modena 31:22 10:27
127 Eliud Herrera So El Modena 32:03 10:41
128 Sarah Moss Jr Emerson 32:04 10:41
129 Monica Salgaonkar Fr El Modena 33:13 11:04
Pl Name Gr School Time Pace Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR

Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:

  • LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
  • LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
  • PR = Set a new PR
  • PG = Beat personal goal
  • SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.

All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.

Full Individual Race Results - Girls F/S

Pl Name Gr School Time Pace Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR
1 Megan Petkovic So Pacifica 19:13 6:24
2 Shelley Foerster So Pacifica 19:24 6:28
3 Andrea Arceo Fr Segerstrom 19:45 6:35
4 Extra 1 Corona Del Mar 19:54 6:38
5 Kirsten Neill Fr Cypress 19:57 6:39
6 Erika Amaradio Fr Capo Valley 20:05 6:42
7 Extra 2 Capo Valley 20:05 6:42
8 Abby Carrier So Corona Del Mar 20:07 6:42
9 Krista Hauk So Santa Margarita 20:18 6:46
10 Reiley O'Brien Fr Corona Del Mar 20:22 6:47
11 Marissa Colima Fr Santiago 20:28 6:49
12 Rachel Estrada So Foothill 20:29 6:50
13 Extra 1 Fullerton 20:29 6:50 1/4 1/8 9/26 You ROCK! (SBP)
14 Jais Tollette So St. Margaret's 20:30 6:50
15 Courtney Weeks Fr Villa Park 20:31 6:50
16 Natalie Park So Santa Margarita 20:32 6:51
17 Michelle Sendeias Fr Pacifica 20:34 6:51
18 Steph Berk Fr Northwood 20:35 6:52
19 Emily McVay Fr Villa Park 20:35 6:52
20 Megan Douglas Fr Foothill 20:42 6:54
21 Brooke Davis Fr JSerra 20:42 6:54
22 Nicole Ontiveros So Santa Margarita 20:47 6:56
23 Kim Nguyen Fr Santiago 20:49 6:56
24 Meghan Hoffman So Foothill 20:50 6:57
25 Samantha Gastelum Fr Brea 20:51 6:57
26 Monica Ramirez Fr Segerstrom 20:54 6:58
27 Helen Bahena Fr Segerstrom 20:56 6:59
28 Brittany Wentz So Lutheran (Orange) 21:05 7:02
29 Courtney Crain So Lutheran (Orange) 21:08 7:03
30 Alison Wiehe Fr Laguna Hills 21:09 7:03
31 Christina Colima So Santiago 21:10 7:03
32 Karissa Chow Fr Northwood 21:16 7:05
33 Amanda Kristedja Fr Foothill 21:19 7:06
34 Danielle Castle Fr Villa Park 21:19 7:06
35 Nicole Herrera Fr Capo Valley 21:20 7:07
36 Laine Wherritt Fr Corona Del Mar 21:22 7:07
37 Traci Beiderman Fr Pacifica 21:23 7:08
38 Briana Corbett So Sonora 21:26 7:09
39 Katelin Walsh Fr JSerra 21:27 7:09
40 Molly Mahony So Rosary 21:28 7:09
41 Tia D Aguiar Fr Northwood 21:33 7:11
42 Jasmine Mistry Fr Northwood 21:34 7:11
43 Sara Lopez So Santiago 21:34 7:11
44 Miriam Villegas So Santiago 21:35 7:12
45 Briana Meehan So Sonora 21:38 7:13
46 Courtney Ertel-Murphy So Woodbridge 21:39 7:13
47 Kayla Albin Fr Woodbridge 21:42 7:14
