Granada Results from the Woodbridge Trample the Virus at Track on 10/2/20
Boys Results and Stats
Switch to GirlsBoys Individual Results
Runner | Gr | Squad | Time | Pace | Dist | Place | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ,%) |
Last Race Time (Δ,%) |
Last PR (Δ,%) |
Last DPR (Δ,%) |
Imprvmnts |
Bennett, Mark | Sr | Sr | 16:29 | 5:30 | 3 | 1/33 | 1/5 | 7/30 | 1/9 | 17:02 (0:33,3.3) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (DPR) | |||
Bromley, Erik | Fr | Fr | 19:15 | 6:25 | 3 | 18/76 | 7/10 | 23/30 | 1/5 | |||||
Chiba, Wesley | Sr | Sr | 16:32 | 5:31 | 3 | 2/33 | 2/5 | 8/30 | 1/5 | 15:31 | ||||
Corliss, Braeden | Fr | Fr | 18:50 | 6:17 | 3 | 13/76 | 5/10 | 20/30 | 1/7 | |||||
Costello, Samuel | Jr | Jr | 18:08 | 6:03 | 3 | 8/30 | 1/2 | 17/30 | 6/11 | 19:20 (1:12,6.2) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP, DPR) | |||
Cuevas Gomez, Adrian | Fr | Fr | 18:19 | 6:06 | 3 | 9/76 | 4/10 | 19/30 | 1/7 | |||||
Galicia-Thomas, Kelly | Sr | V | 16:04 | 5:21 | 3 | 28/40 | 5/6 | 5/30 | 3/4 | 16:59 (0:55,5.4) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (DPR) | |||
Garcia, Abraham | Fr | Fr | 21:32 | 7:11 | 3 | 41/76 | 10/10 | 28/30 | 2/4 | |||||
Gurusamy, Dheeraj | So | So | 18:08 | 6:03 | 3 | 10/59 | 3/7 | 17/30 | 1/7 | 18:40 (0:32,2.9) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (DPR) | |||
Hart, Luther | So | So | 18:07 | 6:02 | 3 | 9/59 | 2/7 | 15/30 | 2/13 | 17:58 | ||||
Krewson, Bryan | Sr | V | 15:58 | 5:19 | 3 | 23/40 | 2/6 | 2/30 | 5/7 | 16:30 (0:32,3.2) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (DPR) | |||
Manolopoulos, Johny | Jr | Jr | 20:21 | 6:47 | 3 | 16/30 | 2/2 | 25/30 | 4/6 | 18:31 | ||||
Matteucci, Stefano | So | So | 22:37 | 7:32 | 3 | 47/59 | 6/7 | 29/30 | 3/3 | 20:47 | ||||
McLaughlin, Jacob | Fr | Fr | 21:10 | 7:03 | 3 | 37/76 | 9/10 | 27/30 | 2/4 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | ||||
Moniz Armstrong, Jason | So | So | 21:01 | 7:00 | 3 | 38/59 | 5/7 | 26/30 | 3/5 | 19:00 | ||||
Nellis Torres, Gabriel | Fr | Fr | 20:20 | 6:47 | 3 | 29/76 | 8/10 | 24/30 | 2/4 | |||||
Ostien, Lukas | Sr | Sr | 17:28 | 5:49 | 3 | 4/33 | 4/5 | 10/30 | 1/4 | 17:19 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | |||
Ridosko, Nathanael | Fr | Fr | 19:12 | 6:24 | 3 | 17/76 | 6/10 | 22/30 | 2/7 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | ||||
Ruckmann-Barnes, Roland | So | V | 15:59 | 5:20 | 3 | 25/40 | 3/6 | 3/30 | 4/5 | 16:22 (0:23,2.3) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (DPR) | |||
Sauder, Hudson | So | So | 17:36 | 5:52 | 3 | 6/59 | 1/7 | 11/30 | 6/14 | 17:46 (0:10,0.9) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP, DPR) | |||
Schade, Aleksander | Fr | Fr | 17:54 | 5:58 | 3 | 7/76 | 3/10 | 14/30 | 1/7 | |||||
Sheinis, Ian | So | So | 19:01 | 6:20 | 3 | 18/59 | 4/7 | 21/30 | 1/5 | 20:43 (1:42,8.2) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (DPR) | |||
Shin, Jacob | Fr | Fr | 17:52 | 5:57 | 3 | 6/76 | 2/10 | 13/30 | 2/9 | |||||
Sidhu, Jaiby | So | So | 22:38 | 7:33 | 3 | 48/59 | 7/7 | 30/30 | 3/3 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | ||||
Singh, Eshaan | Fr | Fr | 17:36 | 5:52 | 3 | 4/76 | 1/10 | 11/30 | 3/14 | |||||
Soriano, Farin | So | V | 15:48 | 5:16 | 3 | 18/40 | 1/6 | 1/30 | 9/11 | 15:53 (0:05,0.5) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (DPR) | |||
Soriano, Feoden | Sr | V | 16:02 | 5:21 | 3 | 26/40 | 4/6 | 4/30 | 4/4 | 16:28 (0:26,2.6) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP, DPR) | |||
Spurlock, Payton | Sr | V | 16:28 | 5:29 | 3 | 33/40 | 6/6 | 6/30 | 4/4 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | ||||
Venkatesh, Vishal | Sr | Sr | 17:15 | 5:45 | 3 | 3/33 | 3/5 | 9/30 | 1/4 | 17:53 (0:38,3.6) |
You ROCK! Go MATS! (DPR) | |||
Wu, Samuel | Sr | Sr | 18:07 | 6:02 | 3 | 8/33 | 5/5 | 15/30 | 1/4 | 17:35 | ||||
Runner | Gr | Squad | Time | Pace | Dist | Place | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ,%) |
Last Race Time (Δ,%) |
Last PR (Δ,%) |
Last DPR (Δ,%) |
Imprvmts |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago.
