Athlete & Assistant Coach Registration
Already Registered
- Amy, Joshua, Sr
- Beshore, Jack, Sr
- Blair, Iain, Sr
- Booth, Dillon, Jr
- Bremmer, Luke, Jr
- Cai, Tim, Jr
- Cantrell, Jaxon, So
- Cantrell, Michael, Fr
- Chen, Aaron, Fr
- Chu, Howie, Jr
- Ciftcikara, Matthew, Sr
- Deese, Drew, Sr
- Estrella, Degan, Jr
- Fairchild, George, Sr
- Franz, Lukas, Sr
- Hakim, Andrew, Sr
- Hill, Logan, So
- Huang, Tim, So
- Johnson, phoenix, So
- Kaihau, Sione, Jr
- Kim, Jacob, Fr
- Larson, Nathan, Sr
- Lee, Aidan, Fr
- Li, Ethan, Jr
- Lin, Leonardo, Fr
- Nation, Matthew, So
- Nicasio, Aaron, So
- Paik, Joshua, Sr
- Pla, Daniel, Jr
- Quinn, Colin, So
- Rabbitt, jeff, Jr
- Rabbitt, Kingston, Jr
- Richardson, Noah, So
- Rivas, Cameron, So
- Roche, David, So
- Song, Ben, Jr
- Sonsma, August, Sr
- Stephens, Logan, Sr
- Vlok, Jacques, Sr
- Wang, Diego, So
- Williamson, Jayden, So
- Albelo, Amelia, So
- Berg, Kate, Sr
- Booy, Ava, Sr
- Canett, Sydney, So
- Carson, Janey, So
- Cerny, Diya, So
- Chan, Olivia, So
- Chiu, Isabella, So
- Choi, Grace, Jr
- Circle, Katie, So
- circles, Katie, So
- Daoud, Jada, Sr
- ertel, Catherine, Fr
- fairchild, kate, So
- Glasscock, Camilla, Sr
- Goley, Emma, Sr
- Harder, Halle, Sr
- Hewitt, Jane, Sr
- Hoppe, Caroline, Sr
- Hordyk, Ellie, So
- Hsu, Hannah, So
- Hudson, Makenna, Sr
- Jacob, Christa, Fr
- Kim, Claire, So
- Loranger, Kaitlyn, Jr
- Mahan, Kaylie, Sr
- Mino, Nadia, So
- Mo, Gwendy, Jr
- Monterastelli, Kate, Sr
- Monterastelli, Tessa, So
- Moore, Evelyn, Fr
- Nguyen, Madison, Jr
- Norwood, Jordyn, Sr
- Norwood, Sydnee, Sr
- Oh, Elina, Sr
- Ollivier, Paige, Jr
- Paik, Riley, Jr
- Pak, Addison, So
- Rasor, Sevilla, So
- Salgado, Bela, Fr
- Stiles, Juliette, So
- Thornsberry, Ella, So
- Werner, Kate, Fr
- Wooden, Eliza, Jr
- Yin, Iris, So
Welcome to XCStats Registration! By registering you'll get access to special reports, training logs, the goal setting system, discussion forums and much more! Here's the process:
- If you don't have it already, get the Registration Code from your coach.
- To activate your XCStats account, you'll need to access your email within 24 hours of registering.
- Athletes will register their parents in this process. It's useful if you can collect your parents email addresses now.
- You only need to register once in your high school career.
- If you are registering as an assistant coach, this is also the form to use.
- MOST SCHOOL-ISSUED EMAIL ADDRESSES WILL NOT WORK! They can't receive emails from outside your school.