48 Annie Flocken Fr Lutheran (Orange) 21:42 7:14
49 Tyler Bell Fr Corona Del Mar 21:43 7:14
50 Elizabeth Reischl So Santa Margarita 21:43 7:14
51 Yesenia Camarena Fr Segerstrom 21:43 7:14
52 Amanda Tran Fr Foothill 21:44 7:15
53 Extra 5 Northwood 21:44 7:15
54 Angie Ma Fr Northwood 21:45 7:15
55 Jenna Moothart So Santa Margarita 21:45 7:15
56 Bianca Ricca Fr Lutheran (Orange) 21:49 7:16
57 Jaqueline Torres So Santiago 21:51 7:17
58 Anna Rante Fr Fullerton 21:51 7:17 2/4 2/8 14/24 You ROCK! (SBP)
59 Vanessa Avila So Brea 21:55 7:18
60 Emily Wikidal Fr Santa Margarita 21:56 7:19
61 Brittany Gorman So Santa Margarita 21:59 7:20
62 Kristin Gulsvig So Lutheran (Orange) 22:00 7:20
63 Elizabeth Jauragui So Santiago 22:02 7:21
64 Christina Dietz Fr Beckman 22:03 7:21
65 Julie Flaherty Fr Cypress 22:03 7:21
66 Clarissa Kenney So Lutheran (Orange) 22:05 7:22
67 Jordan Hutto Fr Lutheran (Orange) 22:05 7:22
68 Extra 1 Santiago 22:06 7:22
69 Johanna Otico Fr Cypress 22:08 7:23
70 Jenna Data-On Fr Santa Margarita 22:08 7:23
71 Melissa Pilato Fr Cypress 22:09 7:23
72 Luciana Alessandrini Fr Cypress 22:09 7:23
73 Anna Bray Fr Lutheran (Orange) 22:09 7:23
74 Cathy Truong Fr Villa Park 22:12 7:24
75 Kendall Cook So Capo Valley 22:13 7:24
76 Jessica Vasquez Fr Brea 22:14 7:25
77 Vanessa Fimreite So Laguna Hills 22:15 7:25
78 Yesenia Magana Fr Santiago 22:16 7:25
79 Erica Biehl Fr Capo Valley 22:16 7:25
80 Tamara Cisneros So Santiago 22:17 7:26
81 Vanessa Ochoa So Segerstrom 22:17 7:26
82 Ida Garcia So Santiago 22:18 7:26
83 Ana Ocampo Fr Beckman 22:20 7:27
84 Alexa Kries So Capo Valley 22:23 7:28
85 Vanessa Ford So Segerstrom 22:23 7:28
86 Jocey Green Fr Brea 22:23 7:28
87 Chelsea Kerr So Foothill 22:24 7:28
88 Sijia Hayden So Huntington Beach 22:27 7:29
89 Brittany Holloway Jr JSerra 22:27 7:29
90 Edlin Garcia Fr Santiago 22:28 7:29
91 Tawny Sierra Fr Northwood 22:28 7:29
92 Candace Abadjian So Pacifica 22:28 7:29
93 Elim Loi So Foothill 22:31 7:30
94 Chelsy Egan So Lutheran (Orange) 22:33 7:31
95 Toni Ortiz Fr Rosary 22:33 7:31
96 Ashley Slaton So Woodbridge 22:35 7:32
97 Emily Baker Fr Corona Del Mar 22:35 7:32
98 Valerie Alderman Fr Woodbridge 22:35 7:32
99 Marissa Alvarez So Brea 22:37 7:32
100 Clarissa Lara Fr Woodbridge 22:40 7:33
101 Stephanie Wong Fr Segerstrom 22:41 7:34
102 Finola Abdallah So JSerra 22:42 7:34
103 Francesca Guiliano So Santa Margarita 22:43 7:34
104 Elizabeth Sloan Fr Sonora 22:44 7:35
105 Lindsay Tucker So Capo Valley 22:45 7:35
106 Daisy Arrellano So St. Margaret's 22:47 7:36
107 Zuri Erani Fr Cypress 22:47 7:36
108 Laura Iijima Fr Capo Valley 22:47 7:36
109 Irina Hudson Fr Santa Margarita 22:48 7:36
110 Danielle Boyd Fr Capo Valley 22:49 7:36