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of this course.
- PR = Set a new PR on this course. A "Course PR".
- PG = Beat personal goal.
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
- DPR = A "Distance Personal Record" - the personal best time considering distance only, not unique course characteristics. Applicable for 2, 2.48(4K), 3, and 3.1(5K) mile courses.
- DSR = A "Distance Season Record" - same as above, but for the current season only.
- DTW = "Displace to Win". This athlete, as the 6th or 7th runner on his/her squad, displaced scoring runners from a competitor enabling his/her team to finish ahead of that competitor.
- TB = "Tiebreaker". As the #6 athlete on his/her squad, this athlete was the tiebreaker enabling his/her team to finish ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Boys Team Results
Team | Rank of Finish | Time Gap |
Dist | Avg Pace | 1st Place Pace | 5th Place Pace | Points | Win Team Pace | Last Year Time (Δ,%) |
Last Race Time (Δ,%) |
Last PR (Δ,%) |
Improvements | Runners (Points) |
V 1st 5 | 4/4 | 79:51 0:16 |
3 | 5:19 | 5:16 | 5:21 | 86 | 5:06 | 75:23 | Farin Soriano (12), Bryan Krewson (16), Roland Ruckmann-Barnes (18), Feoden Soriano (19), Kelly Galicia-Thomas (21) | ||||
Sr 1st 5 | 1/4 | 85:51 1:38 |
3 | 5:43 | 5:30 | 6:02 | 17 | 5:43 | 75:10 | Mark Bennett (1), Wesley Chiba (2), Vishal Venkatesh (3), Lukas Ostien (4), Samuel Wu (7) | ||||
So 1st 5 | 1/5 | 93:53 3:25 |
3 | 6:16 | 5:52 | 7:00 | 48 | 6:16 | Hudson Sauder (3), Luther Hart (5), Dheeraj Gurusamy (6), Ian Sheinis (11), Jason Moniz Armstrong (23) | |||||
Fr 1st 5 | 2/7 | 90:31 1:14 |
3 | 6:02 | 5:52 | 6:17 | 32 | 6:02 | 98:48 | GRANADA PRIDE! (DTR) | Eshaan Singh (3), Jacob Shin (5), Aleksander Schade (6), Adrian Cuevas Gomez (8), Braeden Corliss (10) | |||
Fr 2nd 5 | 2/4 | 101:29 2:20 |
3 | 6:46 | 6:24 | 7:11 | 30 | 6:41 | 104:23 | GRANADA PRIDE! (DTR) | Nathanael Ridosko (2), Erik Bromley (3), Gabriel Nellis Torres (6), Jacob McLaughlin (9), Abraham Garcia (10) | |||
Team | Rank of Finish | Time | Dist | Avg Pace | 1st Place Pace | 5th Place Pace | Points | Win Team Pace | Last Year Time (Δ,%) |
Last Race Time (Δ,%) |
Last PR (Δ,%) |
Improvements | Runners (Points) |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat team time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat team time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new Team Record for this course
- DTR = A "All-Time Distance Team Record" - the team (e.g. "V 1st 5", "JV 4th 5") best time considering distance only, not unique course characteristics. Applicable for 2, 2.48(4K), 3, and 3.1(5K) mile courses.
- SDTR = A "Season Distance Team Record" - same as above, but for the current season only.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Individual Race Results - Boys V
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
1 | Matt Hornung | Sr | Redlands East Valley | 14:36 | 4:52 | |||||||
2 | Carson Helmer | Desert Hills | 14:41 | 4:54 | ||||||||
3 | Angus Fitzgerald | Sr | Royal | 14:42 | 4:54 | |||||||
4 | Patrick Curulla | Sr | De La Salle High School | 14:47 | 4:56 | |||||||
5 | Owen Kobett | Sr | Westlake | 14:52 | 4:57 | |||||||
6 | Simon Opsahl | Sr | Redlands East Valley | 14:53 | 4:58 | |||||||
7 | Fabian Del Villar | Sr | Unattached-1552 | 14:57 | 4:59 | |||||||
8 | Liam Mapes | Sr | Redlands East Valley | 15:01 | 5:00 | |||||||
9 | Hunter Stucki | Desert Hills | 15:05 | 5:02 | ||||||||
10 | Kieran Brown | Sr | De La Salle High School | 15:11 | 5:04 | |||||||
11 | Elliot Daniels | Jr | Prospect | 15:19 | 5:06 | |||||||
12 | Erick Gutierrez | Sr | Fillmore | 15:22 | 5:07 | |||||||
13 | Nathan Babby | Sr | De La Salle High School | 15:27 | 5:09 | |||||||
14 | Oscar Gomez | Jr | De La Salle High School | 15:27 | 5:09 | |||||||
15 | Dominic Borrelli | Sr | De La Salle High School | 15:40 | 5:13 | |||||||
16 | Camilo Torres | Jr | Fillmore | 15:43 | 5:14 | |||||||
17 | Brooks Barney | Desert Hills | 15:45 | 5:15 | ||||||||
18 | Farin Soriano | So | Granada | 15:48 | 5:16 | 1/6 | 1/30 | 9/11 | ||||