111 Alyssa Rutherford So Santa Margarita 22:51 7:37
112 Emily Thornton So Brea 22:51 7:37
113 Christine Donovan So Rosary 22:55 7:38
114 Marychrist Rivero Fr Sonora 22:58 7:39
115 Courtney Blachly Fr Pacifica 22:59 7:40
116 Leanne Zens Fr Huntington Beach 22:59 7:40
117 Lauren Lopez So Santa Margarita 23:06 7:42
118 Melissa Welch Fr Laguna Hills 23:07 7:42
119 Genevieve Guerrero So Western 23:07 7:42
120 Lauren Willey Fr Capo Valley 23:07 7:42
121 Sarah Belford So Woodbridge 23:08 7:43
122 Desilva Alexandra Fr Lutheran (Orange) 23:08 7:43
123 Lauren Van Soye Fr Lutheran (Orange) 23:13 7:44
124 Brianna Fildes So Woodbridge 23:18 7:46
125 Ashley Iversen Fr Northwood 23:18 7:46
126 Amanda Hernandez Fr Capo Valley 23:22 7:47
127 Tegan Tran So Villa Park 23:23 7:48
128 Amanda Castillo Fr Brea 23:23 7:48
129 Grace Carlson Fr Woodbridge 23:26 7:49
130 Kathryn Mayo So Lutheran (Orange) 23:28 7:49
131 Sarah Pacific So Capo Valley 23:30 7:50
132 Jenn Nagel So Rosary 23:32 7:51
133 Marisa Torres So Western 23:35 7:52
134 Hilary Byrnes Fr Villa Park 23:36 7:52
135 Megan Trunick Fr Laguna Hills 23:38 7:53
136 Denise Aguilar Fr Segerstrom 23:40 7:53
137 Devin Gallabher So Foothill 23:40 7:53
138 Evalyn Vison Fr Western 23:47 7:56
139 Lorena Martinez So Corona Del Mar 23:49 7:56
140 Lauren Armstrong So Foothill 23:50 7:57
141 Catherine Merna Fr Huntington Beach 23:52 7:57
142 Tasha Pavlovich Fr St. Margaret's 23:54 7:58
143 Sarah Rosen Fr Huntington Beach 23:56 7:59
144 Maggie Bolduc Fr Rosary 23:59 8:00
145 Kristen Arnell So Rosary 23:59 8:00
146 Stacey Ochoa Fr Cypress 24:02 8:01
147 Whitney Ricker So Capo Valley 24:02 8:01
148 Arielle Strauss Fr Beckman 24:03 8:01
149 Kaitlyn Hybl Fr Huntington Beach 24:03 8:01
150 Chelsea Pero So Foothill 24:04 8:01
151 Shauna Miner So Lutheran (Orange) 24:05 8:02
152 Stephanie Monroy So Rancho Alamitos 24:05 8:02
153 Anne Marie Chiarello So Santa Margarita 24:08 8:03
154 Jennifer Baker So Capo Valley 24:09 8:03
155 Amanda Keady So Capo Valley 24:09 8:03
156 Shay Whitaker Fr Corona Del Mar 24:09 8:03
157 Dana Zimplemann Fr Lutheran (Orange) 24:10 8:03
158 Jenny McCarthy So Santa Margarita 24:11 8:04
159 Dominique Roldan Fr Brea 24:11 8:04
160 Tessa Jackson So Huntington Beach 24:13 8:04
161 Alexandra Dominguez Fr Western 24:14 8:05
162 Kaylin Johnson Fr Laguna Hills 24:15 8:05
163 Jennifer Arsenault So Foothill 24:18 8:06
164 Lauren Belove Fr Corona Del Mar 24:23 8:08
165 Kaitlin Caravello Fr Cypress 24:25 8:08
166 Sara Kerr Fr Huntington Beach 24:26 8:09
167 Caitlin Van Riper So Rosary 24:29 8:10
168 Rachel Feucht So Santa Margarita 24:30 8:10
169 Natalie Anna Fr Villa Park 24:33 8:11
170 Gina McDaniel So Rosary 24:34 8:11