19 | Christopher Boyer | Desert Hills | 15:51 | 5:17 | ||||||||
20 | Bryce Gardhouse | Sr | Unattached-1554 | 15:51 | 5:17 | |||||||
21 | Agustin Gomez De La Veg | Sr | De La Salle High School | 15:52 | 5:17 | |||||||
22 | Corey Ford | Jr | Redlands East Valley | 15:57 | 5:19 | |||||||
23 | Bryan Krewson | Sr | Granada | 15:58 | 5:19 | 2/6 | 2/30 | 5/7 | ||||
24 | Brandon Brown | Desert Hills | 15:59 | 5:20 | ||||||||
25 | Roland Ruckmann-Barnes | So | Granada | 15:59 | 5:20 | 3/6 | 3/30 | 4/5 | ||||
26 | Feoden Soriano | Sr | Granada | 16:02 | 5:21 | 4/6 | 4/30 | 4/4 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | |||
27 | Payton Wilkins | Desert Hills | 16:03 | 5:21 | ||||||||
28 | Kelly Galicia-Thomas | Sr | Granada | 16:04 | 5:21 | 5/6 | 5/30 | 3/4 | ||||
29 | Anthony Ramos | Sr | Redlands East Valley | 16:12 | 5:24 | |||||||
30 | Emmanuel Wallace | Fr | Redlands East Valley | 16:15 | 5:25 | |||||||
31 | Ryan Kenny | Sr | De La Salle High School | 16:21 | 5:27 | |||||||
32 | Cole Ponce | Jr | Royal | 16:25 | 5:28 | |||||||
33 | Payton Spurlock | Sr | Granada | 16:28 | 5:29 | 6/6 | 6/30 | 4/4 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | |||
34 | Christopher Keyler | Beckman | 16:39 | 5:33 | ||||||||
35 | Sam Chournos | Desert Hills | 16:41 | 5:34 | ||||||||
36 | Trey Chatterton | Beckman | 16:53 | 5:38 | ||||||||
37 | Andy Ward | Sr | De La Salle High School | 17:45 | 5:55 | |||||||
38 | Joel Akiyoshi | Beckman | 18:27 | 6:09 | ||||||||
39 | Marco Chao | Jr | De La Salle High School | 19:13 | 6:24 | |||||||
40 | Austin Hess | Jr | De La Salle High School | 21:14 | 7:05 | |||||||
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new PR
- PG = Beat personal goal
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Team Race Results - Boys V
Group of 5: V 1st 5
Pl | School |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | De La Salle High School 3-3-2-2-1 Gap: 0:53 |
76:32 15:18 5:06 |
37 | Patrick Curulla Sr 14:47 4:56 3 |
Kieran Brown Sr 15:11 5:04 7 |
Nathan Babby Sr 15:27 5:09 8 |
Oscar Gomez Jr 15:27 5:09 9 |
Dominic Borrelli Sr 15:40 5:13 10 |
Agustin Gomez De La Veg Sr 15:52 5:17 14 |
Ryan Kenny Sr 16:21 5:27 24 |
2 | Redlands East Valley 1-1-1-1-2 Gap: 1:36 |
76:39 15:20 5:07 |
47 | Matt Hornung Sr 14:36 4:52 1 |
Simon Opsahl Sr 14:53 4:58 4 |
Liam Mapes Sr 15:01 5:00 5 |
Corey Ford Jr 15:57 5:19 15 |
Anthony Ramos Sr 16:12 5:24 22 |
Emmanuel Wallace Fr 16:15 5:25 23 |
3 | Desert Hills 2-2-3-3-3 Gap: 1:18 |
77:21 15:28 5:09 |
49 | Carson Helmer - 14:41 4:54 2 |
Hunter Stucki - 15:05 5:02 6 |
Brooks Barney - 15:45 5:15 11 |
Christopher Boyer - 15:51 5:17 13 |
Brandon Brown - 15:59 5:20 17 |
Payton Wilkins - 16:03 5:21 20 |
Sam Chournos - 16:41 5:34 26 |
4 | Granada 4-4-4-4-4 Gap: 0:16 |
79:51 15:58 5:19 |
86 | Farin Soriano So 15:48 5:16 12 |
Bryan Krewson Sr 15:58 5:19 16 |
Roland Ruckmann-Barnes So 15:59 5:20 18 |
Feoden Soriano Sr 16:02 5:21 19 |
Kelly Galicia-Thomas Sr 16:04 5:21 21 |
Payton Spurlock Sr 16:28 5:29 25 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
- The sequence of numbers (e.g. 3-3-4-2-1) in the School column refers to the team's place in the race after each runner finished. It indicates the strength of the team by position.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete broke the tie with a competitor resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners AND broke a tie resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Individual Race Results - Boys Sr
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
1 | Mark Bennett | Sr | Granada | 16:29 | 5:30 | 1/5 | 7/30 | 1/9 | ||||
2 | Wesley Chiba | Sr | Granada | 16:32 | 5:31 | 2/5 | 8/30 | 1/5 | ||||
3 | Vishal Venkatesh | Sr | Granada | 17:15 | 5:45 | 3/5 | 9/30 | 1/4 | ||||
4 | Lukas Ostien | Sr | Granada | 17:28 | 5:49 | 4/5 | 10/30 | 1/4 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | |||
5 | Adam Hassan | Sr | Westlake | 17:28 | 5:49 | |||||||
6 | Caleb Lee | Woodbridge | 17:36 | 5:52 | ||||||||
7 | Jake Suh | Woodbridge | 17:58 | 5:59 | ||||||||
8 | Samuel Wu | Sr | Granada | 18:07 | 6:02 | 5/5 | 15/30 | 1/4 | ||||