171 Hannah Ogren So Capo Valley 24:38 8:13
172 Kathleen Joyce So Capo Valley 24:39 8:13
173 Theresa Gonzales Fr Western 24:41 8:14
174 Shaina Stein Fr Corona Del Mar 24:42 8:14
175 Emily Pozzi Fr Laguna Hills 24:43 8:14
176 Lauren Hsia Fr Laguna Hills 24:44 8:15
177 Sandy Gonzalez Fr Sonora 24:45 8:15
178 Kelsey Schreiberg Fr Corona Del Mar 24:50 8:17
179 Lindsey Joanou Fr Woodbridge 24:52 8:17
180 Corinne Wakefield Fr Laguna Hills 24:53 8:18
181 Madeline Parker Fr Capo Valley 24:57 8:19
182 Corin Serrano Fr Segerstrom 24:58 8:19
183 Karen Tejedor So Rancho Alamitos 24:58 8:19
184 Susan Tyler So Foothill 24:59 8:20
185 Kelly Erbe So Oxford 24:59 8:20
186 Jessica Wolfe Fr Corona Del Mar 25:00 8:20
187 Mimi Tran Fr Villa Park 25:01 8:20
188 Claire Gonzalez Fr Northwood 25:02 8:21
189 Sarah Voerman So Brea 25:02 8:21
190 Nicole Blumenfeld Fr Laguna Hills 25:02 8:21
191 Laurie Klemens So Santa Margarita 25:06 8:22
192 Johana Delgado So Santiago 25:06 8:22
193 Heather Fergus So Foothill 25:12 8:24
194 Martine Stewart So Foothill 25:17 8:26
195 Nicole Hagelberg Fr Brea 25:22 8:27
196 Jennifer Smith Fr Rosary 25:24 8:28
197 Jeanetter Rodriguez So Capo Valley 25:25 8:28
198 Extra 5 Sonora 25:25 8:28
199 Beth Stripe So Lutheran (Orange) 25:28 8:29
200 Maureen Eberhart So Capo Valley 25:29 8:30
201 Gina Hernandez So Rosary 25:30 8:30
202 Victoria Lahr Fr Rosary 25:31 8:30
203 Haley Strickland So Lutheran (Orange) 25:32 8:31
204 Yesenia Ramirez So Foothill 25:33 8:31
205 Kayla Peterson Fr Northwood 25:34 8:31
206 Karen Hernandez Fr Laguna Hills 25:34 8:31
207 Samantha Normandine Fr Santa Margarita 25:44 8:35
208 Kaitlin Gange So Laguna Hills 25:46 8:35
209 Kayleigh Miles Fr Cypress 25:46 8:35
210 Krystal Guzman So Rancho Alamitos 25:46 8:35
211 Raquel Pulliam Fr Corona Del Mar 25:50 8:37
212 Brenda Lizardi So Foothill 25:51 8:37
213 Jessica Amezcua Fr Western 25:58 8:39
214 Tammy Bui Fr Bolsa Grande 26:06 8:42
215 Claire Nguyen Fr Beckman 26:06 8:42
216 Jocelyn Malkenhorst Fr Villa Park 26:09 8:43
217 Nikki Venegas So Rosary 26:10 8:43
218 Safi Kolozsvari Fr Foothill 26:10 8:43
219 Andrea Ramirez Fr Pacifica 26:12 8:44
220 Amanda Baduria Fr Rosary 26:14 8:45
221 Christina Oh Fr Laguna Hills 26:15 8:45
222 Kimberly Neben Fr Lutheran (Orange) 26:16 8:45
223 Amanda Nguyen Fr Beckman 26:17 8:46
224 Lindsey Millen So Capo Valley 26:20 8:47
225 Martha Mayorga So Rancho Alamitos 26:22 8:47
226 Bess Gauthier Fr Rosary 26:22 8:47
227 Abbrarose Link So Capo Valley 26:22 8:47
228 Morgan Nadeau So Beckman 26:23 8:48
229 Sarah Klivans Fr Beckman 26:27 8:49
230 Lisette Gonzalez So Fullerton 26:31 8:50 3/4 6/8 23/23 27:15
231 Haley Klein Fr Foothill 26:40 8:53