9 | Carter Castanha | Woodbridge | 18:14 | 6:05 | ||||||||
10 | Kainoa Tandy | Sr | Iolani | 18:43 | 6:14 | |||||||
11 | Alex Johansson | Sr | Sammamish Wolfpack | 18:43 | 6:14 | |||||||
12 | Ashten Akemoto | Sr | Iolani | 18:50 | 6:17 | |||||||
13 | Matthew Mceldowney | Woodbridge | 18:57 | 6:19 | ||||||||
14 | Oliver Corcoran | Woodbridge | 19:00 | 6:20 | ||||||||
15 | Patrick Mcewen | Woodbridge | 19:26 | 6:29 | ||||||||
16 | Kevin Torres | Sr | Patriot | 19:31 | 6:30 | |||||||
17 | George Mendez | Sr | El Modena | 19:38 | 6:33 | |||||||
18 | Andrew Hsu | Sr | Northwood | 20:05 | 6:42 | |||||||
19 | Justin Gardner | Sr | Northwood | 20:14 | 6:45 | |||||||
20 | Malik Sara | Sr | Patriot | 20:54 | 6:58 | |||||||
21 | Luke Fransen | Woodbridge | 21:08 | 7:03 | ||||||||
22 | Jacob Hulsizer | Sr | Reed | 21:08 | 7:03 | |||||||
23 | Derek Paulson | Sr | Northwood | 21:32 | 7:11 | |||||||
24 | Yu-lun Wang | Woodbridge | 21:51 | 7:17 | ||||||||
25 | Cesar Fragoso | Sr | Patriot | 22:32 | 7:31 | |||||||
26 | William Hardcastle | Woodbridge | 22:44 | 7:35 | ||||||||
27 | Josh Ramos | Woodbridge | 23:16 | 7:45 | ||||||||
28 | Yahir Amaral Garcia | Sr | Patriot | 25:00 | 8:20 | |||||||
29 | Albert Garcia | Sr | Patriot | 26:11 | 8:44 | |||||||
30 | Matthew Oshefsky | Woodbridge | 26:22 | 8:47 | ||||||||
31 | Colin Gardner | Sr | Northwood | 26:47 | 8:56 | |||||||
32 | Cheng Zhao | Woodbridge | 27:11 | 9:04 | ||||||||
33 | Ethan Do | Sr | Northwood | 33:10 | 11:03 | |||||||
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new PR
- PG = Beat personal goal
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Team Race Results - Boys Sr
Group of 5: Sr 1st 5
Pl | School |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | Granada 1-1-1-1-1 Gap: 1:38 |
85:51 17:10 5:43 |
17 | Mark Bennett Sr 16:29 5:30 1 |
Wesley Chiba Sr 16:32 5:31 2 |
Vishal Venkatesh Sr 17:15 5:45 3 |
Lukas Ostien Sr 17:28 5:49 4 |
Samuel Wu Sr 18:07 6:02 7 |
2 | Woodbridge 2-2-2-2-2 Gap: 1:24 |
91:45 18:21 6:07 |
38 | Caleb Lee - 17:36 5:52 5 |
Jake Suh - 17:58 5:59 6 |
Carter Castanha - 18:14 6:05 8 |
Matthew Mceldowney - 18:57 6:19 9 |
Oliver Corcoran - 19:00 6:20 10 |
Patrick Mcewen - 19:26 6:29 11 |
Luke Fransen - 21:08 7:03 16 |
3 | Patriot 3-3-4-3-3 Gap: 6:40 |
114:08 22:50 7:37 |
84 | Kevin Torres Sr 19:31 6:30 12 |
Malik Sara Sr 20:54 6:58 15 |
Cesar Fragoso Sr 22:32 7:31 18 |
Yahir Amaral Garcia Sr 25:00 8:20 19 |
Albert Garcia Sr 26:11 8:44 20 |
4 | Northwood 4-3-3-4-4 Gap: 13:05 |
121:48 24:22 8:07 |
87 | Andrew Hsu Sr 20:05 6:42 13 |
Justin Gardner Sr 20:14 6:45 14 |
Derek Paulson Sr 21:32 7:11 17 |
Colin Gardner Sr 26:47 8:56 21 |
Ethan Do Sr 33:10 11:03 22 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
- The sequence of numbers (e.g. 3-3-4-2-1) in the School column refers to the team's place in the race after each runner finished. It indicates the strength of the team by position.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete broke the tie with a competitor resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners AND broke a tie resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Individual Race Results - Boys So
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
1 | Jaxon Straus | So | Billings West High School | 16:23 | 5:28 | |||||||
2 | Carter Cox | So | Westlake | 16:52 | 5:37 | |||||||
3 | Hudson Lee | So | Woodbridge | 17:13 | 5:44 | |||||||
4 | Ryan Brodeur | So | Elsinore | 17:20 | 5:47 | |||||||
5 | Ryan Dalzell | So | Royal | 17:30 | 5:50 | |||||||
6 | Hudson Sauder | So | Granada | 17:36 | 5:52 | 1/7 | 11/30 | 6/14 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | |||
7 | Jesse Ocompo | So | Elsinore | 17:40 | 5:53 | |||||||
8 | Leo Swartzburg | So | The Agoura Milers | 18:01 | 6:00 | |||||||
9 | Luther Hart | So | Granada | 18:07 | 6:02 | 2/7 | 15/30 | 2/13 | ||||
10 | Dheeraj Gurusamy | So | Granada | 18:08 | 6:03 | 3/7 | 17/30 | 1/7 | ||||
11 | Asher Frizzell | So | Royal | 18:15 | 6:05 | |||||||
12 | Isaac Mims | So | Ronald W. Reagan | 18:16 | 6:05 | |||||||
13 | Jacob Shain | So | The Agoura Milers | 18:51 | 6:17 | |||||||
14 | Shepard Watkinson | So | Westlake | 18:54 | 6:18 | |||||||
15 | Luke Jones | So | Westlake | 18:57 | 6:19 | |||||||
16 | Tanner Castanha | Woodbridge | 18:59 | 6:20 | ||||||||
17 | Sebastian Bray | So | El Modena | 19:00 | 6:20 | |||||||
18 | Ian Sheinis | So | Granada | 19:01 | 6:20 | 4/7 | 21/30 | 1/5 | ||||
19 | Rio Matsuoka | Woodbridge | 19:03 | 6:21 | ||||||||
20 | Ryan Dehaas | Woodbridge | 19:09 | 6:23 | ||||||||
21 | Mason Ambrosio | So | The Agoura Milers | 19:10 | 6:23 | |||||||
22 | Francisco Mendoza | So | Ontario | 19:25 | 6:28 | |||||||
23 | Anthony Hurtado | So | Westlake | 19:37 | 6:32 | |||||||
24 | Charles Galyon | So | Ronald W. Reagan | 19:38 | 6:33 | |||||||
25 | Ryan Jacobson | So | Westlake | 19:40 | 6:33 | |||||||
26 | Jackson Ellis | Woodbridge | 19:44 | 6:35 | ||||||||
27 | Matthew Garcia | Woodbridge | 19:44 | 6:35 | ||||||||
28 | Roman Walker | So | Westlake | 19:55 | 6:38 | |||||||
29 | Luke Leblanc | Woodbridge | 19:59 | 6:40 | ||||||||
30 | Daniel Ko | So | Northwood | 20:00 | 6:40 | |||||||
31 | Elijah Kapur | Beckman | 20:02 | 6:41 | ||||||||
32 | Roman Mendoza | So | Patriot | 20:06 | 6:42 | |||||||
33 | Jongmin Hwang | Beckman | 20:09 | 6:43 | ||||||||
34 | Michael Rittmaster | So | Westlake | 20:12 | 6:44 | |||||||
35 | Ethan Huang | So | Woodbridge | 20:16 | 6:45 | |||||||
36 | Farhaan Safi | So | Northwood | 20:17 | 6:46 | |||||||
37 | Eddie Morales | So | Westlake | 20:47 | 6:56 | |||||||
38 | Jason Moniz Armstrong | So | Granada | 21:01 | 7:00 | 5/7 | 26/30 | 3/5 | ||||
39 | Walter Wilson | The Agoura Milers | 21:05 | 7:02 | ||||||||
40 | Charles Victorio | Woodbridge | 21:08 | 7:03 | ||||||||
41 | Hunter Bott | Woodbridge | 21:09 | 7:03 | ||||||||
42 | Ryan Moder | So | Royal | 21:23 | 7:08 | |||||||
43 | Ethan Espinoza | So | El Modena | 21:46 | 7:15 | |||||||
44 | Dylan Correa | So | Patriot | 21:52 | 7:17 | |||||||
45 | Bryan Cruz | So | Patriot | 22:27 | 7:29 | |||||||
46 | Gabriel Zamora Velzqu | So | Patriot | 22:28 | 7:29 | |||||||
47 | Stefano Matteucci | So | Granada | 22:37 | 7:32 | 6/7 | 29/30 | 3/3 | ||||
48 | Jaiby Sidhu | So | Granada | 22:38 | 7:33 | 7/7 | 30/30 | 3/3 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | |||
49 | Marcus Nortey | So | Westlake | 22:43 | 7:34 | |||||||
50 | Miguel Beltran | So | Ontario | 22:45 | 7:35 | |||||||
51 | Tyler Couch | The Agoura Milers | 23:12 | 7:44 | ||||||||
52 | Michael Freda | So | Westlake | 23:18 | 7:46 | |||||||
53 | Angel Alcala | So | Patriot | 23:44 | 7:55 | |||||||
54 | Ryan Duncan | Woodbridge | 23:48 | 7:56 | ||||||||
55 | Nathan Hong | Woodbridge | 23:49 | 7:56 | ||||||||
56 | Todd Tran | So | Northwood | 24:30 | 8:10 | |||||||
57 | Kai Jandial | So | Westlake | 26:02 | 8:41 | |||||||
58 | Henry Yu | So | Redlands East Valley | 27:59 | 9:20 | |||||||
59 | Alexander Marquis | So | Redlands East Valley | 33:31 | 11:10 | |||||||
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new PR
- PG = Beat personal goal
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Team Race Results - Boys So
Group of 5: So 1st 5
Pl | School |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | Granada 3-1-1-1-1 Gap: 3:25 |
93:53 18:47 6:16 |
48 | Hudson Sauder So 17:36 5:52 3 |
Luther Hart So 18:07 6:02 5 |
Dheeraj Gurusamy So 18:08 6:03 6 |
Ian Sheinis So 19:01 6:20 11 |
Jason Moniz Armstrong So 21:01 7:00 23 |
Stefano Matteucci So 22:37 7:32 28 |
Jaiby Sidhu So 22:38 7:33 29 |
2 | Westlake 1-2-2-2-2 Gap: 2:48 |
94:00 18:48 6:16 |
49 | Carter Cox So 16:52 5:37 1 |
Shepard Watkinson So 18:54 6:18 8 |
Luke Jones So 18:57 6:19 9 |
Anthony Hurtado So 19:37 6:32 15 |
Ryan Jacobson So 19:40 6:33 16 |
Roman Walker So 19:55 6:38 19 |
Michael Rittmaster So 20:12 6:44 22 |
3 | Woodbridge 2-4-3-3-3 Gap: 2:31 |
94:08 18:50 6:17 |
54 | Hudson Lee So 17:13 5:44 2 |
Tanner Castanha - 18:59 6:20 10 |
Rio Matsuoka - 19:03 6:21 12 |
Ryan Dehaas - 19:09 6:23 13 |
Jackson Ellis - 19:44 6:35 17 |
Matthew Garcia - 19:44 6:35 18 |
Luke Leblanc - 19:59 6:40 20 |
4 | The Agoura Milers 4-3-4-4-4 Gap: 5:11 |
100:19 20:04 6:41 |
79 | Leo Swartzburg So 18:01 6:00 4 |