232 Lindsey Seeley Jr Corona Del Mar 26:40 8:53
233 Paige Midstokke Fr Woodbridge 26:42 8:54
234 Andrea Hogan So Foothill 26:43 8:54
235 Kaitlin Cherry So JSerra 26:43 8:54
236 Becca Moser Fr JSerra 26:44 8:55
237 Jessica Slater So Lutheran (Orange) 26:48 8:56
238 Nicole Robatian Fr Foothill 26:48 8:56
239 Ashley Spackman Fr Foothill 26:59 9:00
240 Michelle Lee Fr Villa Park 27:01 9:00
241 Brooke McLurkin Fr Huntington Beach 27:13 9:04
242 Megan Gallagher Fr JSerra 27:21 9:07
243 Chelsea Waite Fr Corona Del Mar 27:23 9:08
244 Andrea Villaroman So Oxford 27:24 9:08
245 Kristi Bergdahl So Huntington Beach 27:25 9:08
246 Alysse Hernandez Fr Foothill 27:27 9:09
247 Grace Baek Fr Beckman 27:30 9:10
248 Kathleen Wong Fr Foothill 27:36 9:12
249 Kristen Painter So Fullerton 27:44 9:15 4/4 7/8 22/22 You ROCK! (SBP)
250 Dyan Sigler So Beckman 27:48 9:16
251 Valerie Grijalva Fr Woodbridge 27:59 9:20
252 Carrie Bibolet So Rosary 28:00 9:20
253 Chantal Qualls So Villa Park 28:01 9:20
254 Jessie Lindsay Fr Beckman 28:21 9:27
255 Jen Trautman So Huntington Beach 28:22 9:27
256 Carissa Shaw So Pacifica 28:24 9:28
257 Maura Vaughn So Foothill 28:25 9:28
258 Ellyn Sawicky Fr Capo Valley 28:41 9:34
259 Extra 1 Segerstrom 28:46 9:35
260 Blanca Juarez So Segerstrom 28:53 9:38
261 Ana Garcia So Laguna Hills 28:54 9:38
262 Haley Dunn Fr Woodbridge 29:07 9:42
263 Extra 4 Segerstrom 29:11 9:44
264 Elizabeth Trujillo Fr Western 29:18 9:46
265 Hilary Thomas So Lutheran (Orange) 29:41 9:54
266 Van Nguyen Fr Western 29:41 9:54
267 Nicole Herschler Fr Pacifica 30:01 10:00
268 Ashley Fleming Fr Pacifica 30:01 10:00
269 Allison Foster So Corona Del Mar 30:07 10:02
270 Whitney Hockinson Fr Corona Del Mar 30:09 10:03
271 Ynhi Duong Fr Beckman 30:12 10:04
272 Melissa Fr Emerson 30:14 10:05
273 Irene Pantaleon So Santiago 30:15 10:05
274 Jessica Nanci So Foothill 30:16 10:05
275 Lydia Sampson So Lutheran (Orange) 30:19 10:06
276 Angelica Quiroz Fr Rancho Alamitos 30:47 10:16
277 Rebecca Hernandez Fr Rancho Alamitos 31:27 10:29
278 Valerie Fitzpatrick Fr Rosary 31:27 10:29
279 Balli Linton Fr Capo Valley 31:43 10:34
280 Kristin Lambert So Pacifica 31:52 10:37
281 Jordan Roseland Fr Foothill 32:14 10:45
282 Megan Schenker Fr Foothill 32:24 10:48
Pl Name Gr School Time Pace Rank in Squad Rank in School Rank vs Comp Last Year Time
Last Race Time
Last PR

Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:

  • LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
  • LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
  • PR = Set a new PR
  • PG = Beat personal goal
  • SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.

All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.