Jacob Shain So 18:51 6:17 7 |
Mason Ambrosio So 19:10 6:23 14 |
Walter Wilson - 21:05 7:02 24 |
Tyler Couch - 23:12 7:44 30 |
5 | Patriot 5-5-5-5-5 Gap: 3:38 |
110:37 22:07 7:22 |
130 | Roman Mendoza So 20:06 6:42 21 |
Dylan Correa So 21:52 7:17 25 |
Bryan Cruz So 22:27 7:29 26 |
Gabriel Zamora Velzqu So 22:28 7:29 27 |
Angel Alcala So 23:44 7:55 31 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
- The sequence of numbers (e.g. 3-3-4-2-1) in the School column refers to the team's place in the race after each runner finished. It indicates the strength of the team by position.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete broke the tie with a competitor resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners AND broke a tie resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Individual Race Results - Boys Jr
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
1 | Joey Loveless | Billings West High School | 16:09 | 5:23 | ||||||||
2 | Cooper Davis | Jr | El Modena | 16:52 | 5:37 | |||||||
3 | Howard Chu | Jr | Northwood | 16:54 | 5:38 | |||||||
4 | Grant De Leon | Jr | Royal | 17:15 | 5:45 | |||||||
5 | Victor Stewart | Jr | Ronald W. Reagan | 17:26 | 5:49 | |||||||
6 | Dylan Sells | Jr | Ronald W. Reagan | 17:49 | 5:56 | |||||||
7 | Dallin Kump | Jr | Ronald W. Reagan | 18:06 | 6:02 | |||||||
8 | Samuel Costello | Jr | Granada | 18:08 | 6:03 | 1/2 | 17/30 | 6/11 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | |||
9 | Jason Berry | Jr | Northwood | 18:54 | 6:18 | |||||||
10 | Drew Levy | The Agoura Milers | 18:59 | 6:20 | ||||||||
11 | Arnav Reddy | Beckman | 18:59 | 6:20 | ||||||||
12 | Antonio Galisteo | Jr | Northwood | 19:35 | 6:32 | |||||||
13 | Rahul Lal | Jr | St John's | 19:42 | 6:34 | |||||||
14 | Alex Witten | Jr | The Agoura Milers | 20:08 | 6:43 | |||||||
15 | Pranav Das | Woodbridge | 20:16 | 6:45 | ||||||||
16 | Johny Manolopoulos | Jr | Granada | 20:21 | 6:47 | 2/2 | 25/30 | 4/6 | ||||
17 | Ian Skrinde | Jr | Unattached-909 | 20:22 | 6:47 | |||||||
18 | Alexander Conn | Jr | The Agoura Milers | 20:35 | 6:52 | |||||||
19 | Sam Roberts | The Agoura Milers | 20:41 | 6:54 | ||||||||
20 | Yoshihiro Yamamoto | Woodbridge | 21:18 | 7:06 | ||||||||
21 | Jacob Palacios | Jr | El Modena | 21:47 | 7:16 | |||||||
22 | Ashwath Seshan | The Agoura Milers | 22:00 | 7:20 | ||||||||
23 | Max Reines | The Agoura Milers | 22:22 | 7:27 | ||||||||
24 | David Lee | Woodbridge | 24:10 | 8:03 | ||||||||
26 | Alden Zeng | Jr | Northwood | 24:36 | 8:12 | |||||||
27 | Alinur Isakov | Woodbridge | 24:45 | 8:15 | ||||||||
28 | Bryce Watanabe | Woodbridge | 24:50 | 8:17 | ||||||||
29 | Justin Lee | Jr | Northwood | 25:25 | 8:28 | |||||||
30 | Brandon Pham | Woodbridge | 26:48 | 8:56 | ||||||||
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new PR
- PG = Beat personal goal
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Individual Race Results - Boys Fr
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
1 | Devin Pang | Fr | Iolani | 16:36 | 5:32 | |||||||
2 | Devin Bening | The Agoura Milers | 17:22 | 5:47 | ||||||||
3 | Tyson Carew | Fr | The Agoura Milers | 17:23 | 5:48 | |||||||
4 | Eshaan Singh | Fr | Granada | 17:36 | 5:52 | 1/10 | 11/30 | 3/14 | ||||
5 | Aiden Yohn | Woodbridge | 17:39 | 5:53 | ||||||||
6 | Jacob Shin | Fr | Granada | 17:52 | 5:57 | 2/10 | 13/30 | 2/9 | ||||
7 | Aleksander Schade | Fr | Granada | 17:54 | 5:58 | 3/10 | 14/30 | 1/7 | ||||
8 | Abreham Mcgrath | Fr | The Agoura Milers | 18:14 | 6:05 | |||||||
9 | Adrian Cuevas Gomez | Fr | Granada | 18:19 | 6:06 | 4/10 | 19/30 | 1/7 | ||||
10 | Ryan Willems | Fr | University City | 18:20 | 6:07 | |||||||
11 | Samuel Bado | Fr | Royal | 18:33 | 6:11 | |||||||
12 | Darrick Jacob | Fr | The Agoura Milers | 18:37 | 6:12 | |||||||
13 | Braeden Corliss | Fr | Granada | 18:50 | 6:17 | 5/10 | 20/30 | 1/7 | ||||
14 | Gabriel Conn | Fr | The Agoura Milers | 18:53 | 6:18 | |||||||
15 | Jack Litton | Fr | St John's | 19:06 | 6:22 | |||||||
16 | Maxwell Morgan | Fr | The Agoura Milers | 19:06 | 6:22 | |||||||
17 | Nathanael Ridosko | Fr | Granada | 19:12 | 6:24 | 6/10 | 22/30 | 2/7 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | |||
18 | Erik Bromley | Fr | Granada | 19:15 | 6:25 | 7/10 | 23/30 | 1/5 | ||||
19 | Jonathan Sandoval | Woodbridge | 19:19 | 6:26 | ||||||||
20 | Caden Hicks | Fr | University City | 19:19 | 6:26 | |||||||
21 | Tyler Pollock | Fr | St John's | 19:22 | 6:27 | |||||||
22 | Nathan Porter | Fr | Westlake | 19:37 | 6:32 | |||||||
23 | John Mccomb | The Agoura Milers | 19:50 | 6:37 | ||||||||
24 | Marco Zavala | Beckman | 20:02 | 6:41 | ||||||||
25 | Victor Rangel | The Agoura Milers | 20:03 | 6:41 | ||||||||
26 | Dean Kido | Fr | Northwood | 20:03 | 6:41 | |||||||
27 | Alexandre Gingras | Fr | Unattached-751 | 20:06 | 6:42 | |||||||
28 | Blake Farmer | Fr | Ronald W. Reagan | 20:15 | 6:45 | |||||||
29 | Gabriel Nellis Torres | Fr | Granada | 20:20 | 6:47 | 8/10 | 24/30 | 2/4 | ||||
30 | Anthony Locascio | Fr | Westlake | 20:31 | 6:50 | |||||||
31 | Sidney Martel | The Agoura Milers | 20:36 | 6:52 | ||||||||
32 | Finnley Luis | The Agoura Milers | 20:43 | 6:54 | ||||||||
33 | Benjamin Francis | Fr | Westlake | 20:43 | 6:54 | |||||||
34 | Gunner Peterson | Fr | Westlake | 21:00 | 7:00 | |||||||
35 | Sam Shakiba | Woodbridge | 21:09 | 7:03 | ||||||||
36 | Casey Morgan | Woodbridge | 21:10 | 7:03 | ||||||||
37 | Jacob McLaughlin | Fr | Granada | 21:10 | 7:03 | 9/10 | 27/30 | 2/4 | You ROCK! Go MATS! (SBP) | |||
38 | Garrett Morr | Fr | Westlake | 21:19 | 7:06 | |||||||
39 | Michael Ramos | Fr | Northwood | 21:25 | 7:08 | |||||||
40 | Ethan Lee | Beckman | 21:28 | 7:09 | ||||||||
41 | Abraham Garcia | Fr | Granada | 21:32 | 7:11 | 10/10 | 28/30 | 2/4 | ||||
42 | Izek Barajas | Beckman | 21:40 | 7:13 | ||||||||
43 | Han Yang-lin | Woodbridge | 22:03 | 7:21 | ||||||||
44 | Lucas Hamburger | Beckman | 22:20 | 7:27 | ||||||||
45 | Gobind Singh | Beckman | 22:21 | 7:27 | ||||||||
46 | Raymond Villanueva | Fr | Patriot | 22:58 | 7:39 | |||||||
47 | Spencer Morga | Fr | Westlake | 23:06 | 7:42 | |||||||
48 | Muhanad Hilal | Fr | Northwood | 23:11 | 7:44 | |||||||
49 | Joshua Moon | Woodbridge | 23:18 | 7:46 | ||||||||
50 | Alan Shi | Fr | Westlake | 23:18 | 7:46 | |||||||
51 | Tanmay Kommalapati | Fr | Northwood | 23:27 | 7:49 | |||||||
52 | Aiden Szocinski | Fr | Westlake | 23:33 | 7:51 | |||||||
53 | Jayden Spurgiasz | Woodbridge | 23:36 | 7:52 | ||||||||
54 | Troy Barrera | Fr | Reed | 23:41 | 7:54 | |||||||
55 | Colin Kim | Woodbridge | 23:45 | 7:55 | ||||||||
56 | Wyatt Engelhorn | Fr | Patriot | 24:22 | 8:07 | |||||||
57 | Seth Sosa | Beckman | 24:52 | 8:17 | ||||||||
58 | Riley Gervais | Fr | Patriot | 24:54 | 8:18 | |||||||
59 | Skyland Kanthatham | Woodbridge | 25:01 | 8:20 | ||||||||
60 | Ethan Lin | Fr | Northwood | 25:14 | 8:25 | |||||||
61 | Taketo Sato | Woodbridge | 25:48 | 8:36 | ||||||||
62 | Philip Joh | Fr | Westlake | 26:03 | 8:41 | |||||||
63 | Shayden Gallardo | Fr | Northwood | 26:06 | 8:42 | |||||||
64 | Kyle Day | The Agoura Milers | 26:21 | 8:47 | ||||||||
65 | Kenneth Kamikawa | Fr | Northwood | 26:22 | 8:47 | |||||||
66 | Mason Vallens | Fr | Westlake | 26:32 | 8:51 | |||||||
67 | Michael Warren | Fr | Westlake | 26:39 | 8:53 | |||||||
68 | Hayden Robert | Fr | Westlake | 26:54 | 8:58 | |||||||
69 | Matthew Loftis | Woodbridge | 27:20 | 9:07 | ||||||||
70 | Nathan Botsai | Fr | Westlake | 27:22 | 9:07 | |||||||
71 | Anthony Vargas | Fr | Patriot | 27:31 | 9:10 | |||||||
72 | Simon Levin | Fr | Westlake | 28:06 | 9:22 | |||||||
73 | Jake Fransen | Woodbridge | 28:49 | 9:36 | ||||||||
74 | William Shevelev | Woodbridge | 29:38 | 9:53 | ||||||||
75 | Ethan Angeleri | Fr | Patriot | 29:53 | 9:58 | |||||||
76 | Asher Fisher | Fr | Patriot | 31:34 | 10:31 | |||||||
Pl | Name | Gr | School | Time | Pace | Rank in Squad | Rank in School | Rank vs Comp | Last Year Time (Δ) |
Last Race Time (Δ) |
Last PR (Δ) |
Imp |
Under Improvement, the abbreviations are:
- LY = Beat time from the same course a year ago
- LR = Beat time from the most recent running of the course
- PR = Set a new PR
- PG = Beat personal goal
- SBP = Best performance of season based on position of finish relative to the field.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
Full Team Race Results - Boys Fr
Group of 5: Fr 1st 5
Pl | School |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | The Agoura Milers 1-1-1-1-1 Gap: 1:31 |
90:29 18:06 6:02 |
30 | Devin Bening - 17:22 5:47 1 |
Tyson Carew Fr 17:23 5:48 2 |
Abreham Mcgrath Fr 18:14 6:05 7 |
Darrick Jacob Fr 18:37 6:12 9 |
Gabriel Conn Fr 18:53 6:18 11 |
Maxwell Morgan Fr 19:06 6:22 12 |
John Mccomb - 19:50 6:37 17 |
2 | Granada 2-2-2-2-2 Gap: 1:14 |
90:31 18:06 6:02 |
32 | Eshaan Singh Fr 17:36 5:52 3 |
Jacob Shin Fr 17:52 5:57 5 |
Aleksander Schade Fr 17:54 5:58 6 |
Adrian Cuevas Gomez Fr 18:19 6:06 8 |
Braeden Corliss Fr 18:50 6:17 10 |
Nathanael Ridosko Fr 19:12 6:24 13 |
Erik Bromley Fr 19:15 6:25 14 |
3 | Woodbridge 3-3-3-3-3 Gap: 4:24 |
101:20 20:16 6:45 |
95 | Aiden Yohn - 17:39 5:53 4 |
Jonathan Sandoval - 19:19 6:26 15 |
Sam Shakiba - 21:09 7:03 23 |
Casey Morgan - 21:10 7:03 24 |
Han Yang-lin - 22:03 7:21 29 |
Joshua Moon - 23:18 7:46 35 |
Jayden Spurgiasz - 23:36 7:52 38 |
4 | Westlake 4-4-4-4-4 Gap: 1:42 |
103:10 20:38 6:53 |
104 | Nathan Porter Fr 19:37 6:32 16 |
Anthony Locascio Fr 20:31 6:50 20 |
Benjamin Francis Fr 20:43 6:54 21 |
Gunner Peterson Fr 21:00 7:00 22 |
Garrett Morr Fr 21:19 7:06 25 |
Spencer Morga Fr 23:06 7:42 33 |
Alan Shi Fr 23:18 7:46 36 |
5 | Beckman 5-5-5-5-5 Gap: 2:19 |
107:51 21:34 7:11 |
134 | Marco Zavala - 20:02 6:41 18 |
Ethan Lee - 21:28 7:09 27 |
Izek Barajas - 21:40 7:13 28 |
Lucas Hamburger - 22:20 7:27 30 |
Gobind Singh - 22:21 7:27 31 |
Seth Sosa - 24:52 8:17 40 |
6 | Northwood 6-5-6-6-6 Gap: 5:11 |
113:20 22:40 7:33 |
158 | Dean Kido Fr 20:03 6:41 19 |
Michael Ramos Fr 21:25 7:08 26 |
Muhanad Hilal Fr 23:11 7:44 34 |
Tanmay Kommalapati Fr 23:27 7:49 37 |
Ethan Lin Fr 25:14 8:25 42 |
Shayden Gallardo Fr 26:06 8:42 43 |
Kenneth Kamikawa Fr 26:22 8:47 44 |
7 | Patriot 7-7-7-7-7 Gap: 6:55 |
129:38 25:56 8:39 |
203 | Raymond Villanueva Fr 22:58 7:39 32 |
Wyatt Engelhorn Fr 24:22 8:07 39 |
Riley Gervais Fr 24:54 8:18 41 |
Anthony Vargas Fr 27:31 9:10 45 |
Ethan Angeleri Fr 29:53 9:58 46 |
Asher Fisher Fr 31:34 10:31 47 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
Group of 5: Fr 2nd 5
Pl | School |
Total Time |
Pts | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
1 | The Agoura Milers 1-1-1-1-1 Gap: 1:37 |
100:18 20:04 6:41 |
25 | Maxwell Morgan Fr 19:06 6:22 1 |
John Mccomb - 19:50 6:37 4 |
Victor Rangel - 20:03 6:41 5 |
Sidney Martel - 20:36 6:52 7 |
Finnley Luis - 20:43 6:54 8 |
Kyle Day - 26:21 8:47 20 |
2 | Granada 2-1-2-2-2 Gap: 2:20 |
101:29 20:18 6:46 |
30 | Nathanael Ridosko Fr 19:12 6:24 2 |
Erik Bromley Fr 19:15 6:25 3 |
Gabriel Nellis Torres Fr 20:20 6:47 6 |
Jacob McLaughlin Fr 21:10 7:03 9 |
Abraham Garcia Fr 21:32 7:11 10 |
3 | Westlake 3-3-3-3-3 Gap: 3:26 |
122:32 24:30 8:10 |
78 | Spencer Morga Fr 23:06 7:42 11 |
Alan Shi Fr 23:18 7:46 13 |
Aiden Szocinski Fr 23:33 7:51 14 |
Philip Joh Fr 26:03 8:41 19 |
Mason Vallens Fr 26:32 8:51 21 |
Michael Warren Fr 26:39 8:53 22 |
Hayden Robert Fr 26:54 8:58 23 |
3 | Woodbridge 4-4-4-4-3 Gap: 2:30 |
121:28 24:18 8:06 |
78 | Joshua Moon - 23:18 7:46 12 |
Jayden Spurgiasz - 23:36 7:52 15 |
Colin Kim - 23:45 7:55 16 |
Skyland Kanthatham - 25:01 8:20 17 |
Taketo Sato - 25:48 8:36 18 |
Matthew Loftis - 27:20 9:07 24 |
Jake Fransen - 28:49 9:36 25 |
Pl | School | Total Time |
Points | Runr 1 | Runr 2 | Runr 3 | Runr 4 | Runr 5 | Runr 6 | Runr 7 |
- The sequence of numbers (e.g. 3-3-4-2-1) in the School column refers to the team's place in the race after each runner finished. It indicates the strength of the team by position.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete broke the tie with a competitor resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
- If shaded in this color, this athlete displaced a competitor's scoring runners AND broke a tie resulting in his/her team finishing ahead of that competitor.
All columns are sortable by clicking on the column heading.
All Boys Races
26 races + combined.
All Girls Races
22 races + combined.